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I've said it multiple times on multiple sites. I never liked her.

I also think Brooke having Tad's baby after Dixie had Adam Jr. and wrecked Brooke and Adam's marriage was possibly the best karma ever doled out on a soap opera.

Edited by ellabelle
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How long did that quasi-tropical version of the AMC last? The one in the May 17 episode. It's so distracting.

As much as I loved Phoebe I always thought that credits shot of her, with the random blinking, was creepy.

Mia was such an energy drain.

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Wow, a lot of bad acting in that episode - I swear Bennett was better in other episodes. Or maybe I just didn't care at the time. unsure.png

That whole drama over the fire is hollow...I'd forgotten how far Alicia Mishnew came. The same with Sam Page. I was hoping Chris wouldn't wake up.

Ugh Hayley was so strident and shrill by this time.

Nice to see Anna/David again.

I always liked Liz Hendrickson as Maggie, which is odd, as I have rarely liked her on Y&R.

Edited by CarlD2
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I remember when Mark Pinter was cast on AMC. I liked him a lot on AW but didn't care for him on AMC. He was just too sleazy and it was impossible to believe that even someone as incredibly stupid as Greenlee would believe that he was a good guy or that he and her mother were any type of ideal couple. I guess this episode was after they had dropped the story where he was trying to con Erica (wasn't he doing that?).

Pinter looks a lot like John James.

I missed all of this with Dixie's memorial service. David's interruption was classic soap.

Marcy Walker's bumper was great. Far more beautiful than they let her look on AMC in her last 3-4 years.

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The scene where Tad let David speak about Dixie was great, a type of nuance which was missing from later years. Instead they would have had Tad punch him out.

That montage was beautifully done. I wonder who put that together. Much better than most montages on soaps in recent years.

Edited by CarlD2
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I just never understoood why no one ever held her responsible for her actions. When she had her affair with David Everyone said she was his victim, but the way I watched it, and the way it played out in my tapes, SHE used him too. Used him and abused him, knowing full well what she was doing. Then when it all blew up in her face, she cried and said big bad David hurt her. UGH.

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Everything was always someone else's fault with Dixie. SHE was a willing participant in the affair with Adam that made JR, but somehow it was all Adam's fault. SHE pursued David and wanted him, even though he wasn't over Erica, but he was somehow the bad guy. Dixie could apparently do no wrong, and I HATED that. I was watching a scene from July 2006 after the revelation that Josh was Erica's son, and Dixie ripped Erica a new one, saying that it was all HER fault that Kendall got mixed up with Greg, because Erica knew how awful he was but chose not to say anything for months after she found out the truth about Josh. UM, Dixie, you were the one who gave him your kid.

The moment I decided that I hated Dixie was when she went to Brooke crying about how Craig wanted to marry her, but she couldn't let go of Tad because there was nothing of Tad left in the world. Brooke confessed then that yes, there was something left of Tad - there was baby Jamie, and he was Tad's son. Dixie then flipped out, telling Brooke it wasn't fair, that SHE was supposed to have Tad's baby. Gee, you whore, don't you think Brooke had that same thought when you got pregnant with her husband's kid? The whining was just AWFUL. Then, when Tad did come back, DIXIE was the one who spilled the beans about Jamie being his son, something that Brooke and Brooke alone should have had the right to do.

And while I'm ranting, Dixie WILLINGLY left town during her pregnancy. She WILLINGLY gave Kate away. No one held a gun to her head. Then, when she recovered from the accident, she WILLINGLY abandoned Tad and JR and the rest of her family and let them think she was DEAD. And NO ONE called her on it. NO ONE said "hey, that was a really sh*tty thing for you to do." No, it was all Greg's fault that Dixie gave her baby away, it was all his fault that she pretended to be dead for years and abandoned her son. When JR fell apart at the end, NO ONE said to Dixie, "Hey, you know, you played a big part in him turning out the way he did."

In a lot of ways, Dixie was perfect for Tad because no one ever called him on his crummy behavior either. They both got to be saints of Pine Valley.

Was it cyanide? Or arsenic? I can't remember.

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