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E! Soap Opera Reality Show

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Aside from Kelly Monaco most of these people aren't known (and Kelly isn't really all that known either) and several of them are extremely grating. I'm surprised E didn't have one of the Kardashians or one of Hugh's Playboy models make an appearance to get some attention.

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Maybe some of the people Kelly Ripa and Husband and the other producers approached simply didn't wanna do it? Especially if I were a working actor on a soap at the time, I wouldn't want even more of amy private time to be with cameras--particularly on an E reality show. I'd be curious to find out who else they did ask.

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:lol: I wasn't a slut, but I can't imagine that either. I have a friend who is married to her boyfriend she met at church when we were in the 9th grade, and now we're 32. Boggles my mind. As for KM, do we know more about what happened there? From the way she was talking, it sounded like he got into drugs or something...

I have to say, I did enjoy the show considering that I only know most of these people by face and name, FF and JPL are the only two on a show I watch pretty regularly. It was all well and good until that first kitchen scene with NB and BB (in full makeup), the fakeness of the set-up just dropped the momentum for me, and that crap with the fake scene on the TV at Galen's house with the blurred out "Sami", what the hell was that? You can maybe get by with that crap with non-soap viewers, but your target soap-watching audience will spot a fraud like that and it really detracts.

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Supposedly they asked CK from Y&R and they would not let her do it.

Seriously the backstage happenings at a soap would be entertaining especially if you focused on a show like Y&R which is incredibly dysfunctional. I watched it for Kelly for the most part and it was ok but not enough to interest me to watch again. Probably because I know for example her RL drama is staged and she moved past that relationship 2 years ago. I also don't think aside from FF the rest of the cast was that compelling for a "shocker" reality show. They should have cast VR and MS. But I also don't think Kelly Monaco as much as I love her is that well known. Winning DWTS 6 years ago? I couldn't even tell you who won last year.

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Maybe the show would have been more popular if they did like The Real World and they all had to live in the same house? Or, it should have been like that old reality show, Temptation Island, where every week two soap stars get voted out and two soap stars join the cast in the hot tub and we got to watch who hooks up and who resists temptation.

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I just read that Jenna was the second choice to play Carly on GH but lost the role to Jennifer Bransford. Its funny bc I didnt notice till now but they kinda resemble each other


that would never work. Im sure they are doing this show bc it isnt an inconvenience to their everyday lifes. Forcing them to all live in a house would. These arent regular folks off the street. They are young actors with careers, (except Jenna) currently on tv with schedules and even a pair with a family.

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Looks like it may be a flop already. Which, kinda makes me sad because there was supposed to be an episode where Farah came back to Lexington. Her mom (who I have met under random circumstances she's a JOP and officiated by now ex best friend's wedding ..and is a nice lady) was talking about it on the local news last night.

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