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GH: Veteran Actress Leaving


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Only GH would run a promo about an alcoholic grandpa who hit and killed his other grandson...now he has to drive the other one to the hospital! Will Luke kill him, too?

I mean, come on. Unintentional, twisted hilarity. I laughed and laughed. When you've gone there, is Robin really so far off? The first thing I would've done as a HW is bring that [!@#$%^&*] kid back to life. Blame it on Helena.

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When she was on the show before he was too young for her. When she came back, the show seemed to have huge contempt for Lucky, and also tended to isolate Robin into one pairing.

It would have been interesting, although something tells me they would have done a story where Lucky contracted HIV, probably thanks to Helena meddling.

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While I hope that they do not kill Robin, I am surprising okay if that is the way that they are going with the "poignant and must watch storyline." I will just ignore Patrick and imagine Robin and Stone together in fiction heaven. I highly doubt that GH would bring back Robert, Anna, and Mac for her funeral.

What is happening in her directing career?

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So one of the last pieces of humanity and heart on this show will be gone? I have a sick feeling that Robin's going to die, and that it will occur quickly and forgotten about soon after to get focus back on Jason, Sam, Carly, and Sonny.

Any bets on what other long time fan favorite will be gone next? Alexis? Tracy?

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Mac is already on the show. If they kill off Robin it won't be any canvas wide impact even if it should. Everyone would cry a couple of weeks and then would use it to somehow move Patrick on.I actually do think they would bring back Anna and Robert

KMC participated in that AFC directors workshop and her short film has already gained recognition and she has other projects in the works.

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Blaming Helena a copout and why? I read how folks think bringing Jake back would be the solution. THe issue was never killing off the kid same as writing off Laura Spencer was never an issue it was how the show chose to deal with it same as how they dealt with writing Laura off. None of it changes the glee Luke took in doing it in fact he became the victim . In fact I'd argue bringing Laura back and doing some sort of story involving her would have been more redemptive than a stupid plot point where Helena for whatever dumb reason kidnapped Jake and swooped in to frame LUke and boom :Luke finds the kid alive. Either way he still killed a kid and was made the victim but one way might have led the audience to understand and forgive him while the other would have just been a stupid stunt placating a very narrow group of viewers.

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I had not realized that Mac was still on the show. We'll see about Anna and Robert. It would be nice and a credit to GH if it made that effort.

The odds are long that GH makes it past Sept, 2012, but it would be interesting to see what they do with Patrick without Robin. Liz seems like the natural landing spot for Patrick.

Thanks. I knew she participated in the workshop, but not that her film did so well. Good luck to her. At least, she has an alternative career to pursue.

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I personally don't think they'll bring back Robert and Anna. They don't seem to care about the Scorpios. The door was wide open to make Ethan a Scorpio, and they closed that shut real fast. In fact, they seemed to give Robin very little airtime and the time they did give her was probably only because she had a lot of long time fans. I think they'll kill her, have Robert and Anna mourn her offscreen, and then get right back to the Sonny, Jason and Carly show.

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