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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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Too true, but when I said 'turning upside down', I meant in terms of aesthetics, lighting it too brightly, ditching the background music we all know completely (as LML, her husband and team did). Funnily enough, it wasn't until Paul Rauch came on board that I started to notice a lot of the dramatic old scores returned.

Though all of that is a part of what makes a show good (or bad). If the writing and storylines are rubbish then it doesn't matter how good it looks (or sounds music-wise). As MAB and her band of clowns proved.

It looks likes my fears for the future are not unfounded.

Well, at least I have Days of Our Lives.... Oh wait...

There's always Hollyoaks... Oh wait...

Eastenders ?... Possibly, let's wait and see...

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The aesthetics will probably get better actually. JFP usually cares very much about the way her shows look, and the directing always gets better on her shows (she's known for sitting in the booth with her directors from time to time).

She isn't known very bright lighting (unlike Rauch). She typically has her shows lit very darkly (maybe even sometimes a bit too dark), which for Y&R, will probably be best.

The music could be worrying a bit, as she loves to work with Dominic Messinger, who is very hit and miss and can be very generic. Though, I don;t expect Jill to revamp music too much, and she'll likely keep the music team in tact.

She's not really known for backstage purges, as I mentioned earlier, she'll likely keep everyone already there and add a few her trusted friends.

I do expect her to be a very hands on producer though (she always it, for better or worse).

Yes, sadly, but for me, the show is past the point of redemption, we might as well just accept it for what it is. It's never going to be the show many of us initially fell in love with/had a respect for.

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I dont want or need Y&R rto go back to the Bill Bell days, wasnt a big fan of his nor do I think the general audience would be interested in that style of writing, that being said I do want Y&R to stop writing stories that totally insult my basic intelligence LOL. The writing sucks, there is no continuety, it's like two sets of writers write the show on alternate days of the week and never meet up. Just last month Avery and Phyllis had a convo where Phyllis stated she paid off Tim Reid, just this past week when Phyllis asdmits to paying of Tim Reid to the cops, Avery acts liek she didnt know and we have Phyllis explaining to her why as if we dont remember the long convo they had about it a month ago LOL! The show isnt writen for charcters or long term story, or basic plots, its just written with high that are supposed to chock (very often they dont shock, they disgust) and lows that have you goin WTF! The cast is way to large imo. Get rid of Chloe, Kevin, Billy (we have Kyle), Jeff. Chelsea, Gloria, Sophia, Heather, and tighten up the core families just for starters LOL!

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RIDICULOUS! I'm willing to bet MAB is sulking at home in bed with a cold compress on her head while being waited on by her staff. She was rotten and cared nothing about YR. She was inexperienced and inept - really bad combination! The fans who think YR traded down are wrong. Not sure how much better YR will be, but at least Jill will put forth the effort, something MAB never did! All she did was hire everyone but Jimmy JJ Walker! Loser needs to get over this quick!

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