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GH: December Discussion Thread

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Finally they start talking about the baby. Looks like my theory may be true with Brenda having Alexander's baby and giving it up for adoption, preusmably to protect it from the Balkan. I was wondering for a minute there if she had a miscarriage but it looks like she had the kid

She's like one of the worst character in daytime today





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Also, I'm wondering if the baby is Dante's.

I mean, when Brook was first coming on everyone thought that it was gonna turn out that they had some big shocking past and maybe she even had his baby and aborted/gave it up for adoption. And then, they weakened theiir connection to each other and dropped the story.

So I wonder if they WERE gonna go there with brook, but decided to drop that and give it to Brenda, once she agreed to come back.

I personally would have rather seen it with Brook. Brenda/Dante is lame and creepy. Brook/Dante actually had chem.

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I never thought Dante and Brooke had a child. I always thought they were childhood friends and I didnt recall the show ever hinting at anything more when she first joined.

I initially thought Dante was the father but after hearing moreabot their history, I doubt it. Based on the flashbacks, it appears that she might have been pregnant by the time they met.

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BRAX wub.gif

I'm sick of Brenda's weak ass always wanting to go on walks. She has to take one every single day or else she can't breath. Tired of her and her fragile, feeble brain. I hate how GH is writing her, all scared to go on the stand because she thinks she'll implicate Dante. I am really dreading this trial, I don't even remember any of this formulating. WTH is the point of all of this?? sad.gif

I think Brenda had Alexander's baby, to. But part of me thinks it's Dante's.

I was just waiting for someone to come in that room and tranquilize Carly, man she was out of control ! angry.gif

Thank you Balkin for having Jerry shot but I doubt he's really dead, even though he fell into the ocean. The man never dies e8099.gif

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For the first time in, idk, 5 years, I am 100% on Carly's side.

Dante is a two faced lying hypocrite. He's allowed to cover up murders when it's convenient for him but he wants to be on a moral high ground when it doesn't suit him? Carly's 100% right and I hope she goes after him harder than ever.

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Zzzzzz! Carly's 100% wrong. People are still forgetting one, crucial fact. Michael wanted to confess. Even Dante didn't believe him at first, figuring he was just trying to cover for Sonny. Dante didn't turn Michael in out of spite or malice with the intentions of destroying Michael. Michael even willingly gave Dante the evidence that proved he was at the murder scene. Michael even spoke to Carly on the phone himself and purposely didn't tell her where he was. The person to "blame" for most of this, who somehow escaped any responsibility as if they weren't even involved, is Lucky. If Dante's evil for not looking the other way after Michael confessed to him and handed him evidence to back it up, then Lucky is just as evil for searching out Michael, finding him, refusing to let Jason take him out of the country and basically delivering Michael to the PCPD with bow.

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I don't think Lucky did anything wrong. He did his job, yes, but he also DELIBERATELY didn't Mirandize Michael, meaning anything Michael told Lucky was null and void. So Lucky balanced it. He did what was "right" by law but he also did right by his family. More than Dante or Lulu can say.

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You know I was surprisingly on Carly's side when she was ripping into Brenda about all of this but right after she left she told Jason that fine she wont go after Dante for covering up the murder now but she is still going to try and prove he slept with Brenda. WTF? She lost ALL credibility with me when she went there. After what she just learned, she is STILL focusing on exposing some past affair which has NOTHING to do with Sonny considering he wasnt in Brenda's life at that time nor did anyone know he was Dante's father. She is too damn immature and cant be taken seriously

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