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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I saw that, too. I have to wonder if there really is this great divide between online fans and non-online fans, though. I mean, it's not like being online automatically changes your opinion. On the other hand, I know a lot of people who agree with this or that on message boards because they feel like they "have" to. IDK, it's complicated.

The Fords alone probably wouldn't have made me tune out. My main bone of contention with this show was that I realized that nearly all of the couples I loved in 2008-2009 were trashed by early 2010 and that most of the characters I loved were trashed or shown the door. I couldn't deal with that nonsense. Then to try to turn my head with Corbin Fisher and Frat Pad rejects running the show with their "daddy issues"....that sealed the deal. Had they kept Rachel around and wrote for her, Kyle and Oliver around and wrote for them, didn't ignore and trash Roxy, didn't trash Langston and Markko, didn't trash Charlie and Viki, didn't center the show on poor misunderstood Todd and his harem (which includes his daughters), didn't trash Cole, didn't trash Cris and Layla, and didn't desperately and transparently and basically shoe horn La Zimmer into the show in the form of Echo, I might have been able to deal with the Fords, but all of that added together? No. Way. In. Hell.

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I have to say, before I was on the message boards, my perspective was different. Take GH for example. Yes, I was sick of the mob. But it wasn't until I saw all of these different opinions, ideas, and viewpoints that I really realized how bad it was. I think the non-onliners are in a state of "ignorance is bliss" in many cases.

Until you start talking to other soap viewers, you don't realize how much your opinions are true. At least in my case, I didn't start realizing my frustration with the genre till I discovered the boards, and started re-living the good ole days on Youtube. Talking to people who share your opinions puts things in a whole new perspective.

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lol Yeah he cant act. LOL about the frankenstein face comment....I remember someone use to call his body chicken...with legs.....lol......and yes he is bugged eyed....I've never found him attractive....Yeah what a tool...lol

I liked the old GH...the Felicia and Fresco years...etc..etc......Why they kept Jason Morgan is beyond me..ugh...the guy hogged up all the air of the show.

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I've always thought that, and the proliferation of the internet fandom has in part led to the demise of soap opera as we know it.... not saying we online soap fans intentionally shot them down, but the gun was essentially put in our hands. I mean there is no denying the quality of soaps steadily declined the last 20 years.... but what online has provided is an avenue for EVERY SINGLE character action to be picked apart and analyzed 10 times over. Not saying that's a bad thing, but it definitely is not something that existed pre mid 1990's.

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Not to mention that with the internet, spoilers come out so often. So now before EVERY story, all of us start judging it before it airs. And that puts us at a disadvantage, because many (not all) decide whether or not they will watch/like something before it even airs.

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Cameron is probably a nice guy and made the right connections. The last time I liked him as Ryan was around 2001 or 2002, when he left AMC the first time. Since then he's had zero screen presence, and his face is very rough. I didn't notice until now just how rough it was even when he started at AMC.

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I think he's more suited for hosting. I think Cam is a nice person who is very charsimatic and appealing as an individual. Ive always found Cameron the person much better than his portayal of Ryan Lavery, the character. He should have put acting on the backburner and pursued a hosting gig a long time ago. I can see him on like Extra or something

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