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PROSPECT PARK's AMC & OLTL: Who would you chose as HW?

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Agreed. I think a proven great writer from another medium with an interest in soaps is a wonderful way to go. Then you provide him or her with a second hand who has worked on a soap writing staff and who will assist the newbie HW when it comes to the breakdown of the soap writing process.

I would also hire an AMC/OLTL dramaturge (serving both shows for cost cutting purposes). This would be a person who watched both shows for many years (reading up on the years he or she missed), not only as a fan but as a "scholar" of sorts. Ideally, this person would have a degree in dramaturgy, theatre history, creative writing, or some other theatre/film/TV-related degree. This person would assist the HWs and EPs by not necesssarily pitching storylines but by helping them have a better grasp of the history and trajectories of their shows, their wealth of characters, what has and has not been done, what's aching to be done, what's to be avoided or fixed, what hurt the show in the past, what contributed to its best and brightest years.

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Melissa Salmons' strength is really with scriptwriting, I'd hate to see any show lose her fantastic scripts. I'd like to see Sri Rao take over either show. For AMC, I'd like to see someone from the 80s, someone who was there when the show still was what it was MEANT to be and understands the TRUE character of the show, not the McTavish mutation from the early 90s onward.

OLTL I'm really not sure. The show would benefit from someone who doesn't have a fixation on lazy plot devices of old (End the DID obsession NOW!), and wants to explore the potential for real diversity that Llanview historically offers them.

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Absolutely not. I think your OLTL might be a hoot to watch for the right reasons. (I don't mind humor and camp. I just want it to be done intelligently.)

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I don't know of the mention of K.o.l.a. B.o.o.f. was a joke, but I think she's a great writer and I've noticed she has a deep knowledge of the soaps. I also enjoyed what little we know she was responsible for on Y&R. I also think she would've been more interesting as HW of DAYS than anybody they've had since JER. I picture the show being traditional, but very over the top and emotional as well. Another thing I like about her writing is that she can tailor it for different projects. Even when speaking about soaps on Twitter she seems to know what works for each one, not just putting her style on any of them. I could see her turning OLTL into a dynamite show. AMC as well.

Of course she'd never be chosen, but she's a damn good writer. Read any of her books and you'll see that.

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i hope PP makes a deal with WGA. I have nothing aganist Fi-Core writers. Some are really good. Its just that if they have a WGA deal, it opens PP up to more options. In the end, I want the best writer for both soaps.

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I actually liked RC's stint on AMC. He just wasn't given the chance to follow through, and given how much crap he had to clean up before his stories were allowed to take, I'd love to see his version. Plus, both understand how to pace the shows (breakdown), and really make the words shine (dialogue).

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Were the Culliton's the ones who created Port Charles? If so, then hell no. I've been wanting to see Port Charles early years, so I bought the first four or five months and the show is like watching paint dry. I'm eagerly waiting the arrival of Lynn Marie Latham in hope that it gets interesting soon.

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