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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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But true believers fight still when the fight is lost. If they first handicapped the situation and determined what their percentage chance of winning was, they wouldn't be campaigning in the first place.

I forget which was the show a few years back that went off the air but the campaign saved it. I want to say it was some sci fi show on SciFi Network.

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If anything, continue to encourage Kennedy Center honoree Oprah to nourish the artistic community by exploring new and interesting ways to produce cost-effective yet quality scripted series and to not rely on reality programming.

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She cared for the genre, but not nearly as much as she cared about her own place in it... particularly when it came to AMC. You mention her likely being crushed by the news, and I agree... but as I mentioned before in this therad, I'd really love to hear - call it morbid curiousity - her response to the news. I think it would show tremendous growth / class for her to praise that the show is ending with Lorraine Broderick at the writing helm (though I won't hold my breath!).

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Yeah, me too. I would love to see what she'd have to say. While I don't expect her gushing for Lorraine Broderick and her ending the show, I would expect her to offer some retrospect. She spent collectively over a decade writing, or co-writing the show.

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LOL! There are no words for the lack of perspective from some on this thread. It makes me shake my head and roll my eyes. Two television shows have been canceled. It is unfortunate that people have been put out of work, but it isn't some kind of world changing event. But then again, don't give them any ideas about marching any where.

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IMO, the people bugging Oprah got out of hand when the report came and stated very clearly that OWN has no plans to pick up AMC and OLTL or any scripted programming. I'm not sure if they also reported that the shows are simply to expensive and reach too little an audience to justify picking them up, but if they did, then that adds even more to the crazy. This is Oprah damn Winfrey. She's not taking business advice from a tiny fraction of her fanbase (and I hesitate to use the word because I'm sure some people out there have had an awakening in the last week where they've become THE biggest Oprah fans...well, until she released that video, at least).

On the other hand, dressing up for soap weddings and drinking champagne after they say "I do" ain't crazy! I've always looked at that as the same as when the Harry Potter people dress up to go watch the movies. Not something I would personally do, but not necessarily cuckoo.

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Maybe cuckoo is too strong of a word to use, but I wouldn't classify it as typical social behaviour. When entertainment begins to mask itself as reality (which I am sorry, Star Trek conventions, dressing up like characters from movies when you go see the movies is making it all a little too real) then I think its safe to label these people as a tad bit eccentric.

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Leave! Me! Alone! I swear I've never done it myself nor would I, but I think it's kinda endearing. We always talk about how a huge part of the appeal of soaps if that they're an escape to another world, if only for an hour. Some people like to go a little further than others. I think it's no crazier than crying when something sad happens.

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