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"She's a darling girl. She's seventeen, a senior in high school and she wants to go into modeling." Judging from the way she looks, we told Rachel there'd be no problem. She's tall and slender and has a very charming quality to her. Her mother agreed that her daughter certainly is a stunner.

And how's Sue taking to having a younger sister (by 17 years)? "Well, I think she's somewhat floored by the whole thing. You know the difference between myself and my younger sister is eleven years, so we both grew up kind of as only children. I don't believe in only children so if I can I would like to have more than one. Years ago I wanted to adopt a child."

Why, after all of this time, a child? "Well, I've been married now for two years, and my husband's never had any children...and so we both wanted children. I don't believe that a child is imperative to a marriage. As a matter of fact, many marriages do not want to have children included. In our case, we both feel that the child makes our marriage more complete.

"Actually, neither of us really believe it. We've done nothing in the way of buying anything for it. I hope it will be a boy, but...if it's a boy he will be called Terence. It's interesting how we arrived at that name. When I told people on the show that I was pregnant, they would all ask me how Clarence was. That was the baby's nickname. And so from that came Terence.

"If it's a girl her name will be Christine. The middle names will have more family significance. And Lucille Wall (also on General Hospital) will be the godmother.

"We hope to have the baby christened in a beautiful little chapel nearby. It's very pretty...like a little English church. My husband is a Catholic, I am not, but I do believe that it is good for the baby to come into life with some kind of religion." She was strong on this point.

Rachel sat up in bed looking younger and prettier than ever. "Well, I feel just fine. As a matter of fact, I feel so much better with this pregnancy than with Sue's. That first time around I was always sick...no energy. But this time it's different. Of course times have changed and there are all kinds of vitamins and wonder drugs. It's incredible. And this one's a small, but a very active child

"I've got to watch out not to stay too still. The doctors say I must move around as much as possible while in bed. Oh but I am anxious to go back to work. I've been getting all kinds of fan letters, and people don't know why I'm off the air. There was just a general announcement that due to illness, I was being replaced, but lots of folks missed it.

"What they've done now is to start using flashbacks of scenes with myself, and just recently, I've taped a few scenes. I just did a long telephone conversation. But I don't know when I will be appearing regularly on the show or if they will use my baby.

"The fact that I am pregnant is written into the script. And that's funny. You see it had already been established that my character would never have any children. Of course, I could be written off the show at anytime because the character I play, Audrey, has a disease, Lymphoma.

"The cast of General Hospital have all been wonderful to me...calling me up and keeping in touch. They're all terribly excited for me. I've been with the show seven years now and we're all like one, big family.

"I'm curious to see how the storyline changes. I wouldn't mind it all if they use my child on the show. As a matter of fact, my doctor was all set to have them come into St. John's Hospital.

"I am a little bit nervous about the Cesarian. I didn't have one with Sue so all of this is new and I suppose a bit tricky. I just hope the old wives' tale that once you've had one you have to keep having children that way is not true.

"In a way it's kind of nice to be able to pick your own day...and then of course, there is no labor involved. At any rate, in two days I shall have my baby.

"I should be in the hospital for a week or tend days. The child may have to stay longer since it will be in an incubator. I was in an incubator for ten days. They say that we make for the healthiest babies. I've seen the incubator facilities at St. John's and it's just amazing what they have. I especially wanted to have my baby there.

"If it had been a normal pregnancy...the baby would have been born somewhere between late January and mid-February.

"As for any ideas on how to bring up a child...I guess my husband and I will just have to play that by ear. I think he will tend to be more strict with the child, whereas I probably will tend to be more liberal. I think that the important thing to remember is while you don't want to smother a child with love, you do want to make it feel very secure."

That day in December we left Rachel, propped up in her bed, smiling and waiting...

And so now, little Christine is almost three months old and Rachel Ames by now is used to being a mother again. But what a beautiful story it is...of what a woman will go through for the well-being of her child.

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Luke and Holly were more popular than Luke and Jackie (Demi Moore) but that's not saying much. I think the show went way too fast with Luke trying to move on without Laura and then Luke never mentioned Laura. It was hard. I do think TG and ES had some chemistry but when TR entered the picture there really was no contest. When TG went on vacation (and Luke "died" in an avalanche), Robert married a pregnant Holly so she wouldn't be deported. The original storyline had Holly going back to Luke, but the fans wanted Holly to stay with Robert and so they changed the entire storyline. Robert and Holly ended up becoming GH's 2nd supercouple.

There is a scene in late 1983, where Luke and Holly believe they are going to die, they hug, sort of kiss, and then Holly says all she can think about is Robert. So, Holly got over Luke way back in 1983. That's why I can't stand these Luke/Holly scenes now. They make it seem like Holly has been holding a torch for Luke all these years when she was completely over him in back in 1983.

And yes, Holly and Laura interacted together back in 1983 when Laura came back from the dead. Their introduction was awkward at first but then the ladies became friendly. Luke, Laura, Robert & Holly all had dinner together several times.

Edited by OldGHFan
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I think I asked this before, but I have a childhood GH memory of somebody placing a scorpion under a couple's door and we watched it crawl towards the bed as the couple in their pajamas got ready for bed. The audio was just suspenseful music, no dialogue. The scorpion eventually made it to the bed and stung the guy as we saw his silent scream, reaching for his back. I think this was Robert and Holly in bed but I can't remember. Does anyone remember this?

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It seems like this time must have been a huge transition, in terms of tone and cast. I wonder how it was actually watching day to day. Overall they pulled it off; too bad Sean and Tiffany were casualties. I guess in the long run Labine/Riche did them a favor, as Guza likely would have spit on their graves...

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