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Is ABC Preparing to Cancel AMC and OLTL?

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Not that ABC cares about justification.....or common sense.....but I can see ABC making a case for AMC being canceled, even with Lorraine Broderick's hiring. The show's been in the basement in the demos for months now. But OLTL is much harder to justify, especially with it hitting third in the key demo this past week, and Roger Howarth's rehiring, a move that could actually increase ratings. In fact, I'd argue it's bad business to cancel OLTL...or both shows at once, for that matter.

But then....this is ABC we're talking about. So who knows what will happen. :lol:

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Its so funny, I once called TeleNext Daytime when it was still TeleVest back in 2003 to tell them how terrible Weston and Conboy were, and I called a few times and got MADD's assistant, some Kimberly girl, and one day when I called again, MADD herself actually picked up the phone.

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Maybe there won't be, but it makes sense to make an announcement before the Upfronts. Any news of a cancellation, especially if it is AMC, will take a week or two to die down, and ABC will want all questions at the Upfronts to be about their new show(s).

I can't say that a decision won't be made this week, because I remember people slamming Jamey and others who said that AMC would be moving to LA.

For so many years, AMC was much more of a brand than OLTL. Even just two or three years ago nobody would even guess that AMC would be canceled before OLTL. But, the show has truly fallen on hard times, and now has less of an identity than OLTL. AMC has the richer history, but I don't think that matters anymore, especially since there one superstar character, Erica Kane, has been nothing but a prop for almost a decade or more. As sad as it is, it makes more sense to cancel AMC, and give OLTL it's time slot, even if OLTL may not continue beyond 2012. That's hard for me to say, since AMC was the first soap that I watched, and I take pride in being of fan of almost every soap that's been on the air since the 1980's, with the lone exception being OLTL.

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And the thing with Broderick, even though she's really a quality writer, she has never been known to get the ratings up. With AMC, when she was in a position to dictate story, either she was part of a successful regime (1990-1992), or followed a successful stint and either kept the ratings status quo (1987-1989) or caused them to fall (1995-1997). I have to wonder if all this talk about her being bumped to HW just to write the show's remaining months with some dignity is not too far off the mark. Then again, like I've mentioned before, why would ABC all of a sudden be concerned with the show's integrity if they showed no interest thus far. That doesn't make any sense either.

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I wonder which pilot was horrible.. You would think this kind of dish would be discussed!

Anyway, this hiring of Broderick in a multi year deal is a much larger vote of confidence than the rehiring of Roger Howarth.

OLTL will easily be the show cancelled. No doubts left, now that Broderick was hired.

ABC, just make your damn announcement this week. Just want this to be officially OVER.

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