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AMC - Friday - May 13, 2011

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I really don't mind the doppelganger storyline so far. I was pissed off when it was first announced, but the more I think about it, it's kind of strange that they haven't done something like this with Erica before. I mean...we can act as if she's been immune to all of the over-the-top craziness that soaps have had over the last 30 years or so, but this really isn't that far gone from fighting with a bear, breaking Jeremy out of prison, racing a car, going on the run as "Christine," etc. I think the initial disgust had more to do with the idea that AMC was copying Y&R (which they probably were), and the fact that the Y&R stories sucked ass. But this is the type of storyline I love with Erica...she's nowhere to be found, and her loved ones are running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out what's going on. You can just picture Mona standing to the left of Bianca and Kendall, sighing a good old-fashioned "Oh, Erica!!"

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I see your point. Erica's storylines, especially in the 80s were over the top in a fun way. A part of me is disappointed though that the writers would write a doppelganger story for Erica. I've always felt that the character is too sacred to try to duplicate in the doppelganger sense.

Plus, so many characters in Pine Valley have had doppelgangers already! There has to be a cap set! We've had Adam/Stuart, Cindy/Karen, Natalie/Janet, Tad/Ted, Anna/Alex, Jesse/Jacob. Too much!

I'm definitely watching though, because I want to see where La Lucci takes this.

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I wonder if Jane will have a mirror self and if she will be played by another actress or would they cop out and say she's so far gone that she sees Erica regardless? And would folks be mad that that was stealing Janet's thing?

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I still love Colby's little viral video "Breakup girl" story. lol @ what she said after Asher suggested she ease up and give people a chance. "And go back to 150 friends and 22 people following my tweets. No thank you." LOL.

Susan is doing a terrific job with this story. I love Erica's facial expressions & the way she talks to Jane. The way she said things like "Why do you look like me?", "Were you born looking like that?" had me laughing!

Asher & Caleb sure are a couple of dumb asses! They stood in front of a ticking time bomb and acted like they didn't know what it was. "Is that what I think it is?" Really, Asher? REALLY? And then Caleb was like "we need to get out of here" WELL DUH! You should've ran the minute you saw that timer start up! They wasted so much time looking at the bomb rather than bolting away from it.

Insert "idiots" next to the word "useless".

Horrible casting in the role for Madison's doctor. To me she comes across as very cold & heartless. Not to mention, I'm sorry, but kind of a bitch. Her voice is so monotone and you can't sense any feeling or sorrow in the tone of her voice at all. "The babies heart rate is dropping", the way she said that almost seemed as if it was great news or something.

That last Bianca/Ricky scene was SCARY.

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Except those episodes were unique in their own ways. "Jane" is just so cliched and DAYS-ish.

The doctor must've been a Rylee supporter.

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Eh, I mean, for me anything that that lets Susan spread her acting wings a little, is fine by me. And to be honest, after Josh and the horror that story brought about...I like something a bit more cliche. Something a little more...normal. Something that's not a complete and total annihilation of her and the shows history.

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Or worse? Jane's had this in the works ever since she and Erica first met at that fat farm Erica went to after her film career went bust.

Don'cha know? In Brian Frons' eyes, FAT WOMEN ARE EVIL.

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Ironically (1999), that's when I think SL had her face altered to look like today's Susan Lucci instead of the "ethnic" Susan Lucci of years past. I kept wondering when this change happened? When did she go from looking Italian to WASPy Caucasian?

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I completely agree. I don't like that they're doing this story particularly with 4 months of AMC left. The time could be spent doing something much better with Erica. I will accept that LB and the show has no choice but to continue this story until the end of June but I am going to be disappointed if this story is not ended almost immediately around June 27th.

I had to watch that scene maybe 3 times, she did really say the "heart rate is dropping" like it was good news.

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I noticed that particular line too! I think a lot of actors play up the emotionally detached doctor thing. On the other hand, I thought the actor playing the asian male doctor on oltl did a really nice job with his U/5 on Friday. Warm and efficient.

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