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Nick At Nite Orders 80-Episode Telenovela with JFP and Josh Griffith

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I'm guessing Teen Nick has a good relationship with Aussie channels. I know Slide lasted only one season (and from what I heard is a watered down UK Skins.) i am suprised that Teen Nick doesn't have a better relationship with the Great White North considering Degrassi is the highest rated series on the channel. This could be because they probably don't have a lot of teen shows and Degrassi pretty much dominates the country. Correct me if I am wrong.

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I watched the sneak peak tonight.

The last ten to twenty minutes were decent, but I hated the beginning. I'm not a fan of dream sequences.

The dynamics in the Sanders family are interesting. Lisa's concern for her level headed daughter because of her own sordid past is an interesting level especially since Phil is the schemer in the family. Gus seems just there at the moment.

Carlos Ponce's material was pretty good. I didn't realize the car scenes were with his wife. I thought the flashback was well done and Ponce gave a lot with the little he had. Similarly, I enjoyed Shannon Kane's Traci, who had just a very natural, casual presence in her scene which few others had.

The relationship between Don and Adriana is toxic. I loved McCouch as Morgan Winthrop on "Another World," but his character on HH is so nasty and unlikeable. The writing for Adriana is incredibly shallow and one-note. I liked how the characters are tied to the canvas, but hopefully their relationship develops beyond the vile interactions that have been showcased in the premier and the advertising.

Melissa irks me already, but the lame dialogue didn't help that much.

At times, I enjoyed the Nora / Loren conversations, but I think a little goes a long way. The conversation about Max and Katy Duran was interesting, but I didn't really care much for the jokes about Nora's date.

The airport scene was ridiculous. If you don't have the budget for extras, don't use them. All the interaction could have taken place in the limo without hindering the story. On the otherhand, I thought the concert scenes were filmed well and looked good considering they probably didn't have as many people there as they made it look like they had.

I thought the setup for the Tyler / Chloe scene was good.

I was pleasantly surprised when they revealed who the scalper was.

Overall, I'm surprised the show hasn't received harsher reviews from the media.

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Watched the second epi loving Carlos Ponce he's rocking his scenes.

Like the friendship between Loren and Mel. And I love Mel's quirkiness.

Mel's parents bug me especially the mother and her favoritism. Also don't like how Mel's brother lets his girlfriend bash his sis.

Tyler is good and his scenes will Chloe were good. Wilczynski is very natural.

If Jake doesn't spend more time with his wife she'll end up leaving him for someoneelse.

Nora's scenes will her friend were good and she didn't annoy me like she did in the pilot.

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I could only find the pilot online. It held my interest, and I am always for giving anything Josh Griffith does a chance (even if I think he works best side by side with Michael Malone--mostly anyway), but I hate to say this, but, this review basically echoes my thoughts. Still, I'll give it a few more episodes (I actually think it may have worked better as a 30 min show--it feels awfully padded) http://www.avclub.com/articles/hollywood-heights,81144/

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Trying to watch this now - aside from the voice and maybe the eyes I wouldn't recognize Brittany Underwood. Her face looks much rounder, like she's on prednisone.

I had to laugh at the girl who was being criticized for her edgy fashion, while wearing a bright orange top which middle-aged women tend to wear to hide weight gain.

Is it me or is the show kind of stuck in the 80's?

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Ugh. To be honest. I'm only liking McCouch. Why. Cause he's a douche! YES! When McCouch plays a douchebag all is right in the world and the birds are chirping in the trees.

But, overall. I'm thinking I should have taped this and watched Dallas, instead of the other way around. But, I couldn't get an hour of Facts Of Life in that way.

Truthfully. If this don't pick up within the next few episodes. I'm going to drop it. They would have been better off getting The Bay put on TV. At least that don't scream "Soaps Are DEAD" to me and the rest of the majority of America.

This is vapid. *facepalm*

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