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Y&R: Discussion for the month of January

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The show sees Billy as a Newman. They hate the Abbott family and they Billy as superior to the Abbotts, which is the reason why they've thrown him in one story and pairing after another even as Billy Miller has tanked each of them. That's also why they had the scenes where Billy trashed John, even though Billy had grown up seeing Billy as a loving father.

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Victoria wants a baby that is "theirs", but I don't think she ever said it had to be theirs biologically. She was just talking to Nikki and Nick about the possibility of adoption, but wasn't sure Billy was OK with it. Of course she's going to be heart broken when the truth about this baby comes out, who wouldn't be? My only problem with this story is that Billy and Victoria are to world wise to go down this road. They could easily afford a surrogate, so it makes zero sense that Billy would buy a baby for 2 million dollars.

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Sharon sounded like such an idiot telling Victor that Adam felt bad about what happened to Ashley's baby. That was sick, especially coming out of Sharon's mouth. And honestly, when has Adam felt bad? He's just constantly playing the victim from what I can see. Both characters have become so unappealing for me. I don't understand the popularity or chemistry between Adam and Sharon.

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While I generally don't find the show as heinous as ya'll....

I do find it so disappointing that they screwed Nina's storyline over. They've done absolutely NOTHING to develop anything with Nina/Ronan. There's no bonding. No character establishment. Now he's dying, but no one cares. Because he hasn't connected to anyone on the show. Sure, Nina is worried about him...But she hasn't even had a chance to bond with him? Heather has known him for five minutes? Who else is their to grieve? What emotional impact does this storyline have? It's another cheap plot device to bring Chance back to "Save the day"...F that.

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Thanks for the part about Ronan's dad PJ. I missed that part. It's a shame that they killed off Nina's baby daddy. There could have been plenty of story to tell there.

I figure one reason they don't have Nina and Ronan never bonded was because they weren't sure if Branson was going to stick around and they would rather have the time they do have with him in story with Riegel than Cast. The other being they wanted him to be this tough guy loner.

She did want it to be biological. She told Billy that even though they had Delia and Reed, she wanted to have his baby and she thought that it would have the best of both of them. I understand from a writing standpoint why they aren't going for a surrogacy, because they went this route already with Lily and Cane. It would be nice to see them talk about other options though.

I know it's normal to be upset about losing a child she bonded with, but with Victoria I just don't care. To me it looks like that kid would be nothing more than an accessory to the pathetic Father Knows Best fantasy she has. It's not like with Ashley where I believe she really did love Faith and wanted her to keep the baby. We've already seen Victoria whine and moan for a kid only for her to ignore him after he was born. Plus, I'm just tired of Victoria getting unearned sympathy.

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Ronan is too new/isolated for such a story and I said that from day one. He needed bondings first, especially with Nina. But instead they used the story to put him and Heather together and give ER something to do. I'm not seeing anything interesting about this insta pairing and the focus is just too much on Heather. I do think TC/JB did great in those Nina/Ronan scenes last week but that was needed prior to this story.

What emotional impact does this storyline have? None really but the same is true for all these stories imo. Just plot point after plot point written in a fast food drive-thru type style.

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