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AMC: Monday, February 28, 2011

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They should really dump Nouri. I'd keep the character, but just recast with a younger, more dynamic actor. Lucci is such a sexy, vibrant woman, and you can tell she's trying her damned best to sell it with this lump of clay, but it's just not working on any level. I know a lot of fans are rather meh regarding Stephen Nichols on Y&R, but I think he would've been ideal to play this part.

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When is it not a snoozefest these days? AMC has become so boring, I actually changed my mind and started doing homework instead. Because, IMO, even reading a dreadful Seamus Heaney translation of a Greek tragedy was more exciting than watching D&D try to generate interest in a show that's about as flat and "over" as anything else in daytime.

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Because he took this job just for money and had no real interest in it, IMO. He's been working so he didn't need it. Maybe they offered him a lot of money and "outs" to do things other than this. Maybe he thought he and SL would have chemistry and realized very quickly they didn't and is tired of trying. I remember during the summer that he was scooped tbat he wanted to be paired with KWAK and was trying to campaign for it. All I know is that he is boring me as much as he is boring himself. Just go already.

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I wonder if ABC's locked into some kind of contract with him where, if they decided to cut him loose, they'd have to buy it out or pay the remaining time on the contract. Anyone know how long a contract he signed and when it's up? Like I said above, the character is viable, esp. in the hands of better HWs, but they need someone more charismatic with at least some degree of sex appeal. I read that Robin Strasser campaigned to get him onto OLTL as her leading man just before he joined AMC. That would've been disastrous as well. If they do cut the character loose, I say bring on A Martinez as head of the Castillo clan and watch the fireworks spark between him and Lucci. And yes, I know his character was named Castillo on SB.

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All that time Kendall spent at the hospital today for yet another pointless (as proven by Griffins test results) check up, she could have been at Fusion with Erica & Bianca venting to them about the letter and talking about Bianca's divorce. We missed out on some great Kane Women scenes today all so we could get more Ricky/Griffin crap. She was out of it for awhile, but now Kendall is back in that bubble where the writers only have her interacting with a few people. It's just Ricky or Griffin she talks to these days, & then the occasional scenes with her BFF's RyLee. I'd really appreciate if we saw her interacting with her family more, as well as her other friends like Opal, Tad, Madison, etc. Her & Cara even started hitting things off before.

I LOVE the way Kendall's hair was styled in this ep!

Natalie Hall was great today, I was impressed. I liked the end with Colby going to her laptop and making a vlog...

Colby & Asher continue to be boring, please get rid of him and bring back Damon, Pete Cortlandt, or Sam Grey. I'm never going to stop saying that.

Caleb makes me sick. I'll never stop saying that either. What a dud him & Asher both turned out to be. 2 dead weight characters whose time was up ages ago, both need to GTFO of PV like pronto.

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ilu! Ha I never thought I'd say this but I want Finn/Damon back or at least a recast of the character very soon. Trent is somewhat cute but that will only get him but so far. He's absolutely horrid in this storyline. I'm so ready for them to be rid of Caleb quick, fast and in a hurry.

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