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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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There's no such thing as a legacy character, IMO, but I agree Steve shouldn't be killed off, especially since no soap death now has any impact, unless the actor has also passed away. I have no desire to see LLC stinking up the joint (she used to be able to act, a long time ago).

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I'd like them to just send him away because I think Steven Lars still has a lot of potential as a character, but I can see why they'd think Scott Reeves is so awful that they have to kill him and end it. There's other guys like that you can bring back - Tom Hardy, for example, or his ex-wife and son.

It's not as egregious as when OLTL offed Duke Buchanan because Frons's wife wanted a non-actor about 15 years too old from American Idol in the role.

I think LLC is a delight as Psychic Olivia. I could watch her forever.

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What is up with Kristina so desperate to pull the plug? She acts as if he has been in the state for months or years, and histronics after (a day?) and trying to unplug the machines herself was a little over the top.

UGH I hope Connie/AJ doesn't last past Monday. I can deal with him having to be in Sonny's orbit because of the Michael history, but I don't want them sharing women.

I hope the Courtney mention was just that, a mention. ph34r.png

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Yeah, Krissy is a bit eager, but it might not be so bad if not for the poor execution. I'm not seeing a young woman in agony here. I see a performer trying to play someone in agony, so all we can focus on is this chick's premature insistence that they disconnect LS. Dude is not even suffering. I'm suffering!

Connie, too many characters wasted on her, and her confrontation with Carly at TFR was awful! The novelty wore off so long ago, and she needs to go!

Courtney didn't bother me, but I didn't watch that much when she was on, so that could be it. However, she was not integral to the show and, from what I saw, interacted very little with Sonny or Mike. Why would she be needed? Now, if they want Coleman to talk about her some more, I am cool with that because I love watching him.

Let me add that I'm sure the Dons from the other families probably have a ball laughing at Sonny The Pu$$y! They probably have a popcorn night waiting for his next public humiliation. Let's calculate: Johnny took advantage of his gf and eventually married her (still alive); Diane, his former attorney, talks chit to him all the time publicly (still alive), and now he's doing his own foot work to locate that lunatic gf of his? If MM are out looking for her, call them and tell them where she might be. So not a mob boss but more like the leader of Our Gang! AND DOES THIS MOFO KNOW HE'S BROKE?

Plot point chit only serves to make characters look really bad!

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Why do I have the weird thought that AJ and Connie are going to get married? On OLTL when RC could no longer use Ford as a plot device to keep Tess out he had them annull their marriage offscreen with her revealing she was married to Cutter within a commercial break. With Johnny now in jail and Connie having no leverage over him, I wonder if she is going to get a quickie marriage to the next guy, which looks like it could be AJ, to keep her from getting treatment? I have no idea why he'd do it but Im sure a dumb reason can be made up

everyone else is coming back from the dead, why not Sonny's sister? She can be played by this chick


John will see a picture of Sonny's sister Courtney and realize she's actually "Aubrey Wentworth". Turns out Courtney didn’t die, but was taken by Helena. She tried to escape and was in a car crash that left her amnesiac. She would later meet Cutter, who helped create an identity for her and they ran around Europe as con artists

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