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Y&R: Ex-GH alum joining?


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I just think the character was doomed from the start. Sharon was the 3rd Dawn and there would be one more after her. For a show that rarely recasted characters, it was bizarre that this character kept getting recasted. It was probably better if the character never existed although I'm always up for another Quartermaine.

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I don't care what happens on YR (outside of Tyler naked), but if SB coming to YR in any way shape or form gets MM the hell out of there, I will limit my

Cartini hate to 50% of my posts!

Case is lucky to still be employed and that Jill cares enough about the character to give her another love interest, let alone in the form of a very popular actor. Sharon Collins has left the building and that miserable slut needs to be written out!

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Because Steve Burton is bloated and old and Khalil would look like a child compared to him. Not to mention neither one can act and I'm sure they would lack chemistry. And I also doubt Burton would join this show as a recast of a character who is one four times a month. Cane is irrelevant. I'm also positive JFP will have him make a big splash as his very own character and he will consult on how he should be written for.

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Don't get me started on my Decker and Dawn love. I will never forgive Monty for killing off Dawn and sending Decker away. That woman was a blight on the show during that era.

As for Burton, I doubt anyone is consulting with him on anything. Hell, might not even still be on show in a year's time.

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Indulging Geary's ego by letting him play Bill Eckert and then, proceeding to shove the horrible Eckerts down our throats. I will never the new young nurses calling someone a horndog and Monty boasting in an interview that she was updating the language. Horndog? What decade was she referring to? The only things that she did that I liked was finally getting Robert and Anna together, introducing Mac, and Paul and Jenny's romance. Other than those things, she practically destroyed the show in one year, the ratings already dismal sank like a rock.

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If somehow MM gets the boot, he gets a tweet from me for sure! I don't care where SB goes, but I'd love to see his presence piss MM off. MM has been

shilling Sham for a long time and dares anyone to not like that revolting duo, so I welcome anything or anyone that shows his ass the door. Jill will do it too! She already made a recent good move in the hiring department by upping R Williams to contract. Time for her to get rid of that ego driven POS!

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This new hiring is symptomatic of JFP's modus operandi. You know, a lot of posters I love and respect on here were pleased that Phelps got hired for Y&R, while I was extremely nervous. I still defer to them because I really trust their opinion and respect their viewpoints, but in my limited viewing of the shows that JFP has produced (AW, GH -- I exclude SB because Jill set the template there rather than tried to change it) have always been about Jill's TASTE, what JILL wants. Certainly not about what the viewing audience wants or deserves. Case in point: AW, which became some weird hybrid show with opening credits ripped from ER. Indeed, it became so hybrid-y that it seemed to fall between two stools and stand for nothing in particular. Everything that made AW stand out, different, special, stunning seemed to dissipate. It's very brand identity became mush.

Now when I watch Y&R, I worry that this show, too, will be leeched of its core identity. Not that she will kill the show -- MAB already did that. But those so-called little things (which are actually very big things to me) like sweeping camera shots, swelling background music, film noiresque lighting and fine, flower-filled sets will be jettisoned in favour of "modernism." Because JFP's take on modern right now actually looks very dated, very 90s and kind of boring.

I still hold out hope that Jill will surprise me and turn this show, slowly, steadily around. There are some improvements, definitely. No-one is rooting harder for this lady to succeed than me. But I wish she'd do a bit more research first on what constitutes the Y&R brand before hiring her friends and dumping everything, like only she knows what it means to produce a modern, forward-looking show? Nothing about Y&R right now feels like either of these things particularly, although Angell Conwell on contract is a small step in the right direction.

As for Steve Burton, I don't even hate him as an actor as much as others do. I just worry that this guy is too ABC, too GH for Y&R. Y&R should not have to bend just to accommodate his acting style or his attempts at an Emmy reel. If he comes on as a mob assassin, I swear I will have a fit. I am willing to accept him if he's willing to challenge himself by taking another role and working hard at it. If it means MM's nose is put out of joint than so much the better (even though I think Shadam are one of the few couples on this show to actually generate chemistry, wrong as that is).

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