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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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I remember watching back then and thinking they were totally going to make Gia and Sonny siblings and then they just dropped it. I guess it doesn't matter as Gia and Courtney haven't been factors on GH for years. Although MR's Gia is 10000000000 times more likeable than Courtney on her best day and a much better Nik love interest.

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I have to say that the more I watch GH the bigger fan I become of Kelly Sullivan. Connie is way OTT, but I think Kelly is quite talented. It's too bad that Kate is such a bore and Connie is so ridiculous. If they can successfully integrate the two I think we could have a decent character on our hands. They're going to have to adjust her a bit because Kelly plays it a bit too trashy to be as elegant as Kate was under MW, but she also less like she has a stick up her ass.

Also, anybody up on the NLG vs. Jack Wagner stuff on Twitter?

Nancy said:


Nancy Lee Grahn @NancyLeeGrahn

Does anyone else think Bon Jovi looks like a less drunk Jack Wagner?

Jack responded:


Jack Wagner ‏@JackWagnerhpk
Morning, FYI I don't think the Nancy Grahn tweet was at all appropriate. I will address it w her if n when I see her again. Lv 2 u all

Jack Wagner ‏@JackWagnerhpk
Just wanted 2 make clear wy I retweeted Nancy's tweet. So many people myself included work very hard @ their recovery. I support all of them
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Finally caught up and, well...

  1. I'm glad you all warned me about that hen clucking at my AJ because I was prepared for her bullshit. It's too bad that my AJ is in the process of becoming a better person because I would totally give him a pass if he told her to sit down and shut the fvck up. This Ann-as-the-Nose-on-Plain's-Face heifer had some damn nerve getting up in my AJ's face about him being a terrible person, considering that her thirsty ass has been caping for Sonny for ages even though he hasn't given her the time of day since they conceived Krustina.
  2. I could get with AJ/Konnie being platonic friends who rag on folks IF Ron doesn't come up with the brilliant idea to make them a redux of Nash/Tessica/Antonio or a redux of AJ and the godawful Slagbeast. Perhaps it's because SK sparks with everyone he comes in contact with onscreen, but he's the first person that Konnie truly has chemistry with. It's been a while since we've had a male/female platonic relationship and if scenes like the one I saw are any indication - minus that ending of her kissing him to make Sonny jealous, I'd like to see that explored with my AJ/Konnie.
  3. Goddess Lucy continues to own my heart. Can't wait to see her interact with ME, KM, and JL over the next week or two.
  4. The less I say about the fuckery that was the Cole and Hope reveal (and Todd's jailhouse chant), the better. I do, however, demand that Ron give me more scenes of Todd/McBain sparring. Just like SK, RH gives all his screen partners life onscreen

IMO, shitty writing and poor characterization with a new character happened, though I can't imagine that being saddled with the roided goiter helped matters.

Oh, it pissed me off as well (being a fan of Zander's), but I don't think that she's any different than some of the pre-destined heroines of the 2000s that never were punished for their trifling deeds.

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No not surprised which is why I said she needs to get off Twitter. She keeps making comments which one may see as inappropriate or offensive and she doesn't seem to have the filter to realize that before she posts. Her twitter account is going her mo favors

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