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Speaking of not being memorable, I never thought Chloe Morgan was. She and Hannah came on in spring 1999, obviously brought on to make Sonny and Jax (and we the audience) forget Brenda. 

I only really thought Hannah got interesting when she got out of Sonny's orbit and was in a developing triangle with Taggert and AJ, of all people. There was especially good chemistry between Real Andrews and Lisa Vultaggio, but the story didn't last long. I don't even remember how Hannah left the show.

It would have been interesting if Chloe had been paired with Sonny instead. I don't remember - did Sonny and Chloe ever cross paths? Jax and Hannah?

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I liked them both. I agree on the chemistry between Real Andrews and Vultaggio. 


I couldn't see Chloe with Sonny. Tava Smiley was so likeable. I think at the time she was often dismissed as a Katherine replacement. 


The Chloe/Jax/Ned/Alexis quad was so likeable.


Remember "V"? She never got her due either.

Edited by KMan101
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I think LV's biggest curse is she looked so much like Vanessa Marcil.  I know KeMo is considered the ultimate Brendabot, but Hannah should have worn a stamp of her face saying "Brenda's replacement" lol.  I know that was literally why Hannah was brought in from the FBI but it was a lot.  I thought LV was pretty decent with AJ and Taggert, but at that point she really was such a flop and Sonny/Carly had taken off.  She left town after finding out Roy was her father to go to Alaska lol.  The show did try with her.

Chloe was just less in your face as a Brenda replacement and I think I wanted Jax to find love moreso than Sonny so I liked her.  I am not saying she lit the show on fire with her presence, but I liked her.

I loved V.   I never got why the show completely dropped the Jax/V romance.

I never thought Chloe was a Katherine replacement lol

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Me either. Chloe was very different from Katherine. 


I loved V too. The actress was good. They did completely drop it, and her.


The show tried with Hannah but because they weren't fully invested in writing for AJ or Taggert as anything other than foils for Sonny they had no place for her. Shame. But yeah, she was also SUCH a blatant Brenda replacement. Looking back she was more or less doomed to fail.

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It was such a mistake to hire LV because she literally looked like Lily/Brenda had a baby and she was the result.   Everything was similar from the hair to the body type.  Sonny's an idiot for not figuring out she was an FBI agent from the jump.  The show would have been much better served if they hired someone that didn't look like a replacementBrenda like Chloe. 

I really thought V and Jax were going to become a thing, but perhaps that all got dropped because VM decided to stay last minute and Brax was back on.   I like the actress, but again, I think she looked a lot like the actress that played Miranda and that threw me off.  

I don't see any similarities between Chloe/Katherine except they are both blonde and interacted with Ned lol

Lol!  She's was pretty and I think she looked a lot like Miranda so it would vaguely fit Jax's type.  

Edited by carolineg
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She was, but she wasn't pretty in the conventional soap way, especially by that point. I don't think it helped that she was introduced during one of the interim writer periods, and between the periods Jax was with Brenda. The character seemed to just get lost in the shuffle, and I thought a lot of the writing for her was kind of irritating. 

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I am trying to remember her intro and it was all about that weird story where people thought Jax was a drug dealer and the awful tin man saga.  I remember she liked to draw lol.  Honestly, she was just a casualty to Vanessa re-signing last minute.  Sonny and Brenda leaving together was a done deal and VM screwed it up so they just went back to Jax/Brenda and that breakdown nonsense.  How I wish VM decided to leave in 97.  I like 98 Brax, but overall not worth it.

They at least gave V a happy ending, so I guess it's fine.  She was a good C character.  I don't think she would have held up that well as Jax's love interest though.  But Jax doesn't seem to have a particular type (except women that loved Sonny first lol), so I don't think it was a stretch for him to be attracted to her.  He's not Sonny zoning in on any petite brunette he can find lol.  V was fairly solidly involved in the Sonny/Jax/Brenda/tinman stuff and I remember her being good with Ned for some reason.  Although by the time she officially left the show I think I forgot she was technically still on it.   She was sort of wasted, but at least they completed her arc if you will.

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Oh Angel.   That was a rough storyline.  I don't think she even deserves the credit for being a Brendabot.  She wasn't even Hannah level.  She was much lower.  I find Angel Boris to be a highly unlikable actress and it was just a miss on every level.

As far as Hannah, I don't think LV was given much of a chance after the Sonny/Hannah pairing tanked.  I think they tried a lot with her in the beginning, but MB was pretty vocal of his dislike of the pairing and I think GH just cut their losses instead of seeing where she could possibly go.

At least LV got a husband out of the deal lol! 

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I know some people wanted Jax and V together, but I liked them as platonic friends. They did make very good friends, and had chemistry with. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't V meet the guy she left the show with through Chloe?

It's never a good idea to promote a new soap coupling through print ads. Sonny/Hannah, Jax/Chloe and Jax/Sam. All of those pairings ultimately tanked. 

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