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I think that's pretty obvious to most of us, but then Prospect Park and ABC in their press release assured fans that nothing would change, like it's all been worked out when obviously it hasn't. So the companies may make assurances that the transfer will be smooth, but the reality, as related in the above article, will not be anywhere near smooth.

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It's becoming very obvious that this deal isn't as good as it was made to sound in the press release. But then again, press releases are all about spin by definition. Notice how the press release mentioned the same format and quality, but nothing about whether it owuld be 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. I took what they wrote to mean that they will still be hour long shows, but nothing about how often.

Also, I just can't see a startup internet network having the dough to take on 250 episodes a year and pay ABC a fee. It just doesn't add up financially. A huge network like ABC cancelled these shows because they became too expensive and they could replace them with cheaper shows. I can't imagine that these shows would even get 1/2 of the viewers on the internet that they get now, and most likely even less, so Prospect Park is gonna shell out $50 mil a year plus licensing fees to get just a portion of the audience that these shows get now? Not likely. It all just doesn't add up financially. Be afraid, be very afraid.

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Some report mentioned that PP was going to pay ABC millions per year in license fees; perhaps it was the WSJ article that said that. Personally, I think that's putting them in a deep financial hole from the get-go, but have any official sources actually said PP is paying ABC millions per year in licensing fees?

And yes EastMA2, press releases are all about spin. Whatever it said in the press release, consider it just spin, because it's obvious they don't have everything worked out yet.

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^Oh I don't know. There's a part of me who thinks this was the plan all along, and that ABC "cancelled" the shows just to give them a good reason, and look like the good guys for bringing them back to life.

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Whatever happens, whether it's a horrible mess, the thought of throwing most of the rules out is exhilarating. Imagine remodeling OLTL around people it actually deserves to be modeled around, young and old - for me, as outlined in the other thread, people like Viki, Dorian, Natalie, Rachel Gannon and the Halls, a gay couple, some Woleks, a decent Joey, maybe Shane, Jamie Vega and a better Jack in the teen set - whoever. Characters or families or actors who have proven they either can take the weight or have real untapped potential. And then make up the rest as you go. New families, more Asian-Americans, more Indian-American/Hindu characters, a whole new canvas, in many ways. I think so much could be done, I just never imagined the opportunity could come so soon. I'm still not totally buying into it; it seems too good to be true.

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Errol's article said that PP got a grant from the government to be able to pay for these shows, as the governemnt were giving out grants for companies looking to invest in New Media. Why would they purposely take on shows that they know they can't afford? The people in charge of PP aren't amateurs so I am going to wait and see. God some of you are so negative, you spend months saying you want the shows saved and they are and you still have a problem. If it fails, at least SOMEBODY tried.

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I can see why people are nervous, or aren't thrilled with this news, but I think it's obvious that a press release will exaggerate, and that this won't be what we are necessarily expecting. I'm mostly just hoping to see how these changes unfold, more than anything. I know there's a good chance none of the vets will be involved and this might end up being glassy-eyed 19 year olds staggering through Motel 6 bathrooms. But I still want to see how it works and see if this might be the start to something that will revive the genre.

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I think it's fair to say the press release is spin. I think this news leaked way earlier than either PP or ABC wanted and the release is just something they put out because they had to.

Everybody has their shopping list of what they want these shows to be and they're asking a million questions but there's nothing to tell and there probably won't be anything to tell for a long time. It's not like these things are going to launch right after the shows end on ABC so we probably have a nice, long, detail-free wait ahead of us. It's going to suck for the actors because the ones who - rightly - move on are going to get a big glass of haterade.

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I think OLTL has a better shot of continuing close to after it ends on ABC, they have the next few months to figure that one out, but AMC is more urgent considering it wraps production a lot sooner and the cast is already released.

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Marceline, this is so true. I bet a lot of the actors wish that this news never happened. Honestly, I feel sorry for those such actors, because they are going to receive the wrath of crazed soap fans if they decline to be involved with this project. In particular, Lucci and Slezak are put in such terrible positions, because if they choose not to be involved, then many will blame them when this venture fails.

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They've both been in the business for most of their lives and they've probably had to deal with all kinds of crazed soap fans. I also think Lucci may get something of a break - or I hope she will anyway - because fans know how ABC screwed her over regarding having her go out and say the show wasn't being cancelled. Lucci and Slezak have both been such team players, I'm really hoping that no one will blame them for anything they do.

There will always be crazy people who take this stuff too personally, but I think a lot of the actors will be happy to have both options, especially since there may be a very flexible filming schedule with this new show, and if the show is smart, they will let the actors do other projects.

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