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I still don't understand how the Scott/Karen reveal happened with him already off the show IIRC. What the point of it was. It was still such a mistake to off her, both iterations on PC worked. But the same could be said for PC offing Eve Lambert.

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To underscore how pointless it was: Rhonda wouldn't even let Karen tell Lee and Gail about it, reasoning that that should be up to Scott, so there wasn't even a scene where they react as proxies for Scott. And Karen is so weirdly nonchalant about being forbidden from saying anything and about the fact that Rhonda kept her from having any family beyond her. Given how rough Karen's childhood was, you would think that she'd be pretty mad that she could have had a father and grandparents in her life, especially with Gail being a psychiatrist who might have recognized that something was wrong when Ray came into the picture. Instead Karen just sort of shrugs it all off and then leaves with Jagger.

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I feel like a lot of Karen's story was wrapped up quickly.  But, again, she got a lot of story thrown at her and decided to leave.  Brenda/Karen were instantly friends and she was supposed to be in her wedding...like what?  Part of me thinks the Scott part was a re-write because I thought they were heavily hinting at Alan.  I don't know.  Everything was fairytale for Jagger/Karen it almost seemed like no one knew they were leaving and Claire had to just write them off as best she could.

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Polly's dead, Phil's in trouble...1969 continued.

Monday, April 7, 1969: Meg confesses her insecurities to Lee.

Tuesday, April 8: Doug is impatient to be able to see.

Wednesday, April 9: Lt. Todd talks to the D.A. about fingerprints on the bottle of pills that Polly took.

Thursday, April 10: Steve is impressed with Audrey's relationship with a young heart patient, Jack Larson.

Friday, April 11: Phil's fingerprints are confirmed to be on the bottle of pills.  Beverly tells Howie she may quit and move to San Francisco.

Monday, April 14: Tracy admits her fears in Doug regaining his sight.  Todd tells Phil the D.A. wants to question him and he should bring legal counsel.

Tuesday, April 15: Sharon is irked because Henry stands her up for a coffee break date.

Wednesday, April 16: The D.A. interviews Phil. Audrey asks Steve's help in finding a book for Jack.

Thursday, April 17: Lee tells Phil the police suspect he manufactured the automobile accident to get rid of Polly.

Friday, April 18: Steve tells Tracy that there is an 80% chance Doug's corneal transplant will be a success.

Monday, April 21: Howie shows Beverly his new car.

Tuesday, April 22: Jessie returns and learns the D.A. wants to see her.

Wednesday, April 23: Jessie is interviewed. Audrey asks Steve to help reassure Jack about his heart murmur.

Thursday, April 24: Jack is elated to discover that Steve and Audrey were married; they find themselves in the position of being foster parents.

Friday, April 25: The D.A. decides to issue a warrant for Phil's arrest.

Monday, April 28: Tom tells Meg that he is giving up on Iris.  Phil is arrested.

Tuesday, April 29: Tom and Audrey share their troubles over lunch.  Phil is released on bail.

Wednesday, April 30: Denise calls Steve and asks if she can volunteer at the hospital.  Mr. Griffith protests to Steve about Phil being kept on as a doctor.

Thursday, May 1: Audrey tells Steve that Jack has been asking over and over for them to adopt him.

Friday, May 2: Doug asks Tracy if she would consider marriage.  Beverly tells Howie that because of him she isn't going to quit her job.

Monday, May 5: Denise talks enthusiastically about her work as a volunteer.

Tuesday, May 6: Lee calls Phil and tells him a preliminary hearing has been set.

Wednesday, May 7: Mrs. Dawson scolds Howie for the way he has been behaving towards Jane.

Thursday, May 8: Howie loans Beverly money.

Friday, May 9: Denise makes a date with Steve to celebrate her divorce.

Monday, May 12: The D.A. makes his opening statement in Phil's preliminary hearing.

Tuesday, May 13: Tom and Audrey have dinner, as do Steve and Denise.  Jane and Howie try to talk out their issues.

Wednesday, May 14: Phil and Jessie talk about the publicity surrounding the case; Griffith insists that Steve fire Phil.

Thursday, May 15: Doug is told he can have the corneal transplant.  Beverly encourages Howie to grow his hair longer.

Friday, May 16: Lee presents his opening statement to the court.

Monday, May 19: The coroner establishes skull fracture as Polly's cause of death, however he admits that the pills she took may have also contributed to her death.

Tuesday, May 20: Jane irritates Howie by suggesting he get a haircut.  Denise and Steve watch the stars.

Wednesday, May 21: Lucille is subpoenaed as witness for the prosecution. Steve questions Audrey about whether Jack tried to reach him through his service last night.

Thursday, May 22: Tracy avoids a commitment to Doug, but obviously is emotionally involved.

Friday, May 23: Jessie is worried about Phil, who is unusually depressed.

Monday, May 26: Steve gets a subpoena; later with Denise, he recounts his youth in China.

Tuesday, May 27: During Steve's testimony, the D.A. brings out the facts of Phil's rape of Jessie and the birth of Nancy.

Wednesday, May 28: Lee cross-examines Steve.

Thursday, May 29: Tracy talks to Jessie about the fact that Doug doesn't know she is black.

Friday, May 30: Sharon receives a letter from Uncle Henry saying he'll be around all summer.

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Iris seems to serve as a foil to Meg and Lee, and beyond her alcohol struggle and working between being a nurse or as Lee's secretary, she kind of lacks any real storyline.  Maybe that'll change.

We continue 1969!

Monday, June 2, 1969: Steve is unable to tell Jack that he and Audrey are divorced and cannot adopt him; Steve finds a potential cornea donor and tells Tracy that Doug's surgery is tentatively scheduled for morning.

Tuesday, June 3: On the witness stand, the D.A. forces Tom to reveal that he found Phil comforting Polly in the office.

Wednesday, June 4: Lee is a witness for the prosecution.

Thursday, June 5: Doug is brought back from the ICU.  Jane finds out that Howie gave Beverly a flower and money.

Friday, June 6: Jessie takes the stand.

Monday, June 9: Steve asks Sharon if she'd like to stay on the 7th floor as a graduate nurse.  Jessie finishes her testimony for the prosecution.

Tuesday, June 10: When Beverly tells Howie that her boss has been making passes at her, Howie becomes possessive and indignant.

Wednesday, June 11: Jessie is cross-examined by Lee.

Thursday, June 12: Denise cooks dinner for Steve.

Friday, June 13: Tracy tells Doug she is black.  Lee puts Phil on the witness stand.

Monday, June 16: Phil testifies about the day Polly died.  Uncle Henry arrives.

Tuesday, June 17: Doug insists to Tracy that her being black is not an issue.  Steve kisses Denise.

Wednesday, June 18: Phil falls apart under cross examination.

Thursday, June 19: Doug is excited to learn his bandages will come off next week.

Friday, June 20: Lee's summation.

Monday, June 23: Phil finds a box of Polly's clothes and is one step closer to a breakdown. The D.A. sums up the evidence for the prosecution.

Tuesday, June 24: Lee expresses his concern of the hearing to Iris, and then grows concerned over how hard she has been working.  Uncle Henry asks Sharon out to dinner.

Wednesday, June 25: Uncle Henry urges Sharon to marry him.  Tracy admits her fears about Doug seeing her.

Thursday, June 26: Tom visits a sick Iris, who refuses treatment.  Doug's bandages are removed briefly and he is stunned by Tracy's beauty.

Friday, June 27: Lee receives word that the judge will make his decision on Monday.  Jane and Howie happily acknowledge their anniversary and exchange presents.

Monday, June 30: Tracy tells Doug she can't make a commitment to him yet.  The judge rules that Phil's case warrants a trial.

Tuesday, July 1: Jessie tries to encourage Phil.  Audrey and Tom take comfort in each other.

Wednesday, July 2: Lee confesses his fears about the Brewer case to Iris, who is still sick.

Thursday, July 3: Phil gives Steve his resignation letter.  Phil writes Jessie a note saying he can't bear to destroy her and that he'll always love her.

Friday, July 4: At a picnic, Sharon and Henry leave Lucille alone with Uncle Henry.

Monday, July 7: Jessie awakes to find Phil gone and reads his farewell note.

Tuesday, July 8: Steve tries to comfort Jessie.

Wednesday, July 9: Tracy goes to see Doug and he accuses her of being a coward about marrying him. Later, an upset Doug goes to look for Tracy, and suffers a fatal heart attack.

Thursday, July 10: Steve and Tom tell Tracy about Doug's death. Iris volunteers to stay with Jessie.

Friday, July 11: The trial date is set as July 30.  Steve tells Audrey he is afraid Phil had a nervous breakdown.

Monday, July 14: Iris is still feeling ill.  Lt. Todd forces Jessie to admit that Phil is gone.

Tuesday, July 15: Denise cannot distract Steve from his worry.

Wednesday, July 16: Howie insists to Beverly that she does not have to go on an out-of-town trip with her boss.  Uncle Henry takes an apartment across the hall from Sharon, who is dismayed.

Thursday, July 17: Iris faints.

Friday, July 18: Tom and Steve discuss lab tests for Iris. Jessie receives a package -- Polly's diary.

Monday, July 21: Jessie reads Polly's diary and finds proof that Phil was not the baby's father.

Tuesday, July 22: Denise tells Audrey she is in love with Steve.

Wednesday, July 23: Uncle Henry and Lucille have lunch and discover they have the Army in common.  Tom tells Iris he will release her from the hospital if she follows his orders to the letter.

Thursday, July 24: Tom tells Iris he planned a trip to Ireland for her.  Howie urges Beverly to turn down her boss.

Friday, July 25: Tom and Audrey have dinner.  Denise tells Steve she is leaving town because he still has feelings for Audrey.

Monday, July 28: Meg does her best to distract Lee, but is forced to realize that he is so concerned with Iris that she can evoke little response.

Tuesday, July 29: Lucille gets a note from Denise saying she is quitting her job as a volunteer.  Jessie begs Lee for ideas on how to find Phil.

Wednesday, July 30: After seeing Henry leave her apartment, Uncle Henry demands that Sharon explain.  A new patient, Jeffrey Walters is brought up from emergency.

Thursday, July 31: Tracy examines Jeff.  Beverly tells Howie she's been fired.

Friday, August 1: Jessie hears about loneliness from patient Phoebe Harmon, whose husband has left her.

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Fascinating as ever ! So Douglas is dead. I thought Tracy would marry him and leave town with him. Maybe the new Jeff will be the one.

Denise is out. I was expecting more drama from her relationship with Steve with a jealous Audrey who starts being involved with Tom.

I love reading about the minor storylines such as Howie/Jane/Beverly. Had never heard about her before. Or Sharon and Uncle Henry.

So Phil has fled. Wonder how long before he meets Diana.

Again these recaps are priceless !!

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  Let's continue with the introduction of a new doctor...

Monday, August 4, 1969: Jessie consults with Dr. Peter Taylor on the Harmon case and Jessie finds him intelligent and interesting.

Tuesday, August 5: Tracy goes to see Jeff Walters, who is hostile to her. Sharon tells Henry she's pregnant.

Wednesday, August 6: Meg reads a letter to Tom from Iris, stating that she will return in a few weeks.

Thursday, August 7: Howie gives Beverly a letter of reference.  Jessie and Peter become more impressed with each other.

Friday, August 8: Lee receives a letter from Phil, concealing his whereabouts.

Monday, August 11: Uncle Henry sees Sharon and Henry leave for work together.  Jessie finds Peter sympathetic.

Tuesday, August 12: Meg tells Lee that Scotty's grandparents in Santa Fe would like to see him; Lee tells Meg he can't go with her as Iris is set to return.

Wednesday, August 13: Audrey finds a letter Steve has written to Denise.

Thursday, August 14: Henry admits to his uncle that he and Sharon are married.  Meg pays a visit to Lee at the office and finds him excitedly redecorating Iris' ante-room; Meg says she's been a fool too long.

Friday, August 15: Meg tells Lee he needs to make a choice between her and Iris when she returns from Santa Fe.

Monday, August 18: Jane takes a phone call for Jessie from a man who doesn't identify himself; Jessie is sure it must be Phil.

Tuesday, August 19: Mrs. Dawson is indignant to learn that Howie wants Beverly to move into the apartment.

Wednesday, August 20: Jessie discovers the anonymous caller is only a reporter.

Thursday, August 21: Sharon tells Lucille she is married to Henry. Uncle Henry tells Lucille how shocked he was by the revelation that Henry and Sharon are married.  Tracy and Jeff disagree on the best way to help the black community.

Friday, August 22: Steve, Peter and Jessie all agree that she should go to South America to look for Phil.

Monday, August 25: Pre-empted.

Tuesday, August 26: Pre-empted.

Wednesday, August 27: Steve finds himself unable to tell Jack that he and Audrey can't adopt him when Jack's heart has a sudden arrhythmia.

Thursday, August 28: Tom and Lee quarrel after Meg calls Tom to clear up her ultimatum;  Lee has unwittingly recorded the argument on his dictating machine.

Friday, August 29: Iris hears the quarrel over the dictating machine.

Monday, September 1: Howie brings Beverly home to stay until she can find a job.  Iris tells Lee she heard the argument.

Tuesday, September 2: Tom tells Meg about the argument he had with Lee; Lee tells Meg that he really loves her and persuades her not to insist that he send Iris out of his life.

Wednesday, September 3: Jack is inconsolable when he finds out Steve and Audrey are divorced and cannot adopt him.

Thursday, September 4: Steve tries to comfort Jack and invites him to a baseball game.

Friday, September 5: Tom and Audrey, two losers in love, have dinner and draw close to each other.

Monday, September 8: Tom and Audrey go on a picnic.

Tuesday, September 9: Jane and Howie fight over Beverly.

Wednesday, September 10: Tracy tells Tom some of her problems with Jeff, with whom she is still disagreeing.

Thursday, September 11: Jessie returns and tells Steve she cannot give up on Phil; later she makes the acquaintance of Barbara X, a young girl with hepatitis.

Friday, September 12: Peter tries to get Jessie to accept that Phil may never come back.

Monday, September 15: Lee and Iris have a disagreement over whether Iris should continue to work for him.

Tuesday, September 16: Jessie and Peter have dinner.

Wednesday, September 17: Jessie tells Steve she is thinking of asking Barbara X to stay at her house during her convalescence.

Thursday, September 18: Meg reiterates to Lee that she can't continue sharing him with Iris.

Friday, September 19: When Jeff learns that Tracy was in love with Doug, a white man, he blows up at her.

Monday, September 22: Beverly worries that she have overstayed her welcome.

Tuesday, September 23: Barbara agrees to stay with Jessie.  Lee refuses to fire Iris; Lee and Meg decide to separate.

Wednesday, September 24: Iris insists on quitting upon learning of Lee and Meg's separation.

Thursday, September 25: Audrey sympathizes with Lee and Meg.

Friday, September 26: Mrs. Dawson calls Mr. King, Beverly's former boss, and promises a $1,000 contribution to the community fund if he finds Beverly a job.

Monday, September 29: Beverly receives a letter of recommendation from Mr. King.  Jessie and Peter get to know each other better.

Tuesday, September 30: Jane gets a letter from her cousin Carol Webster, asking to stay with them for a short time.

Wednesday, October 1: Iris is miserable.

Thursday, October 2: Jeff impulsively embraces Tracy.  Tom proposes marriage to Audrey.

Friday, October 3: Scotty and Lee meet, and Scotty asks Lee where he 's been.

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