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OLTL: Discussion for the week of September 12th

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It really is stupid considering Todd would do the exact same thing for Jack. He would never make one of his kids confess to anything and it would be laughed off or airquoted away in similar fashion to TSJTodd.

I think that's what is killing this story, outside of Victor being gone now. Seriously the show goes back and forth one day from the next on their characterizations of both Todd and Victor. One day one is a saint and the other is the devil and vice versa. They were both sociopaths who took advantage of women but due to their portrayers gained fans.

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I agree Todd's self-righteous act has worn very very thin. He's frankly acting more like holier than thou judgemental Kevin Buchanan than Todd Manning. It boggles my mind how RC is butchering the writing for RH's Todd. He's either a raging judgemental jackass OR a neutered little boy. Neither persona is working for me.

However, I do believe someone needed to call out Blair for her share of the blame for Jack. But like with Carly on GH, the writers seem very very scared to acknowledge Blair has been a poor role model and mother.

Why are the writers so insistent on saying it's all the "sins of the fathers" but not the mothers? And it's not just because males dominate all the stories because the writers actively try to make all sorts of convulted excuses for the lousy mothers... to the point the audience gets fed up and becomes more disgusted with the women. Heck, I'm at the point I blame Carly more than Sonny and close to blaming Blair more than Todd or Victor. The only time my disgust for Carly or Blair is tempered is when both owns their mistakes... but that is too rare.

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That is an excellent insight, all the Kim/Stacy/Cutter/Aubrey stuff has a very different TONE to the rest of the show.

I've noticed since Irene's ridiculous explanation many have lost interest.

I am still invested in Téa and Danielle but I am close to giving up I'll ever see Todd in RH again. The writing is sinking him.

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Agreed (and this is coming from the Vice-President of the Shack Fan Club). For one thing, it's too close to the finale to try and make "Shack" magic happen. For another, gays, and especially teenaged gays, are officially persona non grata in Llanview thanks to the network. Finally, as cute as a romantic union between Shane and Jack might be to some here, you have to admit...Shane just doesn't seem the type. Know what I mean?

Of course, that wouldn't (and shouldn't) stop Jack, knowing the schoolmate he once bullied doesn't pitch for the other team, from pining for Shane, even if that's just gonna set him on the long road to heartbreak. Not at all. :)

Word. Whenever there's a crisis in the household, all she can do is wring her hands and whine, "Oh, James, what we gonna do?"

Oh, wait, you meant Mrs. Evans on OLTL, didn't you? My bad.

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Even though so many characters have gone, there are still a lot... it's a very large cast... there is hardly enough time to show everyone

My favorite of the current cast, at this moment:

Viki, Clint, Kim, Rama, Vimal, Cutter, Aubrey, Roxy, notcrazyBrody, sometimes Natalie, and sometimes Blair and Tea but generally with people other than their children...

I miss Dorian =(

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I dunno, you could always build to something with the two boys slowly but leave it to be really explored on the new show. Maybe Jack confesses his love near the end of the network run?

I was surprised how straight-up Todd was today. He hadn't been that articulate in a long time, and he said outright that he couldn't blame Blair for everything and that he was sorry. He moved to comfort her. I haven't seen that sort of tone in him in a very long time, and I'm including near the end of Howarth's last tenure. Trevor's Todd/Victor did it back in the day, but he'd grown so remote in the last few years that even when he hugged people it often felt like a manipulation. The physical action was there, but his face stayed cold stone - since 2008 or so, I often felt his Todd only showed vulnerability when he lost control or began to rage. So those scenes were really nice.

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I noticed that too, she entered Dani/Todd's house with this HUGE grin on like she was hugging them to congratulate them for a wedding or birth, not a death...

I actually think Dani is good when she's not yelling (which isn't a lot of the time I grant you). One thing she does do well is silent reactions--when she's in scenes even in the background she always reacts to what's going on, unlike some of the other younger actors who just kinda go dead until they have another line.

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As pointless as the Evanses often are, I love Tonye Patano. I wish they gave her a lot more to do. I'm always more interested in her than in generally anyone else in the family, though I love Frankie Faison and think Shaun and Des could be more.

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