Members quartermainefan Posted November 6, 2014 Members Share Posted November 6, 2014 Well, this was a good episode. A Felicity centric episode is something not done before and made or a good show. I wouldn't want to see these often, but once a year sure. The end twist was certainly twisty. I have to think when whatshername came to town two weeks ago she somehow brainwashed Roy into thinking this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted November 6, 2014 Members Share Posted November 6, 2014 LOVED the episode! Not only an abundance of Felicity....not much of continues-to-be-whiny Laurel! I was even surprisingly moved by Charlotte Ross, someone I'm not usually impressed by. I also can't say how much Willa is impressing me with her grown up Thea. I was a little pissed she doesn't seem to want to talk about her brother Tommy, but otherwise, I'm cool with her laying down boundaries with Oliver, even if it seems like she might be setting him up for Malcolm, getting him to move into the loft with her. I'm betting Ra's a Ghoul is pulling some Jedi mind trick on Roy. But that ending was like ....ooooh, [!@#$%^&*]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted November 13, 2014 Members Share Posted November 13, 2014 This episode was decent but not stellar. I like Ted/Wildcat and it would be cool to see him suit up but not sure the show needs so many heroes. I think the show may have messed up a little with the Roy thing. Colton Haynes is not a very emotional actor, and so his anguish and then plea to not be abandoned sort of fell flat. I don't see much difference between remorseful,"I killed Sara" Roy and last year's happy to be around his idol Roy. No idea who Cupid is, but I guess she killed Sara. New photos have emerged of Laurel as Black Canary. i don't think there is any hope she will be killed off anytime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted November 14, 2014 Members Share Posted November 14, 2014 I miss Slade. I'm tired of one-off villains who float in and out of town in an episode. And yeah---we're never getting rid of Laurel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted November 14, 2014 Members Share Posted November 14, 2014 Ever......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted November 20, 2014 Members Share Posted November 20, 2014 I liked tonight's show. I guess the part that most interests me is Ray Palmer because I am a comic geek. There was actually quite a lot of comic easter eggs this episode, including Tatsu, the Japanese wife in the flashbacks. Anyway, Ray is such a too good to be true, fantasy character, but Routh gives him charm and sells it. Felicity is living this Cinderella life here with this perfect guy interested in her able to make any dream come true, but of course Oliver is her true dream. I also am interested in where they go with this ATOM exo-skeleton thing. In the comics he is The Atom, able to shrink to the size of an atom, but I guess that is too fantastical for this series. Perhaps he would have fit more in on FLASH. Great to see Nick Tarabay as Capt Boomerang (another comic villain). Tarabay was one of the best things about Spartacus. Not sure what the deal is with the new DJ, and Diggle and his homespun fortune cookie wisdom really is getting on my nerves. He is a walking sermon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted November 20, 2014 Members Share Posted November 20, 2014 But then Laurel-free episodes feel like manna from heaven.... I don't get a lot from Ray---other than he's a mirror imagine of Ollie, minus the baggage. (you can even see he's probably pretty close to who Ollie might have been had he never gone to the island...) He's too good to be true, and I've got to wonder at the subliminal message of those big gestures on a episode where Ollie deals with a stalker. I gotta admit, I was a little disappointed that the salmon ladder returns---with a guy who barely looks like he can handle it. I FLove Olicity---but I don't know, it just seems off that suddenly Ollie is all angry he isn't with Felicity. Maybe I was too shocked he pulled the fake-out in Unthinkable, maybe I'm not used to Ollie denying his urges when he's screwed what seems like everything in a skirt that ever walked by him. I got two seasons of shy Felicity falling for the hunk she didn't think could land---it would've been nice to see Ollie fall for her. I'm disappointed Malcolm isn't a bigger presence in the first third of the season. And happy-Diggle-wants-everyone-happy-and-settled is a little old. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Becki Posted November 29, 2014 Members Share Posted November 29, 2014 Well, I'm happy to have the once a week bad guys back. I HATED Slade and I still hate Malcolm so I'm glad he isn't around much either. Overall, this season has been kinda meh for me. I LOVE Ted/Wildcat and I hope we see more of him, but that's probably going to mean we see more of Laurel and I could do without that. It has been nice to see Oliver not fall for every whine-y word she says this season. I don't know what to say about Oliver and Felicity. Honestly, I'm not liking Felicity much this season. I feel like the character is too different from what we saw the first two seasons. I get that she's growing as a person and I'm good with that, but there's something that seems off with her and especially her scenes with Oliver (after the season premiere). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted December 4, 2014 Members Share Posted December 4, 2014 The second part of the team up I liked. This episode was the first time I found those two helpers of The Flash not so cutesy and pointless. All in all, I think the crossover worked well, and I don't know if it is possible but the shows should attempt some sort of blended recurring storyline that invites more crossovers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted December 4, 2014 Members Share Posted December 4, 2014 Last night's episode was it's most watched ever. 3.9/1.4 18-49 demo. Biggest demo and second most watched episode of series. I admit, I wasn't as impressed with Arrow's episode as I was with Flash's. Seemed to be a lot of silly banter with the Flashies. It felt like they put a lot of energy into the Flash episode, probably because they expected it struggle a little more than it has. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted December 11, 2014 Members Share Posted December 11, 2014 Great episode. Thea never occurred to me. I loved Felicity's reaction to Ray's big plan. The big finish: great fight scene and I believe Ollie died, but in the comics Ras is immortal and I bet his friend or Nyssa will use Ras' "Lazarus Pit" (where you take Ras when he dies to be born again) and put Ollie in it so he is born again. Cool fight, but of course when Batman had to do this exact same fight against Ras 40 years ago, he beat Ras. Arrow is no Batman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted December 11, 2014 Members Share Posted December 11, 2014 Excellent episode. It proves what a rat bastard Merlyn is, using Thea as leverage against Ollie and protection against the league; Oliver was hit knowing the depth of Merlyn's hold over Thea and Thea's lies to him (honestly, the Ollie/Thea scenes were game changers; not to the level of Ollie finding out Moira's involvement in the Undertaking, but as deeply personal as he decided to question her as The Arrow and then her unleashing her new found skills on him). I especially appreciated the Original Team Arrow feels of the Ollie/Felicity/Digg scenes. The fact he finally admitted his Feels to Felicity and that their kiss was his last thought---sigh, yes, my Olicity heart practically exploded. I don't especially get all the Ra's/League stuff, but I appreciated the fight. I thought Ollie was a little too out of control and flailing during it, but I understand that they needed Ollie to lose this round, so he wins some kind of rematch. Y'know---chicks dig scars. I was fascinated by all of Ollie's. I'd kind of forgotten about them. And I don't recall ever seeing them as extensively as last night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted December 12, 2014 Members Share Posted December 12, 2014 Last night's ratings--- 1.1/3 3.06 million. I think that's still above the season average. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members slick jones Posted February 20, 2015 Members Share Posted February 20, 2015 I'm hoping Thea ends up this season's next big casualty, she's getting on my nerve. She can take Malcolm Merlin with her, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted February 20, 2015 Members Share Posted February 20, 2015 Thea is awesome. Laurel needs to die. There's just no saving that character. The more they try and make her relevant, the more I resent her. I mean, they killed Tommy off for that bitch. It was nice finally getting to see Digg's brother Andy. But I'm annoyed Digg has been demoted to the Arrow Cave during missions. It feels like too many people are in "hero mode" now. Is this Arrow or The Justice League? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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