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GH: January Discussion Thread

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They need to kill off Spinelli. He's useless and nothing about his mannerisms is remotely interesting or unique. He's a complete waste of space and his continued ass kissing and glorification of Jason and Sonny is revolting. It's a shame because he could have been such an interesting character but asusual Guza took something that had potential and trashed it. He's seriously demented and every time I see him with that doofus look on his face babbling incoherently I want to shoot my tv.

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What's with those god-awful horse teeth? Doesn't she know about veneers & such? Don't they pay her enough to get those things fixed?

It would help if she actually didn't open her ENTIRE MOUTH every time she talked...err...yelled. Does she ever just STFU?

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And just an observation, not an LW dig -- although, it helps that it's her -- but it seemed like she kept forgetting her lines in this scene. Like there were three distinct times she would pause awkwardly as if she was trying to remember what came next. I recognize the stall because it's happened to me before while doing plays and such, so she and I bond on that and only that. NOW it's time for the dig: It's as if she was too busy concentrating on screeching and screaming that she'd get too caught up to remember what she was actually supposed to be screeching. As if to say "If I make it loud and ear splitting, no one will notice I'm flying by the seat of my pants in this scene!"

It doesn't help that Karen Harris writes the most uninteresting dialogue. :wub: I LOVE YOU BELLCURVE! :wub:

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Watching these old episodes is sad:

Carly used to be tolerable and had nice teeth, and could act

Jason used to be tolerable, and was hot

Sonny used to be tolerable, and was hot

Brenda's face was bearable to look at and she didn't cackle after every sentence.

This is why I hate old episodes, it reminds us of how much we have lost.

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