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Loved the Faith reveal...was such a huge Joanna Johnson fan back then. Funnily enough, watching Caroline again now 31 years later (up to episode 633), I find her to be quite nasty at times, really rude to Stephanie. I guess over the years I have become a Brooke fan, so seeing her being quite nasty to Brooke has has me change my view on Caroline. Plus I guess I'm a lot older and can see that she treated Thorne pretty shoddily throughout most of their marriage.


Still, I'm not prepared for her to die in around 100 episodes or so...I cried buckets back then and still get a little teary thinking about it... 

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I just finished uploading 2018 episodes that aren't on Youtube (September, October and November 2018)... I was going to start with December and by the end of this week I intended to add August, September and October 2020... but it tells me "Error, quota exceeded"


Does this mean the Vault is 100% full?? Or  did I exceed my number of uploads in 1 day? Does  ChickenNuggetz92   have informations? I hope this problem can be fixed. I'll try again tomorrow.


Soapsuds    I didn't even know there was a tennis thread. Thank you for the info, maybe I'll visit it one of these days.

Edited by Jennybold1974
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You can read it from the page source code. The episodes are always labelled CBS_BOLD_episode.number and that episode was marked as CBS_BOLD_8511.


Interestingly, those Pt.1, Pt.2 episodes were marked as 8426 and 8426A.

Edited by LuckyBold
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Yes, exactly. I wonder now if celebrating #9000 episode will mean #9001 or #9002 in other countries. But since we had the number on the original script with LSV as a writer, and it was confirmed by Casey Kasprzyk, there's no doubt about episode numbers form now on. Still, though I can understand why 8318A could be skipped in the international broadcast, but why Christmas episode was marked as 8426A, it would continue to baffle me

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So the Vault is full, that's what I suspected. I suggest we don't delete anything for now. Especially not the  photo archive, which only takes a few Mo. Even if we delete some episodes the problem will resurface as soon as we post new stuff.

Let's wait until ChickenNuggetz92 sees these messages and see what she says..


 BoldKara   I will post episode 7976 and 7979-7997 and 8330-8389 as soon we have enough storage again.

Edited by Jennybold1974
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I have seen episodes form 2012 on till 2021 on torrent sites, so may be if we have to decide we can delete the years after 2012.

I have thoese on storage so it will be no problem to upload them again when we have space.

But let's wait

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Which is why the (understandable) groaning about the Liam merry-go-round amuses me. It is nothing new for B&B. It just used to be Ridge going back and forth and back and forth and grown women making stupid choice all the time and the incest, oh the incest.

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I think the main difference is that back then the show actually had more than one story going on simultaneously. Even Ridge's waffling between first Caroline and Brooke and then between Taylor and Brooke never dominated the show so completely as Liam's waffling does now.

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