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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I like Alicia tremendously, and I like Thorsten Kaye, but dear God, I am so over "Zen." I hope if AM does join that TPTB have something planned that doesn't involve a continuation of the last few years of their messed up relationship.

Frankly, I feel the same way about Dixie and Tad. I'd love to see Michael E Knight on AMC, but I have no desire to watch yet another repeat of the Tad/Dixie get together, fight, break up, someone dies saga.

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I want Dixie on AMC, not Tad, but unfortunately the Dixie I'd want to see is something I don't know if AMC could manage. I would want to see some PTSD type stuff (not the Nell story at the end of AMC). Marlene McPherson wrote a story like that at the start of her DAYS run, although it didn't last long.

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I don't have much interest in Tad and Dixie driving story as a couple. I think you can have as the Joe to her Ruth, but as a young, hip Joe and Ruth. And put Cady on a contract and let her have the lion's share of their story.

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I was thinking that if if SuLu can't make it they could still have Erica "In Spirit". Meaning they could do something along the lines of opening a new business and having that as a central focus (for the Erica people). Kendall and Bianca could act as executives, Jackson could work for the legal side of of the company, and Opal could act as a PR manager. That would also leave returns for Erica/Susan to return to the series full time in the future.

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I never cared for Zzzendull as a couple so I'm hoping Griffin's presence means he'll be involved with Kendall eventually.

I also want Tad & Dixie to fall into the roles Joe & Ruth had. They don't need frontburner stories anymore, but they should be there to give advice to the younger characters.

Great idea!

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The easiest "out" for Erica is to simply say that she's in Hollywood working in a partnership with Kit Sterling, producing films beyond the Erica Kane one. It gives her the excuse to come back to Pine Valley for visits, and if Susan has a few weeks or a few months she can devote to the show, Erica can be in town in between film projects.

I don't care about ever seeing Fusion again. I'm fine with Kendall having something else to do and Greenlee running Fusion off camera. I'd love to see Bianca developed into a philanthropist and executive with a bit of an edge to her. I don't personally want Jack back on the show unless he's going to be apart from Erica or unless someone, somewhere has a decent storyline for them that doesn't involve their repeated saga of get together, fight, break up. In 20+ years, no writer managed to write them as a couple who could be together long-term, so I don't have a lot of faith in MMcP being able to do it either. I'm fine with Jack having moved away or him being with Krystal off-screen.

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Soaps In Depth is hearing from multiple sources that Cady McClain is set to reprise her role of Dixie in the new online reboot of ALL MY CHILDREN. Unfortunately, Prospect Park is not confirming this news yet, but given how small the current announced AMC cast list is, we're expecting them to reveal another batch of actors who have signed on very soon! We'll let you know as soon as anything is confirmed!


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A casting call went out for the following roles for the AMC reboot: The contract role of Grace, who is described as a blonde, driven, sexy, Caucasian girl in her early 20s, and the recurring roles of Hunter, a handsome, confident bad boy, Caucasian, 16 to 18-years old and Heather, a beautiful 18-year-old Caucasian queen bee.


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