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He's giving the article more attention than it would have gotten otherwise by going nuts. I will concede that maybe the "the" should be removed from the title and that actually wasn't something I did on purpose. It may not have even been my original edit of the title. The actual article is only stating the facts as they are out there.

I'm sure he wasn't trying to drag anybody's name through the mud, but the implication from his statements was that the project was put on hold mainly because Irizarry and Lucci were not able to come to a deal with PP. He wrote it, and the Irizarry part was disputed.

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OMG that's amazing! He's making Farah and her finger look like Condaleeza Rice! Congrats Angela! I am so proud of you right now! You poked the bear and he lost his [!@#$%^&*]!

I'm saying it again: Jamey should never talk about AMC ever again. Not the show, not the actors, not past episodes, nothing. He has now had his ass handed to him by Susan Lucci, RPG, and VI. He just needs to stick to whoring for OLTL.

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Jamey Giddens Original Tweet Re: PP & AMC

Hearing Prospect Park's inability to make a deal w/ V. Irizarry is a factor in #AMC reboot stalling. Stories were to heavily involve David.

What the fan wrote to VI

hi, its been reported today that that the show was put on hold for 3 mos. because loren broderick and vincent cant decide if they want to sign, come on guys i hope this is not true, its been way to long for the return of pine valley,lets get the show back

Ok Guys what this fan posted to VI is not even close to what Jamey Said

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Ahh yes. Poor victimized Jamey. Jamey blamed the fact that PP shelved AMC on the fact they couldn't reach an agreement with VI. He may not have blamed VI outright but that's what he was doing. He deserves to get nailed for it and so does his "source" assuming there is one.

Yes he was. He was sucking up to PP by trying to make them look innocent while making VI and LB the fall guys.

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Chris, I did state that his response was in response to a reduced summary of Jamey's comments.

And John, Vincent wasn't responding to the 3 month part that I assume the person got from Errol's article from Monday. The Lorraine part in the question is inaccurate, but I can't say the same about the Vincent part. He was without question responding to the Irizarry and Broderick part.

Prior to VI's comment, Jamey had no issue while people were taking out of his tweets that Vincent and Prospect Park were unable to reach an agreement and that along with Susan Lucci and Prospect Park being unable to reach an agreement - that was the driving factors to the stall, hold, delay, pause due to driving brand and driving story.

Vincent refuted the Lorraine part about signing which was stated inaccurately (although I haven't kept up with what Jamey is saying about Lorraine), yes, but he also refuted the Vincent part.

Iizarry's gotten updates to what Jamey said in that thread, if he pulls back his statement of dispute after reading them I'll retract my news story. Until then, it will remain in its current state.

ETA: I have no idea what Jamey says about Lorraine on Twitter, reading some tweets on the boards, I'm reading he says PP hasn't contacted Lorraine Broderick but then in other tweets he's talking about how she felt this and that about Lucci and Irizarry like she currently works with PP on AMC.

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