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OLTL Tribute Thread


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I always assumed JFP and Megan McTavish, or whoever was writing OLTL at that point, either didn't know about the first storyline, had forgotten about it, or just plain didn't care.  But, yes, they did do the same story twice.  For that reason ALONE, I hated the second go-round with it.


Didn't Marlena DeLaCroix mention in her old column (for SOW) how Linda Gottlieb and Michael Malone clearly meant "Incident at Loon Lake" to be an homage to the 1951 movie, "A Place in the Sun"?

Edited by Khan
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Like Khan said, I'd guess McTavish and JFP didn't even know about the last version of this, although it may have been mentioned vaguely. JFP also used that story to stretch material during the many months that OLTL had no headwriter and she was basically doing the show herself. 


I can't remember if the '90/'91 version tried to convince viewers that Max was Asa's son, or if we knew it was a con all along. I have an episode somewhere (it's probably on Youtube as well most likely) with Gabrielle in Sweetwater learning the "truth" from DuAnn.


I think whether with JDP or Walker, Max was just too flashy to really fit into the Buchanan group.


Agreed about the rap story (I think their big story was rapping at a Gulf War gathering or something - I can't remember but I think there was an SOD article about it).


Here's a bit more of Sheila, in a Gottlieb "very special episode" type mini-story, with some singing and racism.




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Oh wow. Those Sheila clips are WAY ahead of their time. Sucks that post this story, nothing really changed in daytime or Hollywood in general until now. At least in Hollywood and primetime. I'm conflicted because part of me is proud of Sheila's reaction but the other part of me is pissed b/c she didn't flip out and sock the casting director and Babs in the face. 


I'm glad that Tina and Cord stood up for Sheila and quit the play. Only thing that unnerved me was Tina bringing up that Cord is 'Mexican,' which is a peeve of my own. She had good intentions but I wanted to reach into the screen and shot at her that Mexican isn't a race. It's a nationality. She should've said that Cord was biracial with white and mestizo--but whatever. :P The scenes were poignant and beautiful. I really enjoyed them. 

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As far as I know, she never mentioned them from 2002-2004. I began watching in October of 2001, so maybe she mentioned them before then, but I doubt it.


Julia was sent to prison for DuAnn's murder. The old OLTL History Pages website said she shared a goodbye with Max, which makes me think she said goodbye to Al/they probably talked about Gabrielle. This would have been, I think, in 1992.


I believe the audience knew all along that Gabby was lying about Max being Asa's son. The OLTL book by Gary Warner in 1998 says she had a DNA test done after learning Patricia Holden (Max's mother) had slept with Asa. I'm pretty sure Gabby implied in her first scenes back in 2001 with Max that he was a dumbass pretending to be Asa's son after she had pulled that trick first. I'll have to watch them again. :lol:


In any case, I think Gary Tomlin DID acknowledge that. I do give him props for looking into the show's history. He was pretty good at that.


I'm still baffled that JFP was allowed to be de facto HW for almost a year before ABC finally stepped in and said, "No bitch, we need a REAL writer for this job." Even with OLTL's status as the red headed stepchild/the support ABC gave JFP over the years, that seems like one HELL of an oversight. 

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I don't mind topical stories on soaps, but I think the stories have to fit the characters, and vice versa; and after all the craziness Cord and Tina had been through up to that point, it was strange to see them in a story about racism and community theater.

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 (Sorry Carl for quoting you too--stupid quote boxes!)

I have more of a soft spot for Rauch than I probably should, but yeah, he did this on GL too with the Brodreaux (sp?) family--not the rap part, but almost as if he sensed people thought his show was too white, so he would go, "HERE ARE SOME NEW BLACK PEOPLE!" right before being let go. Both times.


It looks like that, anyway. 

Edited by MissLlanviewPA
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Paul Rauch also made a concerted effort to feature AA's on ANOTHER WORLD.  That was during the period when Morgan Freeman and Howard Rollins were on the show.  However, from what at least one has suggested on SON, his efforts failed him there as well.

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Very true. But given Cord's past and how Asa treated Maria, I could see Cord being sympathetic to race issues. 

I hate how the Boudreau clan was treated at GL. It's like no one even tried to invest in them post putting Mel with Rick. Poor Remy didn't find footing till the last year of the show, and I am still livid that Mel that strapped to Jenna's bastard offspring (Cyrus) out of all people. 


I also used to get pissed at how people used to blame Mel being hitched to Rick as the reason Rick didn't get any stories. But those same people later became elated when Rick cheated on Mel with Beth, leaving poor Leah and Mel in the dust. I felt that Rick never paid for his sins but different show, different thread....

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Except, I don't recall them mentioning Maria Roberts or Allison's mother, Ruth Perkins, during the Jessica/Natalie story.  I realize neither engineered the kidnapping -- Ruth kept the baby Allison stole from Llanfair; Maria just exploited the crisis in order to convince everyone that Viki (or rather, Niki) was responsible, so Clint would be compelled to commit her to a sanitarium, thus clearing the way for Maria to win him back -- but I felt they should have been mentioned for some reason (and if they had been mentioned, then I must've missed it).


I, too, am baffled as to why OLTL went so long without an official HW.  I know Pam Long didn't work out as the network had hoped, but you mean to tell me they couldn't find anyone to replace her right away?  Either no one was jumping at the chance to head-write the show, or the network was waiting until Megan McTavish (or another writer they really wanted) was available.

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I love the scene between Rachel and Shelia. i can related to Shelia being called names the same thing happened to me when i was 10 going home after summer school. I'm of Puerto Rican and Spaniard ancestry i look completely european. I wanted to tell the black hispanic kids i was Spanish just like them but was to scared too. I loved that the show mentioned Carla Grey even if she wasn't named a great use of OLTL amazing past.

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His AW efforts were probably his most successful, in that the characters stayed the longest of any he created (until Mel and Remy on GL, even if they were never all that well used). I know Petronia Paley praised him in an interview. Beyond Quinn, I think Henrietta was a good character too, played by an interesting actress. 


Of course casting is one thing, writing is another. Valerie Pettiford was brilliant casting and really added to OLTL, but I don't think anyone ever knew how to properly showcase her, not even the way AMC did with Tonya Pinkins in a similar period.

The quoting system is an abombination...


Anyway, there was some spec at the time that JFP didn't even really want a headwriter and that she also basically served as HW when McTavish was there. I wouldn't be shocked.

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