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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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It's funny that Aiden & Emily are portrayed as innocent, only correcting mistakes. At least they seem to think so themselves. LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if people will go after THEM for revenge at some point, cause they are using so many people. And they aren't so sweet themselves. ;)

Did Victoria kill her mom's boyfriend or did Marion do it herself, and then had Victoria shoot him again so she'd get gun powder on her hands and fingerprints on the gun? What a nutcase Marion Harper turned out to be. Glad Victoria & Conrad invited her in to be completely humiliated and lose Ben, who she actually thought was a real person interested in her.

What lenghts will Victoria & Conrad go to to make sure that Daniel doesn't get involved with the Initiative?

It's actually very interesting this part. Emily & Aiden are working hard to make sure Daniel takes over Grayson Global, because Daniel is much easier to manipulate than Conrad, who isn't close with Emily/Aiden. All so they can lure out the Initiative and get revenge on them for all terrorist acts they have pulled. And then there's Victoria/Conrad on the other side who ALSO wants to take down the Initiative, but NOT involving Daniel in anything. They have the SAME GOAL, but not the same methods in reaching the goal.

And now Nolan's company is dragged into the mess. Poor Nolan is being so used by Emily, and he's only happy to help. I wish she would be more considerate towards him. A love triangle between Padma, Nolan & Marco? Yes, please!

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Interesting winter finale! Some skeet shooting with the Initiative spying on the Graysons. Power stuggle at both NolCorp and Grayson Global. Suddenly Daniel is the CEO of BOTH companies! Nolan forced to give 51% of NolCorp to Daniel, and then Emily sending old footage of Ashley & Conrad having sex (apparently it happened once, when Conrad was divorced from Victoria and before Ashley hooked up with Daniel) to Victoria so that Victoria could oust Ashley from the Grayson fold, and therefore make Daniel more inclined to listen to Aiden, who Ashley dislikes. But hold your horses! After a talk with Conrad, who straightened things out, Victoria realized it was a ploy and decided to use the video to make Conrad win the board meeting vote. By having Ashley seduce the most influenced board member to vote for Conrad. But as Emily/Aiden has access to the Grayson surveillance cameras, they were one step ahead and had Daniel walk in on Ashley seducing the board member! And Daniel in return blackmailed him into voting for him, or he'd show his wife the picture of him & Ashley that he just snapped with this cellphone camera.

Daniel was full of ruthlessness. After seeing Aiden cuddle Emily, he wouldn't let Aiden back into Grayson Global, and ditched his right-hand man like hot potatoes. How will Emily control Daniel's every move now? Hook up with him again, maybe? Over at the mansion, Ashley left in shame as Conrad had all surveillance cameras disconnected. Must have realized that someone's been hacking into the system, or else how would all information have gotten out?

Nolan invited ex-boyfriend Marco back to NolCorp. The future love triangle (?) of him, Padma and Marco will find a way to take back NolCorp from Daniel. While Daniel is the new target for the Initiative, now that Conrad is no longer in charge. They are already spying on Daniel through secret cameras in his office.

Over at the marina, Carl's old pal came back to warn Jack about the Ryan brothers. Apparently, Jack didn't know they were the sons of Joel Ryan, a mobster that vanished, probably killed, 6 years ago. Jack found out the story. That the pal killed Mr Ryan with Carl's gun, and that Carl hid the gun on The Amanda to save his friend. And now Mr Ryan's sons are there. Why? They don't have any good intentions, that's for sure. And Jack headed to his boat and found the murder weapon.

Former One Life to Live & Sunset Beach actress Sherri Saum will guest star on Revenge s2.

Edited by BoldBeauty
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I just caught some YT clips of Barry Sloane as Aiden on Revenge. When did he get so hot? He use to look so emaciated and unattractive on Hollyoaks. It looks like he has put 10lbs or so. He looks hot as hell now. He and Emily Van Camp make a sizzling couple. I read that he is on contract for the whole season. I might have to start watching to catch their scenes.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I don't like Jack or Daniel so I am now rooting for Emily end up with Aiden in the series finale. However, I think that he betrays her badly before then. He works for Takeda and still has that missing sister which will give someone a hold over him.

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