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GH: Discussion for the Month of July

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For Christ sake, I really don't give a hot damn on a shingle about any of it. Todd, Blair, Starr, John, Carlivati and Valentini can hop the next steamboat back to Canceled Televisionville. I was just speaking from a story standpoint about how the writers are justifying Todd staying in Llanview without Blair and keeping him sympathetic to the GH audience. I was using McBain as an example of how they did it the WRONG way. That's all.

Fangurlism is obnoxious. So quick to defend shit without paying attention to what's being said.

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Yeah, I didn't see the writing as damning Blair at all. I thought they were very fair to her - surprisingly so for RC - and made it clear this wasn't the end for those two (she's back in the fall, I believe). I was pretty happy with it. And with Roger Howarth's run on GH overall. I never thought he'd fit in this well as Todd on another show, but he gives it a lot of life, and the character is such that he doesn't need a constant love interest (though there is that Sam thing working for me, too). I think the show is a real mess of a lot of bad and a little bit good - and the overall atmosphere and day-to-day writing has gotten much more simple and goofy - but Todd is not among my complaints. Also, Sheriff Anna. You would never have seen this [!@#$%^&*] on GH since at least 1995. A woman is in charge and solving crimes, that's important.

It's a knife's edge with Ron Carlivati. He has lightened up some stuff that deeply needed it, and made massive structural improvements like the Anna angle, but he needs a better staff to class up this joint. OLTL got away with a lot more craziness because of what that show was at core, mercurial and wild. With GH you have to have a finer mixture. Also, a lot of these stories, like Kate, Scully, Trey, etc. are just [!@#$%^&*] awful.

I can't believe the good Morgan is begging for his job back. Sad. Though NGTL he was the one I thought would turn out gay. Sure, if he'll play it, bring him back.

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Cool we are in the same boat as I don't give a damn about them either. You said that had the stuff that was written between Todd/Blair this week not happened than he might have looked like John is and I explained that wouldn't have been the case as the 2 situations are completely different. Todd didn't need these scenes to "free" him up. That was already done months ago when Blair showed up the last time and told him to go to hell. From a writing standpoint they made her come across a lot better this time than when she was yelling at and bashing him to others before
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Starr and Blair made me want to have ice cream today.

I want more Maxie and Emma! Although it won't be with JL much longer sad.png .

I kind of wish Todd had knocked Carly out with that vase.

I'm forever team T&B. Someone help me, please.

Liking the Dante/Lulu stuff more than I thought I would.

My Beautiful Badass British Babe Anna Devane and my Crazy Bitch Heather Webber wub.png .

Ew please no more of Sonny's manboobs wacko.png .

ETA: Anna's cry as she knocked down Heather was totally awesome UCG.

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Anna doesn't even care about Robin now, so I don't know the point of Heather telling her. Bad writing.

If that Morgan wants to come back, someone should tell him to go to a gym and lose any ability to act. That's the "Cartini" way.

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