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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I wish I could find a websoap I've taken to, but I remain openminded.

You're right though. Even when soaps were at their peak and apparently were largely paying for the primetime shows, the execs never really cared or tried to get the genre. They wanted even more money and in the 80s is really when they slowly started to interfere more and more--without really getting the appeal. Ratings dropped (partly due to this clueless interference I remain convinced but partly because all network program ratings dropped--even primetime for the most part has fallen percentage wise not much less than daytime), clueless execs tampered more to try to stop this and it became a vicious cycle of sorts.

Jamey must be thrilled that his precitions he teased fans with for ages came true! SUCCESS!

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Ok, thanks. I would hope they at least acknowledge it. OLTL is their neighbor and they did do that huge show for the 40th anniversary of AMC and coinciding with the move. I know it was just free publicity for ABC, but still...

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Don't forget Raven! She CALLED it too :rolleyes: LOL

Oh Eric.... you know I have lost touch with this show over the last year and a bit.... but I took comfort in the fact that it was still apart of the landscape which meant there was always a chance of it getting back SOME of its former glory. Come Sept. I will no longer have that :( I say I made peace with this long ago, but part of me is really starting to get depressed. What will we do? :(

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La Lucci must be furious! All those interviews in the past 2 weeks where she claims that AMC isn't going anywhere and that she got her schedule for the next year. And how unclassy of ABC that people like Robin Strasser found out the news the way that she did. These people deserved better.

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