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Keeping Up With the Kardashians


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They all look awkward and porky in that screenshoot. Even the skinny Jenner ones. However, for the most part, they look good in the promo. Khloe looks phenomenal, though in the screenshoot she looks stumpy in that awful onesie.


I also love the music.

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I've just become addicted again to this show. It's so perfectly crafted and scripted. I just can't bring myself to hate those Kardashians (well, maybe Kris gets on my nerves a lot) but still. The show has taken the place soap operas used to have in my life. Guilty pleasure, as Cat put it. It bothers me Rob is not around, and they act like he doesn't even exist. I loved Rob. And he was so easy on the eyes.

What about Kris and her new beau? Talk about zero chemistry.

Who's the new guy hanging out with Kim a lot? Is he from E! ? He's like the least attractive person on the show. (sorry, I'm shallow, but this is the KUWTK thread after all)

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The show has been fading for many years.


According to the LA Times, the series peaked in Season 4 in 2010 with 4.8 million viewers while the latest episode had 800,000. NBCUniversal was not going to pay the kind of renewal that they did 3 years ago (less than the reported $100 million, but a substantial sum nonetheless). 


E! has been rudderless for years. When they cancelled E! News this year, after 29 years on the air, I started to wonder what, exactly, E! is meant to be? 

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Yeah, those ratings are terrible and have been for a long time. The show itself has been a snooze for a while, with lots of glam squad filler which I daresay is also bringing down BH. Nevertheless, it was a game changer way back when. Kim was the original Influemcer, but people have been turning against that influencer culture for a while, especially this year.


I have no doubt the Kardashians will survive without E! The question is will E! survive without them? Totally agree that the network has no clue what it wants to be. With the exception of like two other shows on the network, the majority of its reality shows have been one-hit failures, cancelled after a poor first season. The cancellation of E! News was a shock because I actually thought that was one of their better products. It was also their anchor show. Feels like a rebranding and pivot is in the works, but im not sure to what.

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I was honestly entertained by reunion.


Andy was clearly not a fan of the show, (not that he showed any disdain, I just think he didn't watch it weekly for 15 years), but he brought he charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent when asking intriguing questions.  The set was beautiful.  I thought the Kris Humprhey stuff was interesting, including how many of them thought it wouldn't work, and the idea that Kim didn't feel forced by production to get married, but she worried about the public perception of her not getting married. 


I thought the family openly discuss the struggles of who is more or less willing to discuss their lives on the show.  They obviously felt a dynamic between wanting to make good TV, but not being willing to be judged.


I always felt badly for Kim after the Paris robbery, especially remembering her thoughts about how her sisters would be traumatized by seeing her dead.  However, I also really appreciated that she knew from the beginning that she was not interesting enough to carry a show and needed her sisters to help bring in some story.


Kourtney, once again, demonstrated that she has experienced the least amount of emotional maturity amongst her sisters.  She is a woman in her mid 40s, aging in Hollywood, and is still making faces and continuing the same judgements of others that she made in her 20s.  One gets the sense that she has no time or space for self reflection.  Unlike, Khloe who just doesn't seem very bright, Kourtney seems to have made a conscience descision not to develop over time. 

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DListed used to refer to Kourtney as The Slow One, a name that lives rent-free in my mind!


You hit the nail on the head regarding TSO. For someone who claims to be a clean-living, children-first, wellness aficionado, her lack of emotional growth over 15 years is astounding. I would say she has regressed. When she had the Dash store, Kourtney seemed to be level-headed and invested, but when life became easy and boring and lounging around those big, empty mansions, Kourtney's reason for living became Snapchat and harping on the ultra-petty. Even having her kids didn't give her additional maturity.


This reunion is far more interesting than the season which has been a CHORE to get through, testing my desire to be a completist. KUWTK has not ever been the same since Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons and Scott went into a drug-fuelled spiral. After that, the family made a conscious decision to 


(A) wear colour-coordinated greige Yeezy sweats at all times, along with 20 pounds of makeup,

(B ) never leave their McMansions for scenes,

(C ) no more real stuff unless they absolutely have to show it (i.e.: Bruce becomes Caitlyn; tabloids expose Tristan cheating, etc).


Consequently, this show became very dull with lots of filler like made-for-TV pranks on Kris.


The reunion is good because it touches on the stuff PRIOR to that pulling-in-the-drawbridge moment. Like Kim talking about Kris Humphries (and her decision to include the family because she knew she was too dull to carry the show on her own. I admire Kim for owning that. I like how clear-sighted and goals-oriented she always is). That whole Kris Humphries season of Kim and Kourtney Take New York was gripping TV back in the day and remains very watchable.


As far as the other sisters (since Rob clearly does not want to do this), I thought Kylie came across well, mainly because of her decision to pull back from the show. I'm not sure the two Jenner girls are all that interesting, however. Kendall's voice could lull me to sleep. I've always appreciated that Khloe understood the assignment and put her life on main street -- even if she hasn't always come out of that smelling like roses.

Edited by Cat
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