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15 worse TV Spin Offs


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Baywatch, at least my favorite seasons, was sexy in a more innocent way. I mean, you got David Charvet and Jaason Simmons, Yasmine and Pam in their prime (and later on, Chokachi and Gena Lee in their prime), so it's all hotness personified, but they were less trashy hook-up material and more girlfriend/boyfriend material. They did a good job, believe it or not, defining the characters. When I watch an ep on YT every now and then, Matt Brody still makes me go :wub:

But it's fun, laid-back TV. Saturday afternoons after a day in the sun, turn on the AC, fix yourself a chilled drink, and watch Baywatch. It's funtimes.

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I actually totally agree. It was so white washed that it wasn't even sexy in an elphant in the room way--no wonder it was such a hit in every single country in the world no matter what their moral standards were (or whatever). Trust me, at that age I prob would have happily watched a bunch of pretty people (OK, well men) in swimsuits on tv--but I just couldn't see any appeal in the show. I am a bit sorry I never saw BayWatch Nights especially when it went all supernatural just cuz it sounds like SUCh a trainwreck.

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The Lisa clone was only there in the pilot, but she qas quickly written out. I couldnt stand the Jesse clone, Alex. Leslie was alright as a female cast member but thankfully Kelly was added as the third female

IDA, Baywatch was good up through season 8. I LOVED season 8 when Carmen Elektra was added as Lani. After that though, it went downhill and I didnt even bother with Hawaii

As far as Nights goes, I didnt think it was so bad as a kid but seeing it now as an adult, man was that dreadful

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Baywatch was all about hot shirtless guys in speedos and sexy females in swimsuits with cheesy plot stories.

Saved by the bell ..the college years...was ok....I lost interest in the show pretty quickly. But I agree with whoever said Zach was hotter in the college years.

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I always remember the College Years for the one episode plot about Slater finding his racial heritage (apparently he lost it again), and that cheesy shot of Dustin Diamond in the opening credits, showing his bicep.

I'm standing at the edge of tomorrow...today!!!today!!!today!!!

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At that age I had access to "the good stuff" so I agree in that the sexual draw of the show was a waste of time for *me*, but I can see how the sex factor drew the fans it did. But a girl just standing there speaking sweetly and earnestly about a drowning victim while sporting erect nipples, that's what I'm talking about. The kind of elephant in the room sexiness that doesn't need mood lighting and Red Shoe Diaries sax cues. :P

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