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Is ABC Preparing to Cancel AMC and OLTL?

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If the demos mean anything to ABC..then AMC will get canceled. If not its OLTL getting axed. ATWT was beating AMC/ OLTL in Total Viewers and HHs. Their demos was the reason ATWT was canned and P&G wanted out of the soap business.

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There should be a promo on ABC daytime

Announcer:Which soap gets canceled?

Announcer: You've watched them for years!! OLTL and AMC!! Which one will go??

Rick Hearst: Quick turn on ABC daytime and find out!!

Brian Frons: Hahahahaha...grin smile..fades to black.

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As much as I adored GUIDING LIGHT (next to AMC and KNOTS LANDING, in fact, it's probably my all-time favorite series), even I had to look at their cancellation as more of a mercy killing than anything else. In the past, GL's strongest selling point, aside from its caliber of actors, had been its 70+ years of history, which had remained vital in many of the show's relationships for the longest time. Toward the end, however, it was clear that too much of that history had been lost for good with no hope of retrieving it. Ever.

But AMC - cancelling that show, or OLTL, would be like when CBS finally canceled AS THE WORLD TURNS: less of a mercy killing...and more of a premeditated murder. Yeah, both shows, like ATWT before them, have seen better days, but canceling one or the other - or both - before they really had the opportunity to try and get their viewers back...? Huh-uh.

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AMC fans are like DAYS fans and GH fans (and maybe even Y&R fans): they might "go away" for awhile, but they're never gone for good, especially if they have the right incentive - meaning, juicy story - to return. IMO, they're the opposite of the P&G soaps' fans, who went away and stayed away, whether or not their shows actually improved (if only for awhile).

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Let me clarify:

With the exception of EDGE OF NIGHT, which simply suffered from an idiotic change of timeslots, all the major P&G-produced soaps - ANOTHER WORLD, AS THE WORLD TURNS, GUIDING LIGHT, and SEARCH FOR TOMORROW - lost fans for good b/c of fundamental losses to each show. (Examples include the de-emphasis of Jo as SEARCH's principal heroine in the late '70's and early '80's, and the phasing out of many Hugheses and Stewarts from AS THE WORLD TURNS during the post-Marland period.) For shows like AMC, DAYS and GH, though, it's more a matter of lame-ass stories w/ unpopular performers and characters that could be easily remedied.

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