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If by "plugging," you mean Les Moonves announcing "SOAPS ARE DEAD!" like a wrestling announcer and then strutting out his piece, Julie Chen, and her godawful "Talk" show...then, yes.

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If I was AMC, I'd go for the Hail Mary to reinvent the show - go after Peter [!@#$%^&*] Bergman. They're not going to get David Canary back full time and God knows what will become of JR here. Kreizman's attempt at revamping the Cortlandts did not work. It could with strong figures behind it, a la Canary - Bergman and perhaps a recurring-or-better Taylor Miller. God knows Y&R is on a slow boat to cancellation that's getting faster all the time, and Bergman can't possibly be that happy. If PP really gets a cable deal to air on Bravo or elsewhere, he's got little to lose. Why not try it?

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I don't think they need a male character back to center the Courtlandts around and Cliff was only one by marriage. I think brining back Nina but the Courtlandts might be too far gone. I'd stick with the Chandlers and get Skye back and see if they could convince DC to appear on occassion or for specific story arcs. They could also try and get Brooke back.

Despite the opinions and uncertainties of Y&R these days I don't see anyone walking from that.

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When Y&R gets cancelled, it has a considerably greater liklihood of being successful as an online soap (than either AMC or OLTL). For this reason, combined with the facts that (1) actors on a television series will almost certainly get higher pay than those who are with PP and (2) this PP venture is likely to be short-lived, Bergman would be insane to leave Y&R for AMC. Why do you think that Debbi Morgan and Jacob Young have already jumped ship for Y&R and B&B, respectively? Needless to say, not a single actor from one of the four remaining soaps has decided to leave his show for the PP online venture.

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Have you watched that show lately? It's unrecognizable on a level that is starting to make AMC and OLTL look like Agnes in her prime. They have literally raped the golden goose in record time.

OLTL and AMC's casts are on television right now. They will be moving to PP. This same process would be identical if Y&R were to move online, which I frankly doubt.

Based on what?

Debbi Morgan will be off that show before the end of 2012, I assure you, and probably back on AMC. That's how Y&R works now. Look at what they've done to virtually every big hire from other networks or soaps. Not to mention some of their own people.

Yet. They're waiting to see what becomes of the venture. And right now, it has good capital, good people behind the scenes at Prospect, and potentially a cable deal with benefits on primetime and syndicated programming.

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There is no guarantee that PP will or won't be successful. Its a risk no matter who is involved. For some it might be exciting but for many they like the job security they would have, the money , they get at a show still on network TV.

As for Y&R, AMC was fargone too as was OLTL at one time. Its not cancelled. Look at Days for how many years. And for AMC a few good weeks up to cancellation doesn't mean the show has bounced back. I love AMC and yeah I see improvements but if the show wasn't ending and loaded with fan faves returning and without all the publicity I don't believe any significant number of people would have returned.

These are just people wanting to make a decent living. I don't see Bergman walkig away from a secure job at least until 2014

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Oh, I doubt he'd do it. But I think it could be done, if you leveraged him with money, the promise of a central power patriarch role for Cliff in the Adam or Palmer mold, and a good offer for other work on other Prospect projects. Y&R is just that bad and he has always spoken very wistfully of not wanting to leave Pine Valley.

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