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Basketball Wives on VH1


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I feel the same way. I feel like Shaunie/Tami/Ev are making me having to side with that vile, nasty Jackie and I don't want to. 


If they wanted to do an LA v. Miami season, then they should've evened the sides. It is so boring allowing Shaunie and her crew stacking the odds against the LA women with all these pointless ass newbies.

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Oh plz. She didn't force Brandi on them. VH1 did and Shaunie, who loves to lord that vanity EP title around, knew that girl was coming to Palm Springs beforehand. Plus, everyone knows that Shaunie's EP title is nothing. She has no say so in casting matters. Royce spilled that tea years ago. 


These chicks kill me acting like they didn't know Brandi wasn't coming. If they didn't cast all these flops this season, VH1 wouldn't've had to call back Malaysia and Brandi midseason to save this flop season.

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I agree with some of what you're saying. The show SUCKED when the season began. Too many newbies, rehashing the Evelyn/Tami feud which ended years before the original BW did and nothing was really clicking. They saw that and made changes which is smart. For me at least, BJ is the only newbie who seems tv ready and has anything to offer. Yes she's different from the others, but that's needed. Cristen is boring as hell, but he story is getting interesting so I can justify them keeping her around. Malaysia I feel still has story, but what does Brandi really have to offer? I don't think the show is hurting because she isn't there. I would've brought back both Angel's before I'd consider bringing her back this year.


The preview for the second half of the season looks a lot better. Malaysia looks like she's going to be back in the mix, Jennifer is back and Evelyn is back to her old self. I think considering where the season started it looks good.

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I don't think Bonnie has anything to offer. I could give a damn about her not wanting kids and referring to her 'fur babies' as such. It's boring. Outside of that, her time consists of her kissing the Miami 3 asses. She's a dud casting choice just like the other newbies. 


I think Brandi had tons to offer. Her dynamic with the group, her marriage which is in peril... Much more than a lot of the other women could offer. IMO, I wish that Malaysia and Brandi were given a spinoff in ATL seeing as that is where Malaysia is based now. I'd rather watch that. 

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I'm not familiar with anything prior to this show but I love Tami and her new alliance with Evelyn is great to watch. Shaunie is a non entity along for the ride. 


I don't ask for much, but to have someone beat the crap out of Jackie would make my day, and be the payoff I need for watching this show!  


Malaysia's biggest fan is Malaysia and she's annoying!  I like Brandy but you can't call people bullies and ridiculous when you don't have to hang around them. Malaysia believes she's important enough to these people to force Brandy on them. She's wrong!  



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I was looking on the show's wiki and they have a sh-t ton of extras this year


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Cristen seems to be the only one that has stuck and could be a main chick, but her style sucks. That Keonna and her feud with Elena fizzled out as soon as it started and I dont even recall who Melissa is


Its hilarious how true that is. Shaunie joiend LA and stealth brought the Miami girls on to the point where they had to drop LA and advertise this as season 6 of the original Basketball Wives.  I only wish Royce was back but I know they dont f--k with her

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Tami and Royce are still close. They did an event together a few months back. If I am not mistaken, I think Jen and Royce made up. However, Royce will never be cool with Shaunie or Ev. It was Royce who busted Shaunie on her EP title, and how it is a vanity title at most. Shaunie swore that she had a hand in 'firing' Royce, which was false. Royce and VH1 decided to break ties, and really it was Royce who wanted out. VH1 wanted to keep her b/c she's pleasant to work with and popular with the audience, but Royce said she hated the direction the show went in. 


I do wish that Royce would just pop in b/c her presence alone would shake Ev and Shaunie to the core. 

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Team Jackie! Cant beleive Im saying that bc I dont like her but I get what she's saying. She wasnt coming for BJ. BJ is the one that backstabbed and came for her so she defended herself. Id feel a certain type of way too if this bitch was just on a double date with me and my husband 2 days ago only to turn and talk sh-t about me to the old girls so she could fit in. I also hate how everyone is treating BJ with kid gloves and acting like she's so pure and innocent bc she wants to save the dogs. F-ck her. She looks like a dog


Shaunie's messy ass knew damn well what she was doing when she invited Jackie to the event


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And the big instigator here is Evelyn. This does not involve her so I dont like how she is inserting herself and causing even more drama. But she gonna claim that she changed. Im ready for Jackie to come for her later in the season

Why is it that every reality show gotta do an Escape Room? Im tired of it. Get an original scene

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Evelyn, whip her ass!  I loathe Jackie so much I want one of these ladies to lose their job and go to jail for beating the chit out of her.  She's trash and will put on a show to distract you.  The only person on any of these reality shows who needs to be held back from doing absolutely NOTHING!  HATE HER!!!!!

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