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August 7, 10 & 11


Luke, Laura and Robert learn that Victor is planning to search the crew, so plan to swim to the island. They watch as the guests head to the island via boat and note that the island does not seem to have any infrastructure. Luke, Laura and Robert swim to the island; when Robert goes off by himself to explore the island, Luke and Laura are frightened by the birds. Meanwhile, the Titan guests are taken to the vast Cassadine bunker, which lies underground where they are greeted by Albert. Tony is also there and tells Victor that Alex still thinks that the plan is to manufacture diamonds.


Noah takes Bobbie to his Uncle Martin's penthouse. She is amazed by the view from the terrace. The butler informs her that the maid has drawn a bath for her. After her bath, a towel clad Bobbie chats with the maid. Noah visits Bobbie. Noah tells Bobbie that he will be sleeping in the adjoining room and invites her to sleep with him. Bobbie declines, saying that she isn't ready.


Monica, having returned from Houston, thanks Gail for picking her up at the airport. Monica informs Gail that Susan is pregnant with Alan's child. Alan walks in and insists that Gail stay for dinner. After dinner, Monica tells Gail that Alan has changed since she left, he's no longer morose. Kathy arrives, and Gail leaves. Kathy tells Monica to call Corrigan. Corrigan tells Monica that Alan has hired a PI of his own to find Susan so all they have to do is


Noah, Bobbie and Martin have dinner on the penthouse terrace. Bobbie brings up the subject of Luke, which leads to Martin asking questions about her family, learning that Bobbie did not 'debut' (as a debutante) and was raised by her aunt Ruby and starts to talk about one of Noah's exes. Bobbie manages to change the subject back to Luke and Martin promises to contact the WSB. Later, Noah tries his luck with Bobbie again but she is still not ready.


Luke, Laura and Robert have dinner on the island. Later, Luke and Laura snuggle and Laura invites Luke to make love to her but Luke is reluctant as they might be disturbed. Robert interrupts and tells them that he's detected a signal coming from the island. Later Luke has to go on sentry duty, while Laura and Robert sleep.


A party is held in the underground bunker and Mikkos finally introduces himself. Tiffany wants to take a walk on the beach with Victor but Alex snidely tells her that she doesn't know the rules. When Tiffany asks Mikkos if she can go above, Mikkos tells her that no one goes up to the top.


At GH, Jesse thanks Dan for taking her to a concert the previous night. Rick and Lesley arrive and Dan tells them that they missed a great concert. Rick and Lesley are still worried about Laura. Rose arrives and tells Jesse that is she concerned about Rick. Lesley meets with Alan and notices his good mood. Lesley asks Alan to take over the running of the clinic while she and Rick go to Washington. Alan hesitates, saying he has to go to New York, but then changes his mind.


Tiffany and Victor argue about Mikkos. She is furious about being locked down. Victor snaps when Tiffany describes Victor as Mikkos' 'yes man' but Tiffany stands firm and tells Victor that she'll be going up to the beach if she has to blow up the entire place to do it. At breakfast Tiffany is still mad. Noel and Max talk about how great the bunker is, but Tiffany says they are prisoners. After Tiffany storms out, Noel and Max reveal to Victor that they 'know everything' but Mikkos doesn't know that they know. Victor warns them that they don't know his brother very well.


Laura and Robert are concerned when they find Luke is missing. However, before long Luke is back with food. Luke tells Laura and Robert that the Titan has sailed away. Later, Robert walks in on Luke and Laura fooling around again. After Luke notes the irony of them ending up in a tropical sweat box while chasing after something called the Ice Princess, Robert gives Luke and Laura more information about the formula, sying that it can be used to create some kind of energy. Later Robert and Luke are trying to explain Laura how to use the explosives when they realise some guards are drawing near. The trio quickly pack up their camp and run away from the guards. They end up near the entrance to the bunker and Robert notes a high radioactivity count with his Geiger counter, indicating that something is being protected by an alarm. The trio later set up camp by a waterfall.


Amy takes Hutch's temperature and is still not happy to be treating him. Joe visits Hutch, followed soon after by Rose who returns Hutch's watch. Joe notes that it's nice that Rose and Hutch are talking now. Rose and Hutch talk privately and Rose offers to accompany Hutch to therapy as Mike won't be there today. Later, Rose and Hutch talk and Rose admits that she wanted to see him.


Bryan and Gail are having lunch in the cafeteria when Lesley and Lee arrive. Bryan departs, and Lee gives Lesley lots of contact numbers. Steve and Rick arrive. Steve has agreed to cover for Rick at GH. Then Jesse tells Rick and Lesley that Bobbie has some good news for them. Later, Bobbie arrives and tells Rick and Lesley that Martin Drake has agreed to make inquiries about Laura.


Mikkos informs Tony and Victor that Nigel has the plant running at full capacity. Victor tells Mikkos that Max has told his wife everything and Tony says that he doesn't trust Max. The three brothers argue, but Mikkos says that he still trusts Max and that one of the crewman must have stolen the formula. Victor appeals to Mikkos to let the women outside, Mikkos isn't pleased. Tiffany later pleads her case to Mikkos with Corinne and Alex present. Mikkos agrees to relax the restrictions but not until he's certain that they weren't followed to the island. Later Alex plays chess with Victor and starts asking him lots of questions. Alex admits that she's starting to lose respect for Tony as she doesn't like being kept in the dark. Alex threatens to bring down the house of Cassadine, but Mikkos arrives and menacingly warns her not to threaten the house of Cassadine again. Meanwhile, Robert tells Luke and Laura an anecdote of some caper with Alex. Luke and Robert end up fighting over whether Robert snores. Soon afterwards, Robert finally works out that the Cassadine base is underground.




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August 12 & 13, 1981


Heather attempts to reconcile with Joe, but he remains frosty towards her. A customer attempts to ask Heather out; Joe intervenes when the man grabs Heather and kicks him out of Kelly's. Joe leaves and the other waitress (I've never caught her name, but I believe Rose hired her so that she'd have more free time and thus be able to volunteer at GH) remarks that Joe is one guy that you want to have on your side. Heather agrees and the other waitress lets Heather leave Kelly's for a while, provided that she is back before the lunch rush.


Steve and Audrey show Anne and Georgia a letter that they have received from Tommy at summer camp. It seems that he has met a girl named Lana and she is a perfect 10 with exclamation marks. Dan comes in complaining about Hutch still being present at GH and that he'll have to explain that to the board.


Rick and Lesley meet with Ballantine in Washington. Ballantine continues to deny that Luke and Laura are involved in the caper with the Cassadines. Things get heated and Rick accuses Ballantine of lying. Rick and Lesley threaten to go to the papers about the WSB, so Ballantine is forced to tell them everything, including the purpose of the WSB, everything that the WSB knows about the Ice Princess and that noone at the docks will cooperate with the WSB investigation. Later, Rick tells Lesley that they could question the inhabitants of the docks themselves. The two decide to go to dinner in Georgetown and discuss visiting the Lincoln Memorial.


Alice is on the phone to Lesley and Amy wants to know the news about Laura. Amy gets sulky when Alice tells her that there is no news and leaves for GH. Heather turns up to see Alice and Heather asks if Jeff and Anne are still planning to get married. Heather demands to know where Jeff is and says that she needs him to protect her as Joe and Burt are trying to frame her for Diana's murder. Heather insists that she didn't do it and begs her mother to help her; Alice gets upset. Heather attempts to look for Jeff's details in Alice's address book but Alice doesn't have them. After Heather leaves, Alice pours herself a drink, gulps it down and says "What have I done".


Burt is happy because another witness, Harry Greg who could identify Heather has just arrived in town. Joe and Burt go over to Elizabeth Turner's house where they meet Harry. I'm sure Harry has been on before but I've only just realised HARRY IS MIGUEL FROM Y&R!!! Harry positively identifies Heather as the woman who posed as Shelley Vernon. Later Heather visits Joe and finds Joe holding a Polaroid of her in the line-up. The two argue and Heather taunts Joe about him falling in love with her. After Heather leaves, Joe contacts Forest Hills to request a visit with Sarah.


Monica gives a lecture to an audience including Steve, Audrey, Bryan, Georgia and Amy. Monica reveals that her convention in Houston was about the medical uses of carbonic snow. Monica says that carbonic snow could be useful in plastic surgery and skin grafts. After the lecture, Amy asks Audrey if she can be reassigned from Hutch's case, explaining that she can't treat the man who once tried to kill her sister.


Robert sets off by himself on a mission to determine the extent of the island's radar detection. Meanwhile, Mikkos insists that Kemo accompany the women on their trip outside to the beach. Later, Mikkos is furious when Max attempts to bring Noel to a meeting and Noel is forced to leave the meeting. Max protests, saying that he and Noel operate as a team; Mikkos tells him that that will not be the case anymore. Mikkos then lays out some of his plans for world domination and adds that Nigel (who is not yet present at the meeting) doesn't know the true purpose of their plans. Mikkos snaps at Max when he makes a snide remark. Nigel then arrives for the meeting. Nigel gives the men an update on the diamond making factory, Mikkos announces that this means that they now have the power to make carbonic snow. Mikkos raises a toast to "Our glorious new world".


Kemo accompanies Alex, Corinne and Tiffany outside. Meanwhile Laura attempts to give Luke a shave with a shell. They are unaware that Kemo and the women are nearby wandering around the island on their way to the beach. After the shave is done, Luke and Laura end up fooling around in the pool under the waterfall. Laura changes into a sarong she made from some curtains they found on the yacht. The two end up making out, though Luke is reluctant to take things further as he is worried that they will be interrupted by either Robert or the guards. Meanwhile on the beach, Tiffany and Alex argue and insult each other about Tony and Victor. Alex calls Tiffany a tramp; Tiffany slaps her, Alex slaps her right back as Corinne and Kemo watch on and prepare to intervene. Tiffany runs off and Kemo goes to look for her. Luke and Laura's make out session is disrupted when they hear Kemo calling out for Tiffany. The couple quickly pack up their camp and hide from Kemo. At the same time, Tiffany continues running through the jungle. She encounters Robert who just stares at her...



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@Dion that was probably Martha the waitress

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PARADISE BAY         Rosita Martinez      1965

GENERAL HOSPITAL     Martha the Kelly's Waitress   1978-82

A NEW DAY IN EDEN       Unknown Role        1982

CAPITOL                      Lila       1985-86

DALLAS                      Alice Ann, Bootsie's friend       1991



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@slick jones Yes, I think you're right, thanks!


I thought she was new since I only recently noticed her and also from something Rose said to Gail but after I saw your post I went back and listened to that particular scene a bit more carefully. Rose actually tells Gail that now she has both Heather and Martha at the diner she has more free time; the extra staff member giving Rose more free time would actually be Heather, with Martha having been there longer.

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August 14, 17 & 18 1981


Dan and Jessie tell Steve that they regret missing the lecture about Carbonic snow. Lee and Edward arrive for the hospital board meeting; Lee learns from Steve that the rest of the board are still adamant about having Hutch removed from the hospital. Lee promises to try and put forward Hutch's side.


Rick and Lesley arrive home. They notice that Alice is behaving strangely. They update Bobbie by telephone about their various meetings in Washington. Later, Rick confronts Alice about her strange behaviour. Alice admits that she is upset about Heather and that she doesn't trust her own daughter. Bobbie arrives at the Webber house in person. Rick and Lesley tell her about the formula in the base of the Ice Princess statue and confirm Bobbie's suspicions that Robert is a secret agent.


To Robert's surprise, Tiffany tells Robert not to make a sound and runs off back to Kemo. Later, Robert returns to the waterfall and tells Luke and Laura about his encounter with Tiffany, that she was pleased to see him and that she didn't alert Kemo to his presence. The trio wonder if this is a sign of disagreement with the Cassadines.


Audrey tells Alan that the board members are still up in arms about Hutch. Just then, Jessie receives a call from Lesley, who asks to speak to Alan. Lesley asks to meet with Alan concerning her trip to Washington. After the call, Alan agrees to walk Audrey to the meeting. While Jessie is on the phone, a suspiciously behaving orderly gets into the lift.


Ruby comes to clean Hutch's room. Ruby and Hutch talk about Luke and Laura's disappearance. Ruby thanks Hutch for telling Bobbie that Robert was a secret agent. The suspect orderly momentarily comes into the room to offer Hutch some water. Hutch declines it. After he is gone, Hutch reassures Ruby that everything is going to be fine.


Tiffany returns to the beach in a much better mood, claiming that she saw a monkey. Kemo announces that time's up, so Corinne and Alex pack up. Tiffany pauses for a moment, and the other two women tease her. Robert is determined to speak to Tiffany again and gets Luke to shimmy up a tree to spy on the beach. The beach is deserted. Robert later realises that the alarm system was turned off when the women came above ground. Meanwhile, the yacht guests have champagne while waiting for Mikkos.  Mikkos arrives and begins a demonstration. Mikkos drops a capsule of Carbonic snow into the champagne fountain. The room temperature starts to drop. Nigel attempts to give a long-winded explanation of the process, but Alex complains. Mikkos tells the guests that they know have the ability to freeze all living entities. To prove his point, he picks up a shard of ice from the fountain.


Luke, Laura and Robert start making a hut and continue to discuss Tiffany. Robert suggests that Tiffany is their way to get to the other guests. Laura starts to notice a chill, Robert notices it too, so the three gather around the fire. Later, the trio think that a storm is coming in, so set about putting a roof on their hut.


Stacy hassles Bobbie about her trip to New York with Noah. Bobbie gives her short shrift and Bryan congratulates her for standing up for herself. Steve, Dan and Lee arrive fresh from the board meeting. Lee tells Bryan that Hutch will have to leave the hospital. The suspect orderly overhears this and makes his way down a corridor, passing Ruby on the way. Ruby looks at him suspiciously for a moment but heads to see Bobbie about Luke. Later, Lee gives Hutch the bad news. The suspect orderly comes with a wheelchair to pick Hutch up  for therapy. Later, the orderly returns to Hutch's empty room and plants a bomb (complete with an analogue clock face timer!) under his bed.


Lesley is frustrated and tells Rick that she has decided to research the Cassadines. Lesley says that she'll also ask Alan about them; Alan won't lie to her as she and Alan have a special bond (since Rick and Monica cheated on them both). The mood turns awkward for a moment but Rick is understanding of Lesley's feelings.


Mikkos outlines his plan to rule the world, free of war, crime and sickness etc. Alex is stunned and says that Mikkos is insane. Mikkos tells Alex that he will bring the world out of an age of darkness. Max, Caluga and Victor think the plan is great, but Alex and Tiffany (who is surprised to agree with Alex for once) think the plan is insane. Corinne also thinks it is a little farfetched. Alex doesn't believe the plan will work but Mikkos shows them the fountain which has totally frozen over. Meanwhile as Luke, Laura and Robert attempt to put their hut together, they start to notice that the ground is freezing beneath them.


The suspect orderly returns Hutch to his room. Meanwhile Bobbie tells Ruby that she blames Alex for the whole caper and that it is much worse than the caper with Hutch and Frank Smith. Gail overhears them talking about Hutch and Ruby tells Gail that Hutch is depressed. After Ruby leaves, Gail notes that Hutch didn't go to therapy, but Bobbie corrects her, saying that an orderly took him to therapy. Gail is alarmed, since no orderly was assigned to Hutch and rushes to his room, only to find Hutch safe and sound. The two agree that the situation with the orderly needs to be investigated. Gail asks Hutch if he would like to take a walk with her. Hutch declines, saying that Steve wouldn't like him walking around the hospital. Gail leaves, promising to find out more about the orderly.


Alex demands that Mikkos show her how to reverse the freezing process. Mikkos beckons the guests to join him in the forbidden room, showing them the control room and the 'dust room' where his freezing experiments take place. He explains to Alex and the others that his plan is to try and force cities around the globe to capitulate to him by starting the freezing them and reversing the process when they comply.  After the others leave the room, Tiffany hangs back and stares at the dust room for a moment. Victor comes, shuts the door to the dust room and leads Tiffany out of the room. Meanwhile, Luke, Laura and Robert attempt to keep warm. Luke and Laura wonder if Tiffany told the others about their presence and speculate that they could be attempting to freeze them. Later, with Robert off scouting the island, Luke and Laura attempt to keep warm. Laura notes that Hutch told her that Luke would take care of her and starts to wonder where Hutch is now...


Hutch is too paranoid to eat his dinner, suspecting that it may have been poisoned. Gail rushes in again and is relieved to find that Hutch hasn't eaten as it was the fake orderly who sent him the food. Gail finally persuades Hutch to go with her to the nurses' station (accompanied by the police guard) where Audrey, Bobbie and Ruby are. Bobbie reports that there are no records of the orderly, while Audrey reports that no orderly has been hired in over 7 months. Ruby brings Hutch a fresh supper. As Gail and Audrey direct Hutch to a place where he can sit down, Bobbie is suddenly knocked over by a blast that hits the nurses station.


Gail directs the Police guard to take care of Hutch while she, Audrey and another nurse attend to Audrey. Gail phones Georgia to tell them about the explosion and then directs Zack and Stacy to check on the other wards. Ruby arrives and tries to reassure Bobbie as she is taken from the 7th floor down to Emergency. Bobbie says that she can't see Ruby. Later, Audrey explains that there has been an explosion in Hutch's room. Noah arrives and learns that Gail is treating a victim of the explosion. He rushes off before learning that it is Bobbie and is shocked when he finds Ruby and Gail with Bobbie.


Luke and Laura continue to snuggle up but Robert returns and tells them that their camp is the coldest place on the island. Luke later notices that the ground is starting to warm up again. Meanwhile, Tiffany tells Victor that Mikkos is mad. Victor tries to convince her that Mikkos' plan is for the best, but Tiffany calls Victor a brainwashed slave like fool and compares Mikkos to other madmen who tried to stuff their utopias down people's throats. Victor tells Tiffany that Mikkos only wants to show his force, not use it. He tells Tiffany that she'll come around eventually. Victor asks Tiffany what she was about to tell him earlier; Tiffany has a flashback of her encounter with Robert and says that it was nothing at all.


Audrey comforts Ruby, while Dan explains that no one else was hurt and the other patients have been evacuated. Ruby blames herself because she saw the fake orderly earlier and didn't say anything but Gail reassures her. Steve gives Ruby an update on Bobbie's condition. Meanwhile Noah is by Bobbie's side and has a flashback of a conversation they had in New York. Ruby arrives just as Bobbie wakes up and says that she wants Luke. Meanwhile Luke is on sentry duty. Laura sees him about to fall asleep and offers to take over. Luke declines, but Laura stays with him, remarking that their current situation is a lot like when they were at the Whittaker's farm. Laura and Luke start talking about they house (their hut) they have built together, but Robert interrupts and reminds them that it's his house too - "Mother, Father, and your adopted child", he says. Laura suggests building Robert a guesthouse. The trio then note that the ground is continuing to warm.


Lee tells the police commissioner about the explosion and the commissioner is certain that it was meant as a hit on Hutch.


Claudia is with Mike at the clinic as he waits for his grandmother's appointment with Lesley to finish. Rick arrives and asks Mike's grandmother if Rose can take Mike to see Hutch at the hospital. Mike's grandmother gives the ok, so Mike stays behind with Rick and Lesley. Rick and Lesley mention to Mike that they are trying to find out information about the big yacht (The Titan) that was once in the harbour. Mike points out that they should ask the Harbormaster and adds that if he doesn't know then someone else on the docks will as someone nearly drowned on the day that the yacht left. Rose arrives to pick up Mike, before Mike leaves he offers to find out more information for them when he returns from the hospital. Rick says that Mike appears to have better connections than the WSB.


Rose and Mike visit Hutch at the hospital. Hutch blames himself for the explosion but Mike is able to cheer him up. Hutch tells Rose that he's planning to ask to be moved out. Hutch tells Mike about the bomb and explains that he has hurt a lot of people. Hutch tells Rose and Mike that he doesn't have much to live for but Rose says that they care of him. Lee, Steve and Dan arrive and tell Hutch that he'll have to stay at the hospital while his transfer is arranged. Later, Hutch apologises to Ruby for the explosion, but Ruby says that she has also been blaming herself. Ruby says that she's glad that Luke isn't here to see what's happened to Bobbie, but adds that she misses him and wonders where he is. Just then, Audrey brings Ruby and Hutch the good news that Bobbie's sight will return.


Slick visits the clinic and Rick and Lesley tell him about Mike's ideas of contacting the Harbormaster and finding the guy who almost drowned. Rick, Lesley and Claudia are somewhat amused when Slick falsely claims to have had the same idea. Slick heads off to check those leads out for Rick and Lesley, while Lesley heads off to see Alan. Lesley meets Alan at Dinos, the Italian restaurant. Lesley tells Alan about how Luke, Laura and Alex have gotten mixed up in something. Alan is unable to help, so Lesley pleads with Alan to talk to Edward, but much to Lesley's frustration Alan is unable to help. Lesley returns to the clinic and tells Rick that she got nowhere with Alan, adding that the Quartermaines are one of those families who fight in public but when an outsider approaches they band together like glue. She says that Alan was like his father.


Joe visits City Hall and gets a positive ID that Heather was the woman who posed as Shelly Vernon in order to pick up an award. Meanwhile Sarah writes "I

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Joe" (with an actual heart shape but not colored in) over and over again and is excited that Joe is coming to see her. Joe later arrives at Forest Hills. After questioning the head nurse there, Joe begins to wonder if Heather escaped via the fire escape but realises that someone would have had to have let her back in. Joe then talks to the laundry lady about the missing nurses' uniform. The laundry lady says that it was returned and suggests that one of the patients wanted to play nurse for a few days. Joe then talks to the guard who mans the gates. He says that Shelley Vernon used to come and go several times during her shifts but the head nurse disputes this, saying that Shelly never left her shifts. Joe suggests that an impostor was the one using Shelly's car. The guard agrees that an impostor could have used the fire escape.  Joe then visits Sarah and realises that she has a clear view of the parking lot from her room. He says that they need to talk...

Edited by Dion
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August 19 & 20, 1981


Tiffany, Alex and Corinne plan to go on another sunbathing expedition, this time joined by Noel. Tiffany persuades Mikkos to give her permission to separate from the rest of the group (and Kemo's watchful eye) for a while by claiming that she needs to sunbathe topless. When Tiffany is alone, she meets with Robert. Tiffany tells him about that they are staying underground and that it is hidden by a rock and wonders if Robert is as wacko as the people down there. The meeting is cut short as Alex has decided that she doesn't want to get burned. Back at the compound, Tiffany considers telling Victor about her meeting with Robert, but he is more interested in making love.


Sarah denies helping Heather with her many escapes, but Joe is persistent and manages to get her to confess to helping Heather. Sarah still won't give up the location of the gun which is hidden behind a grate in the wall of her room. Meanwhile, Heather is busy looking for Joe. Heather visits a recuperating Bobbie at GH and Bobbie suggests that Joe may have gone to his office. Heather heads to Lee and Joe's office where the secretary tells her that Joe has gone to Forest Hills. Later, Joe has dinner with the Hardys, Anne and Jeremy. Heather turns up, claiming that she needs to talk to Steve about her marriage to Jeff. Joe wants to make a quick exit but Steve and Audrey persuade Joe to take Heather home, much to his annoyance.


Noah checks Bobbie's bandages and Bobbie notes that her sight is slowly starting to return. Later, they have dinner in Bobbie's hospital room, followed by moon gazing. Bobbie says that she will never take her sight for granted again.


Luke and Laura continue building the hut and end up horsing around, and then relaxing in the pond. When Robert returns, Laura pulls him into the water. Robert tells them about his meeting with Tiffany. Later Laura fails to return to camp. The alarm goes off and Luke wants to go an find Laura, but Robert stops him. Fortunately Laura returns and reports that there are guards everywhere. The trio run into the jungle to hide. It turns out that it was Nigel who set off the alarm since he went for a moonlit stroll without permission. Luke, Laura and Robert overhear the guards tell Nigel that the alarms are triggered in a 100 foot perimeter around the entrance to the underground compound.


At the Lobby Nurses station, Steve, Audrey and Georgia (with Stacy in the background) mention how hot it is outside. Dan brings Steve a newspaper report about Hutch and the bombing at the hospital. They wonder why Burt hasn't yet arranged Hutch's transfer. A large bouquet of flowers arrives for Bobbie. Stacy reads the card and is pleased that they're not from Noah. Later, Monica spies Corrigan flirting with Stacy. Stacy asks Corrigan if it is true that the Disco is going to close, Stacy says that Disco is on it's way out anyway and wonders if it will be replaced by a Country and Western club or New Wave. "Heaven forbid!" Georgia interjects. Corrigan wonders what the new Italian place, Dinos is like and Stacy says that she heard that it is great. He heads off to a meeting with Alan. In the background, Monica doesn't look too happy (Jealous much?).


At the waterfront clinic, Noah offers his services to Rick as a volunteer. Rick is somewhat skeptical. Lesley arrives and makes another comment about the hot weather. Noah offers to watch over the clinic while they go for their meeting with the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster is able to tell them that someone resembling Luke did meet with him on the day the yacht left. Later, Lesley and Rick have returned to the clinic. Noah and Lesley discuss the hot weather again. Slick arrives and tells Rick and Lesley that he has set up a meeting with the guy who took the luggage  onto the yacht.


At Kelly's Heather drops a pile of dishes when Martha mentions that Joe muttered something about a Sarah. Rose confronts Heather about her behaviour, but an agitated Heather claims that Joe is manipulating her (Until this scene I never realised how tall Robin Mattson is compared to Loanne Bishop, so Heather looks quite intimidating but Rose manages to stand her ground). Mike's grandmother arrives and tells Rose that Mike will no longer be allowed to visit Hutch as she has read the newspaper article about the bombing. Later, with Rose at the hospital; Heather walks out on her shift despite Martha's protests. Heather heads to Forest Hills and practically barges into Sarah's room before Sarah can say that she doesn't want to see her. Heather tries to manipulate Sarah, but Sarah doesn't fall for her lies. Heather threatens Sarah instead, saying that Sarah is an accomplice. Heather begins searching the room for the gun when Sarah won;t tell her where it is.


Bobbie gets her eyes checked again and the doctor tells her that her eyes will be as good as new. Ruby, Bryan and Audrey visit Bobbie. Audrey brings Bobbie a giant 'get well' card.


Hutch is disappointed when Rose tells him that Mike has been banned from visiting him and also notes that Luke and Laura are no longer around either. Later, Steve, Dan and Lee deliver the news that his parole has been denied. Rose attempts to comfort Hutch.

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