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I actually liked Maureen more than Maria (way less whiny). It was also realistic that she wouldn't just morph back to Maria, but be more of a blend - Maureenia. However, when ELR decided to leave instead of giving the fans a "walk off into the sunset" ending for Edmund and Maria - they killed off the veteran character, let Brooke, sort of, have the last laugh, and then just had Maria move on... all around, not worth it./end quote

(grr these quotes)

Anyway, and look how they uncermoniously killed him off! I can't remember if he even got out of his wheelchair, but Jonathan killed him in the barn or something, right? Or am I totally off? Because at the time I remember just wondering why Jonathan would even target him... There was a lot of wasted potential there. Bobby Steggert (now a successful Broadway name) was good as Sam living with Brooke, being understandably angry at his mom, and with Lily. I think he just kina disappeared off screen as so many characters around that time did--from waht I remember, but I'd be even more angry if I found out Lily ended up with the killer of my dad...

Edited by EricMontreal22
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WHy was she in jail again?

Jill is very friendly on Facebook and has been saying consantly for the pat year that if it ever came back online she wants to be a part of it, to keep the faith alive, etc. Usually I just smile and nod to her posts, but I hope I hear something now that it seems to be back (I did suggest that she suggest she run Myrtle's boarding house :P )

Yes and she actually hid out in Llanview too--I think it was the same story--as a maid or something (oy I should go to bed...) The clips are somewhere. There were no OLTL character cameos though that I know of.

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I think that was when Erica was accused of killing Kent. Faux-Silver/Connie Wilkes is still alive as far as we know, going to jail after Tad clued in the cops to her true identity, so Erica wasn't dressing as her per se, just trying not to be noticed. The real Sliver didn't wear glasses and didn't die until 1988.

I think you're right about Edmund's death; Jonathan hit him in the back of the head in the barn. I liked Bobby Steggert as Sam too and thought there was great potential for him and Lily, but either Frons or McT chose not to go there.

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Actually, SFK, I wrote once a little story about how Belle, now out of prison, abducts Erica on an important night for La Kane (it was the launch of some business venture -- I forget which exactly) after weeks of stalking her, and then drags her back to her lonely house somewhere in New England. (Shades of "Misery," I know.)

The twist, though, was that Belle kidnapped Erica, not to torture her some more, but to convince her to give her Erica Kane-loving son (picture a more kind-hearted version of "Project Runway"'s Jay -- burly, gay, definitely into funny-looking hats) his big break as a fashion designer. Belle loves her little boy, but she's dying and she wants to ensure he can live on after her. And the irony is that Erica is actually blown away by his designs!

Of course, her adoration is enough for Belle's son, who hates what his mother has done, and who helps La Kane escape. Later, when the authorities have tracked Erica back to Belle's, Erica returns the favor by urging Jack not to press charges. And basically, the story ends with Erica forgiving Belle (as a mother, she can relate to why Belle did what she did -- even if she thought a simple phone call or letter might have sufficed), Belle dying in the hospital, and her son becoming a Pine Valley mainstay, setting up his design house in town, with help from Erica, Opal and (I think) Myrtle.

Edited by Khan
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I wouldn't mind if Dorothy Lyman allowed Larson to continue on as Opal, while she herself created a new role as Ray's or Opal's long-lost sister. I say I wouldn't mind, if only because I miss seeing Lyman on-screen, and I'm willing to relax a bit on my rule about prominent actors not rejoining a soap in order to portray a new and completely different character. If this were to occur, though, I would hope no one would be tempted to make any stupid "Don't I know you from somewhere?" jokes. This ain't Ron Carlivati's OLTL, for God's sake.

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I love the idea of Lyman playing Opal's long-lost sister! Maybe they could say she and her sister stopped talking because her sister couldn't stand Ray and tried to talk Opal out of marrying him. Then Opal was too stubborn to try to contact her after Ray's death and admit she was right all along.

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Edmund was faking the paralysis at the time of his death and went to the barn and saw a heater Jonathan had placed face down on the hay. He got up to remove it and then Jonathan whacked him. Clearly Edmund was not targeted, just wrong place at the wrong time. I am foggy on the details as to why Jonathan wanted to burn down the stables in the first place though?

Edmund's character maybe didn't deserve the end he got, but he had outlived his usefulness shortly after Maria "died" in the plane crash.

Edited by Adam
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Edmund's murder in my mind is when Megan went from keeping things together to slowly, then quite rapidly going off the rails. By June we had fight club and the obsession over Ryan's "sample"... and of course the groundwork was already being laid for the unabortion. The only good story going on at that time was the Di/Dixie charade.

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IMO, Edmund was wasted by keeping him the mourning widower for way too long because TPTB desperately clung to Edmund and Maria as a supercouple (which I don't necessary buy into because years later it seems that they had less fans than touted by the show),and hoped that they could lure ELR into a return.

When they did pair him up, it was with TKFP (who looked like a sort of cheap blonde version of ELR), and then with his ex-sister-in-law. While JC and FH had some chemistry, I think FH had more chemistry with MN's Dimitri.

In 1998, after the Jim fiasco when Brooke and Dimitri were flirting, it could have lead to reunions for Brooke/Edmund and Erica/Dimitri. Given the Maddie kidnapping, the foursome might not have all lived at Wildwind, but it would have made Brooke and Erica family, and that was the opportunity missed in 1994.

It might have also sped up ELR's return, and brought her back to the canvas within three years rather than five.

Yep, Megan was definitely burning out, and this is when she should have been replaced.

Probably because Megan wanted to spit on Edmund some more by later having Jonathan move into the home of the man he killed, and she couldn't come up with any other dumb way to put Edmund and Jonathan in the same room.

Edited by EnglishTea
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