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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Ironically, Shemar Moore would play the light-skinned Black who ultimately "saves" daytime by marrying the abused heroine fixing the network's woes.

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Don't you just love how a former ABC exec says all these things THEY did, it shows us right there where the problem is. EXECS shouldn't run soaps, if they let the Head Writer and Executive Producer do the job they were hired for the genre would have been much better off.

You are right in saying they failed in telling good stories, although thats because those execs were involved too much, we are sometimes

too hard on this or that writer, but in fact, what we see on screen isn't really the full visions of the head writers on our soaps as their visions get screwed up and rewritten by these idiots at the networks who think they know better. I remember writers saying how they loved working for Bridget and Jerry Dobson on SB, breakdown and script writers would get a simple line from Bridget saying "feel free" meaning they as the breakdown or script writer had full creative power in the script, whereas other EP's/HW's would provide lines and lines and lines of instructions. Thats the secret of the great talent like the Dobson's, they had faith in the creative people they hired, there is no faith anymore, no freedom, network execs feel they need to micromanage and they never let the writers and producers have creative control over anything.

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On the one hand, I agree. But, OTOH, I feel like if the writers had stood their collective ground more and not allowed the execs to pummel and bully them into submission, there might've been less bad material stinking up the shows. As it is, I feel like soaps are dying primarily because today's generation of scribes don't have the training or the backbone their forefathers and mothers had. Instead, they're yes-men (and -women), unwilling to rock the proverbial boat, b/c they've allowed their relatively fat(ter) paychecks to make 'em scared of going hungry.

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WASHINGTON (CAP) - President Barack Obama continued to reveal details of his deficit-reduction plan this week, including a controversial provision that would raise taxes on the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans in order to save the recently cancelled ABC soap opera One Life To Live.

"One Life To Live is, uh, part of the cornerstone, the bedrock of American culture," said Obama in a press conference Monday. "How many of us spent lonely afternoons following the adventures of, you know, Bo and Clint Buchanan, and Viki, who suffered from dissociative identity disorder and became Niki, the sexually promiscuous party girl, and Karen and Larry Wolek, who, uh, had control chips implanted in their brains by the evil Dr. Ivan Kipling."

Obama recalled rearranging the rabbit-ears antenna on his small, black-and-white TV set as a youth in order to pick up the soap opera. "It was often very tough to get the signal there in Kenya," he said. "By which I mean, of course, Honolulu."

The budget provision, which would filter funds gleaned from the tax hike directly to ABC-TV in much the same way PBS and National Public Radio receive government funding, has not surprisingly drawn fire from the GOP.

"This type of thing is exactly the reason the country is in the fiscal trouble it's in," said Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), whose own budget plan would drastically slash Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public education, environmental protection, social services and snow plowing, as well as eliminate road repairs on thoroughfares that go by senior centers and homeless shelters.

Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl - who drew fire recently when he said that "well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does" is abortions, when the number is actually 3 percent - also spoke out against Obama's plan.

"Actually, what I had meant to say is the well over 90 percent of what One Life To Live characters do is get abortions," said Kyl. A CAP News study of episodes of the soap opera since its debut in 1968 shows that in this case, Kyl's figure is actually a little low.

And potential Republican presidential contender Sarah Palin, star of Sarah Palin's Alaska, called Obama's One Life To Live plan "redonkulous," saying, "Who wants to watch a big, dysfunctional family of crazies with dumb names say stupid things and go all over the place having babies and silly stuff like that?"

Obama said he remains undeterred, however. "To restore fiscal responsibility, we all need to share in the sacrifice - but we don't have to sacrifice the America we believe in," he said. "That's an America, you know, where Clint Buchanan can go back in time to 1888, or, uh, Viki Buchanan can get trapped in the lost underground city of Eterna and discover she had a long-lost daughter she never knew about because she'd been hypnotized to forget the birth."

Obama did say he was willing to compromise, though, noting that his plan includes no funding to save the also-cancelled All My Children.

"That show is just silly," Obama said.

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