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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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1) AMC was higher rated when it MATTERED MOST. Oh yes.

2) AMC is the -name- soap, known in the mainstream. OH yes. Uh-huh. We know.

3) Higley destroyed OLTL for 3 years, while Pratt only destroyed AMC for 15 months. AMC wins! Yup, We know.

4) Slezak is NO Lucci. Absolutely not.

5) Strasser is NO Lucci. Absolutely not.

6) Lucci is the biggest star in daytime, and known BEYOND daytime. Oh yes. Definitely.

7) AMC was more consistently well written. Without a doubt.

8) Jamey Giddens has his head so far up OLTL's ass, it is scary. OH yes! We know, and...

9) Ditto, Nelson. Oh yes! We know.

10)OLTL HATES women. Yes. So I have been told. Hates them! AMC wins there too. Without a doubt.

11)There is no proof that OLTL is under budget! Defintely not! AMC wins. I bet AMC is more under budget than OLTL! Susan saw the financials!

I am done with this topic. Reading about it. Responding to it. Done.

Thank god Jamey's idiocy lets you pimp your own agendas.

I hope AMC goes out on top, as I do OLTL. I truly feel that AMC will hit #2 with this Erica storyline.

I am finished with this AMC vs. OLTL topic. It has reached the point of insanity. #3 on my list is a particular favorite now. God bless.

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I can understand all of this. It's obvious that OLTL got the short end of the stick many times, and I think it has less to do with the shows themselves as much as it has to do with small circumstances, just or unjust, building up and building up, resulting in what we have now. Jamey's idea that there's basically been a target on OLTL's back since the 70s, though? I know we both disagree with that and agree that he needs to sit down.

AMC was the #1 soap on ABC from 1974 to 1979. By the early 80s, "Erica" was a mononym, Lucci was doing commercials, primetime work, TV movies, and game and talk show appearances. All of this was long before her Emmy losses were notable.

Do you disagree?

I don't believe anyone said that.

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Jamey occasionally made some valid points about OLTL's identity in the distant past, but a lot of his [!@#$%^&*] is just bluster and bravado and yes, about AMC's supposed "lack" of social issue storytelling, totally off-base and unfair. He's only watched OLTL since 2004; he needs to sit down.

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OLTL was always a niche/cult soap. Even during the Gottlieb years. (Dena's tenure excluded, as her shows are about -nothing- and have zero identity). So I have no issues with AMC being considered 30 notches above OLTL in ANY category (other than lighting, as AMC's has generally been horrific :) , what I am tired of is this OLTL vs. AMC coming up all the time. It really makes no sense. Such different shows. AMC fans tend to complain about OLTL fans bitching about how "our show" never got the respect it deserved (which in some cases is 100% TRUE like Vee pointed out, especially the early to mid 90's- like when OLTL swept the emmys in 1994 and wasn't even nominated for Best Show in a year which it should have won) You guys are basically feeling to some degree as OLTL fans have always felt. These soap columnists (how ever little respect we have for their biased opinions) are not giving AMC the recognition you feel it deserves. And you something, you are right! But now you at least understand how OLTL fans have felt throughout the years. We all have our feelings about this but I don't think the OLTL vs. AMC arguing makes any sense, as these shows and their situations really have nothing to do with each other. I would rather celebrate the shows than fight about which child mommy loved more. AMC would win. We know. I actually agree. I am just tired of hearing it. Some people think Ralph Lauren is a great brand, and everybody knows Ralph Lauren. I prefer Michael Bastian. He is virtually unknown but his clothes fit me and my personality. Dumb analogy, but whatever.

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Jamey pits OLTL vs. AMC, Nelson pits OLTL vs. AMC. Speaking only for myself, I've rarely seen fans on message boards initiate OLTL vs. AMC discussions. It's almost always in response to something bloggers with agendas have said, which is sad. It's not about them not giving AMC recognition, though. When I still read Nelson's stable of crap, there was nothing I wanted more than for him to just stand up and say "I don't watch All My Children, and I don't have a whole lot of history with it, so I will no longer cover it." That would have MADE MY DAY. I just want Jamey to stop glossing over details (Yes, yes, we merely "bemoaned the Rapemance...the Morasco Fiasco." Nice use of cute nicknames to soften the blow of how disgusting those stories were.), twisting facts (Erika Slezak got RIGHT ON getting Higley out, but Lucci sat by idly and let Pratt destroy AMC), talking about stuff that he knows nothing about (OLTL has been the redheaded stepchild since almost DAY ONE, people! The Best of Everything got more exposure! I was there! I remember!), preying on his readers' ignorance (OLTL was daring and socially relevant, and, apparently, AMC was not), and making bold statements that I betcha a dollar he wouldn't be willing to back up (OLTL is telling "brazen, topical stories." Sorry, but I'm NEVER letting that go.). It's tacky.

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All I know is ES Staed That Higley Sucked In her newsletter while DH was there and she was let go after

SL Only spoke out about pratt a few weeks ago. All Jamey wondered is if she had done sooner if it would have made a difference

I find it funny u hate a soap blogger with so much passion for his opinion and u never met him


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There's nothing wrong with preferring one soap over the others. Hate AMC because Erica Kane is a 60 year old teenager. Hate OLTL because the rapist is the town stud. Hate GH because of the mob. Hate Y&R because Victor Newmann mumbles, B&B because it's the incest soap and Days because of whatever (there seems to be a lot of reasons people are hating Days right now.)

But the AMC/OLTL fighting doesn't come up until the Jaymelson factor comes in. (We wouldn't even be having this debate now if it weren't for Jamey's fit.) Mainly because those two (and others :P ) positioned this not as an issue of preference but as a battle for survival of one show over the other. That's the agenda. Not that one show is better but that one show had to die so that the other could live. They didn't just pimp their favorite, they actively tried to kill the other. But now when he thinks he's being called out on it Jamey's playing "Who me? I'm just a journalist reporting the facts!" and Nelson's sucking up to Lucci for an interview.

The joke in all this is that now both shows are dead but even now as we stand at the freshly dug graves of both shows, Jamey still wants to play angels and demons. Perhaps his overreaction to Lucci's offhand remark is just his guilt screwing with him. If so, good. He's earned it.

It'll all be over soon.

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