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Thanks for setting the record straight, @anon4520! I'm so sorry some people were quick to jump the gun on you for a message that I felt was easily misconstrued. Capturing and digitizing is an arduous process, so I get that some people may feel territorial about their contributions and nobody likes getting their toes stepped on, but jumping to conclusions and indignantly steamrolling other people before hashing it out is the worst way to go about this. We need to remember some people aren't as good at others at articulating their messages since we all come from different walks of life. 


I really hope this experience doesn't alienate you from contributing in the future, and I hope this experience is kind of a wake up call for everyone here not to react so quickly. We are not putting ourselves at an advantage by prematurely pushing people out of our community, and the only way we can have the most complete archive we can is if we all band together and contribute collectively and of course, spread the word. Remember, the real enemy in this fight are the laws of Copyright and Distribution, not the fans. 


On that note, I thank everyone again who has made their contributions to date. I echo @BoldRestless' sentiments about this being a community that should pay things forward. This isn't possible without all of you. If you wish to have your identity attached to your upload instead of uploading as a guest, please shoot me an email so I can set you up as a registered user.

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Absolute tearjerker. I cry every time!!! As some of you know I have 3 of those final  Caroline episodes in VHS quality I mentioned on here months ago, and haven't put them up as we are getting so close to them (around ep 835 I think), and was worried that if they were on the vault, that whoever was uploading wouldn't put up the better quality ones...I have put up clips though from slightly earlier episodes in the Clip folder if you haven't seen them...worst case scenario, if we never get those here (trying not to jinx it!), I will put them up...but for now, we wait anxiously for the build to that gut wrenching episode. 

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Just thinking but... in 2002 opening there was pretty similar photos of Taylor that she had in 1995 opening (one with white dress and the brown one.) Why did they redo only Taylor's pics in 2002? And was those allready shot in 1995 and just used years after since they are pretty similar. And what the heck the blue thing is at the very beginning of the opening just before the city shot. Always thought these xD

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