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GH: January Discussion Thread

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I think its pretty obvious she is. Carly getting her face did the trick.

How long before they kill off the new doctor. This show tends to kill off every black male they bring on. Justus, Stan, Trent, Dr. Ford, bus driver. Considering he's working for Lisa and trying to mess with Scrubs, I dont see him having much of a future

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Exactly! Which is why she and her supporters can continue dreaming about her getting an Emmy. You'd have to be deaf and blind to miss the fact that this woman has been on for five years, and the writers have yet to believe enough in her to give her a substantial storyline. What person in their right mind would want to sit through 2 reels of back to back scenes of this woman shrieking, bitching, snarling, head rolling, hoof clomping and spewing completely unlikable venom at every character in town and say "Here's an award to give you an excuse to do more of that!!"?

It's like every damn day, it's the same thing. She gallops from scene to scene, bitching someone out, and gallops off with that horrendous mane and self satisfied look on her face. And, invariably, who ever she's bitching at in the scene, spends most of their time :rolleyes: until she's finished.

P.S. I loved how Carolyn Hennessy chewed her up and spit her out in their scenes last week.

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I loved it the other week when Sam, Michael, Abby, Sonny and Jason all shut her down back to back

I loved it. Carly was foaming at the mouth with her gossip about Dante and Brenda and Diane responded by laughing at her. Not with her but AT her...LOL
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Just how many people did Brenda shoot and then get Dante to hide the bodies? Am confused. She's talking about Anton, then Aleksander and I'm :wacko:

This Brenda return is disappointing me on so many levels. I'm a fan but it is all so lacklustre. Can't believe I am saying this but Maurice is the only one sort-of bringing it compared with everybody else's stuporific participation. Also daniel Benzali is struggling to play this like Shakespeare. Vanessa... sigh. She is whispering like she has a sore throat and it is driving me nuts.

By contrast, Laura Wright would benefit from whispering lessons.

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Ugh! Claire Bertinelli. <_< I don't remember that, either. However, I'm grossed out by how perfectly okay she is with pretty much ruining her career over Sonny. "I've been demoted from a high level position with the government, and now I'm picking up scraps at a local law firm. Tee hee! Que sara, sara!"

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I wonder if LW knows she's the luckiest woman in daytime..Not because of her lack of talent, but because she landed a role on a show that will put her on day in and day out and she doesn't have to act AT all..Not only was this role once considered a huge oppurtunity for an actress but the writers literally have watered down the role and catered to her only abilities while ignoring what made the character actually interesting at one point.

And god why won't MB take a Tony Geary-esque vacation like yesterday. It's clear the man doesn't care anymore....I mean he couldn't even be bothered to remember his lines for the big Brenda proposal and did some of the worst teleprompter acting I've ever seen...Surely being front burner for all these years means the man has enough money to take a break...

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Oh God. They really need to put the kibosh on this Molly storyline. Just explain it away by having Molly get two periods in a month or something.

Y'all thought I was joking? Carolyn Hennessy's been pimping that on her Twitter for awhile. :lol:

But yeah, <_< .

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No, she doesn't. Her Soap Talk interview (which has mysteriously vanished from the internet) is proof of that -- and what also began my parallel dislike for both character and actress. I hated her version of Carly pretty much from the start: "COME ON, ROBINNNNNNNN! COME ONNNNNNNN!" but it wasn't until that horribly cocky ST interview where she said: "I had no doubt I'd go in there and kick ass!" that made me think "God, this woman is delusional." She regaled Lipsa Rinna and Ty Treadway with stories of how Tony Geary just loves her and how she was trying to figure out how to play the flashback scene at Rose Lawn originally done with Bransford and Maurice came over and said "you got it!" (Which, clearly he was being generous, because she sooo did NOT get it, and MB didn't nearly invest as much as he did in the Bransford version). She truly thinks that her lack of talent and her limited skills earned her this role.

That's easy. His ego won't let him. The last thing he needs to do is give any and everyone involved with the show proof that the show CAN survive without his mumbling, stumbling, stammering and laziness for six weeks. That's why whenever he does go on vacation, Sonny's absence is barely noticed, because he pre-tapes a shitload of scenes to be rolled in to episodes taped on his vacation.

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