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Carolyn Hinsey Tweets About OLTL: LIES Or TRUTH?

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Re TG's vacation: I dont see the big deal. They not only cant give him a raise, but he has to take budget cuts. He isnt going to do the same or more work for less money and the show sees him as valuable so they compensate him buy giving him vacation time. If you were him would you "no, thanks. let me come in and work more for less"? I doubt it.

Re CH & Her comments: Its amusing. She like many in the soap press is trying her hardest to keep people interested in what she has to say by stirring the pot and riling up the more crazy fans so that she can stay somewhat relevant, I would assume. She is working in a dying field in a dying genre and is grasping at anything thing she can. Sad.

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He doesn't have to show up for practice. Jackie Gleason was the star of the Honeymooners. He refused to rehearse and would just show up and do it. Even though he doesn't show up every day he has another role to fill and he is doing it here just the same way he shlepped last year to Chicago to do Oprah, and how he will sit down next year for every interview when GH turns 50. No one cares what Steve Burton or Julie Marie Berman have to say about the upheaval in daytime and GH. No one will ask them about their memories when GH turns 50 and it is time to do puff press pieces. They will all want to talk to Tony Geary and he will dutifully promote the show and be the cheerleader.

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Jackie Gleason and Tony Geary is a bit of false equivalency. My remark about the head cheerleader not showing up for practice was an analogy, not meant to be taken literally. I have no idea whether Geary practices or not, nor do I care.

What I do know is that I have come to dislike Geary through the years and these remarks don't make me like him any better.

I've worked with people who get paid more than everybody else and with far greater benefits who lecture the peons about how they should be grateful. I'm not impressed at those people who do that.

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First and foremost, THIS IS NOT HAPPENING. Though I always felt they could have just moved OLTL to LA, and cut OLTL/GH to a half hour and let RC/FV run both.

Secondly, Why do some of you think ABC needs to release a press release about GH? It wasn't renewed bc it is owned by ABC. What do they need a press release for?

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Maybe AMC will come back too. RME. I understand where Hinsey is coming from. She like many others have built their careers on the soaps so they are clinging on desperately.

The comments from Geary and Benard in that TV Guide article are hilarious. In the cast, the both of them along with Burton are the worse offenders when it comes to showing laziness and boredom. They force me to give Wright a pass because she might be mediocre, but she obviously makes an effort. Given the number of love interests that Benard has sabotaged over the years, his talk about always wanting new blood does ring hollow as hell.

Re: Geary, his snark towards soap fans and resentment that he is stuck on the soaps has come through in the interviews in the latter part of his career. I think the least he could do is fake some respect for a group of people whose questionable judgment has allowed him (an odd looking man with debatable acting talent) a steady career and income for over 20 years. Regarding his contract with ABC, he would be a fool not accept their terms. Whether we agree or not, ABC values him enough to make those compromises. On his side, living in Amsterdam is expensive and until it is cancelled GH is a major source of income.

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Again, ABC has NEVER made an official announcement on GH, why would they do that now? I'm not saying its safe, I just don't understand why they would announce anything when there is no renewal to announce they're just going to keep going. At the upfronts ABC will mention GH on its fall schedule. You don't see announcement for The Chew do you? Just bc GH is on the edge of cancellation doesn't mean we need an announcement.

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Geary said some foul chit here and Mo sounds delusional. He's also coming off as a desperate suck up! It would be great if he didn't toss GH characters under the bus by fake insisting more OLers come aboard! Both really suck in this interview!


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