Members Ann_SS Posted November 11, 2012 Members Share Posted November 11, 2012 But why wouldn't Olivia not just call Fitz and tell him how she feels? They have each other's personal and official telephone numbers. He would never refuse a call from her. Besides, all she had to do is tell Cyrus and he would hook them up. Olivia getting involved with another man and trying to move with her is a far more realistic and dramatic obstacle for Fitz and Olivia. I also think that it is important for Olivia to try to move on. How else would she know for sure if she can bear living without Fitz even with all the complications and melodrama their relationship brings to their lives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Money Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Having Olivia simply call Fitz with one phone call would oversimplify and minimize the drama. If she stays true to character she wouldn't call him after all the internalizing she has done with their relationship. She would slowly come to that realization, per the scandals of the week. Her initial intent would be to tell him and maybe the rug gets pulled from under her because we have a role reversal where he tries to have a real marriage with Mellie because it's best for all parties involved. Add Cyrus or Mellie's machinations and it would be emotionally impossible. If Cyrus stays true to character in season 1 then he would prevent them from being together as he did when he physically had the CIA block her from meeting him at their special place and he barely tolerated her. He may be friends with Olivia but the presidency will always be his number one priority and if he thinks she is a threat to that he has proven he has no problem interfering. Mellie is the perfect antagonist. I just don't think Shonda needs to complicate things by adding a boyfriend so soon in the game. I hope she does a lot of retooling with the additional episodes she is given. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ann_SS Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 See, just about everything that you are suggesting seems totally inconsistent in what we have seen this season, in my opinion. I cannot imagine any circumstances in which Fitz would want to have a "real" marriage with Mellie. To say that he despises Mellie would be the understatement of the millennium. I would find it more believable if Fitz turned to another woman on the rebound and out of loneliness like he did with Amanda Turner. Also, since season two started Cyrus has been trying to convince Olivia to go back to work at the White House and/or work closer with Fitz. So there is no reason that he would block Olivia from meeting or reuniting with Fitz. I like Mellie, but I actually don't consider her an antagonist. She is helpless when it comes to Fitz and Olivia's drama. Mellie has not even been able to keep them apart despite their "new deal." It is Olivia who has pushed Fitz away. Mellie can threaten all she wants, but she will never go through with revealing the affair because it will take her down too. Maybe Cyrus could be considered an antagonist, but even his attempts to keep Fitz and Olivia apart last season failed. He could make their lives difficult, but he seems to accept the way things are with Olivia and Fitz. I think that the only real antagonist in the show is the presidency and/or Olivia's ambition for Fitz. Here is a rare promo that aired during Revenge. There are two new clips; one of Olivia in a limo with her hair looking really good for once, and another of Fitz coming out of a limo and waving to the crowd. She is going somewhere with Edison and will see Fitz there will Mellie. It could be part of the upcoming inauguration flashback episode. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 This weeks episode was one of the first I didnt love everything about. While the case of the week was fine, i found Cyrus and James came off very, very juvenile. Also, the new man for Liv... like.. i dont know. I just dont see anything between them, at all. I did love Huck going on a date though, and Abby/David really work for me. oprah visited the set and it will be featured on Oprah's Next Chapter. I dont know if the focus is the show, kerry, or shonda though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members gladiator in flip flops Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Finally some "Scandal". I liked "All Road Lead To Fitz" simply because it answered some questions. Yeaaaaah for that. At least we get an idea of what the secret club is all. Voter fraud. That is an interesting way to go. I like that. I also liked the pace this time. Edison I still don't care for. Good thing he was only in one scene. Huck is hella weird. Listen a guy takes me out and pull up in front of a house and tells me all that stuff and it's not his relatives, I am out of the car. He don't get no kiss from me. I don't care if he's George Clooney or Bradley Cooper. One thing is AA and another thing is stalking. And then taking your date to see this. CRAZY! Cy is too much. I am wondering how come Olivia never told him about Fitz from the very beginning since they are in this secret club and all. But what was that part at the apartment between Cy and Liv about the contractor saving them or something. Didn't get that. Anyone...... ~Milo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Awe, Huck is my favorite. I thought it was cute, creepy but cute, that he took his date to do something i can totally picturing him do, window watching families and wishing he had one. Now would i be down with that? hell no. But it worked for his character and this chick seems not all there herself, so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Chris B Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 One thing I liked in the picture for Oprah's Next Chapter, is that Kerry's hair seemed better. She has the WORST hairstyle ever as Olivia. It is so unflattering. Shallow I know lol. Other than that this show is excellent. I'm excited in seeing how they handle a 22 episode season since the show has continuing arcs. I know originally Shonda was saying how happy she was with 13 episodes. I wonder if they had a plan in place in case it was extended or if they'll tie everything up and have a second main story for the back nine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members gladiator in flip flops Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Oh yeah, it's perfect for Huck the character. But he is just seems to have so much layers to him. The guy needs some serious time and the couch. And his date says nothing. She is another one. Something like, "Why are we here?" I heard about Oprah. She is going to interview both Kerry and Shonda. It's that whole "First black woman on tv in a lead in almost 30 years." I wonder if Oprah is a fan of the show. ~Milo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Oprah has tweeted about Scandal in the past. I think it is safe to say she is a fan. And it is INSANE about that 30 year thing. Like wow. Huck/Olivia is one of my favorite dynamics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ann_SS Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 I still say that Shonda could have done a better job casting and the background of Olivia's non-Fitz love interest. You are not alone. Go back a couple pages and you will see tons of conversation about Olivia's horrific hair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 I have never noticed Olivia's hair being bad or good, honestly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members gladiator in flip flops Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 If Oprah is a fan then that needs to spread. The Oprah factor can give "Scandal" some ratings. Woooo Hoooooo!! Too bad that "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is still not on. That would have made big news. The OWN channel is not as popular. I watch an interview from time to time. Will be on the look out for the Scandal interview. ********************************************************************************************************************************** That wig Kerry wears is too 70's. We have said this before I know. And what is it with all that white in this last episode. Golly. We are in fall. Okay it was winter white but still. How about black for a change. I have been to DC a few times and ususally in the fall. I never see people walking around with them colors. Abby and Quinn too. What is with all them white silk blouses? At least they wear black skirts. If anything wear colorful sleeveless dresses. I notice a lot of reporter and anchors based in DC doing that. They follow Michelle Obama I guess. Abby is super skinny and her clothes sometimes look like they are falling off of her. Quinn has a curvy body. She would look good in color. Her hair is nice and bouncy all she needs is a little splash. ~Milo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ann_SS Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 I said I would let go of Olivia's wardrobe, but I agree with your criticisms about all the clothes that the women wear. They do not dress like they work with the politically powerful. In the fall/winter especially, professional women in D.C. wear stylish sharp suits and office wear in a variety of bold colors; with dresses and skirts black tights/stockings and black shoes are the norm yet Abby and Quinn always wear flesh color stockings. Olivia should be dressing like Gina Torres on Suits and Julianna Margulies on The Good Wife; conservatively, but with lots of style and bold colors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members gladiator in flip flops Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 Kerry has explained several times that since Olivia does not work for anyone, Olivia can wear whatever she wants. I don't mind the suits in dark gray or whatever. But all that white bothers me. And then at the apartment. She in all that winter white and the sofa is white and it's like too much. ************************************************************************************************************************************ I didn't miss Fitz at all. I love the Olivia and Fitz relationship don't get me wrong. But I thought it was good that they are giving them space. I don't like Edison but I like the fact that since Fitz broke it off, there is space between them now. ~Milo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ann_SS Posted November 12, 2012 Members Share Posted November 12, 2012 If anything it is worse, that Olivia works for herself and she chooses to wear clothes that lack style and color. I am done with Olivia's everyday wardrobe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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