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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Meanwhile, here they go startin with this sh!t...

5 Stars Who Got Their Start on Soap Opera 'All My Children'

The only good thing here is that most of the "stars" who started on AMC weren't blink-and-you-miss-it people like all of the GL and ATWT people were. At least the ones they fawn over for AMC will actually be people we care about (most of the time).

Honestly, I just want Robin VTE to get drunk and record full albums in her "hot line" persona.

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The Brian Frons of Marcy's Santa Barbara days is not the same guy as today. And frankly I don't think all network executives are smart except in getting themselves up into that position. How can someone who makes millions of dollars a year relate to the average person who watches daytime television?

If they don't change the name of "The Revolution" show to something else, I find it ironic.

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Yeah, and L.A. isn't a theatre town but I could see her booking some good regional theatre kind of like Joan van Ark does, La Jolla Playhouse and stuff like that. Hopefully she can nab some primetime guest roles like she's done in her previous L.A. ventures. For a woman her age coming from daytime, she had a very impressive primetime resume in the '90s, she booked a lot of good gigs. (BTW, her Young Riders episode where she played a madam is on IMDb streaming, and I believe her Murphy Brown ep is still on YouTube, and she never looked better than her first episode of Coach!)

Her mother is getting up there and she's got a son out there and the pups, she's said that she wants to go to college so I can see her enrolling out there as well. She's also said that she plans on writing an autobio and that excites me more than Lucci's or Zimmer's, frankly. Robin will "go there" unlike SL and I'm more familiar with her career than KZ's (though I still plan to read KZ's book because I know she'll "go there" too).

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