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GH: triangle in the works

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After being loved passionately by two amazing, yet flawed men, Anna is getting involved with a man who treats women like after thoughts and visits prostitutes. Ick. Just skeevy. Oh well, it gives Finola a regular pay check.

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Tracy has gotten less screen time under this new regime than she did before. And she was written for years under Guza as Lukes other choice but he did write a story for Tracy and Luke. Garin Wolf who I'm no fan of, was actually moving Tracy into a story of her own away from Luke and that story got dropped with the writing change. Since then nothing and now it's back to being Lukes seconds.

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I guess you might not have watched GH for the past 5 years and watched the fantastic relationship Luke and Tracy had which was basically Luke treating Tracy as an afterthought. When they moved her away from that regardless the circumstances I was kind of looking forward to a story she might get but again the new writing team elected to drop that just as Wolf dropped Michael moving into ELQ. I don't care about Luke or any relationship he has. Who I do like is Tracy.

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Tracy actually had her own storyline under GW. I've been very critical of him but one thing he got right was her. She had some good material with ELQ and her The City history with the Soleito stuff. Best of all? It was all about her and had nothing to do with Luke
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Under Guza, Tracy's only role was to mess with Emily and Georgie before he put her with Luke, which was great for a minute. But then Tracy would be absent from the show when TG was on vacation and as Luke got darker and darker (I shouldn't even say that, ITDA with a lot of people that Luke wasn't always a very, very dark character, but post-Skye [really even post-Felicia/Laura 'reunion'], they stopped portraying him as a romantic figure and his relationships with Lucky and Lulu were mostly unsalvageable, which pronounced his darkness), Guza worked hard to express Luke wasn't willingly or, worse, capable of prioritizing Tracy and valuing her to the extent she wanted/he should. It became very sad for Tracy and keeping her exclusively in his orbit was more misogynistic to me than even some of the Sonny/Jason & their ladies stuff. But even though, under Guza, Luke eventually told Tracy he wanted to be with her, not Laura, I don't think the audience was ever intended to actually buy that. Neither was Tracy.

Garin Wolf, who I defend in a similar way to "Days'" Darrell Ray Thomas and Marlene McPherson, was seemingly interested in not just Tracy, but the Qs at large. He got some of it right (Skye's return, incorporating "The City," ELQ) and some of it wrong (not making Michael's involvement more meaningful, overplaying the "a little goes a long way" Anthony & Tracy, etc.), but they were THERE! I didn't agree with how he represented them sometimes, but he was SOOO on the right track. I don't think RC should be blamed for this being dropped; I think some real interference from Phelps or Frons happened at the end of the summer because this whole thing was essentially back-burned to the point that it was basically dropped. But IA that RC has displayed little to no interest in Tracy, but the little we've seen of her, has been dead-on. But JE has always been able transcend bad writing and always sell the content as in-character for Tracy. She's amazing. And IA with her that the Tracy/Lulu relationship has become so central to both of them.

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