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GH: December Discussion Thread

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I am kind of glad someone made that point about Liz. I mean she is still under 30 and single with three kids from three daddy's. Nothing wrong with that of course but it would be realistic if she is worried about how people that date her may react to her having three kids.

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"...if you were a character on The Jerry Springer show".

GH, there is no diplomatic way to say this, is the soap starring almost all white trash. From Liz and her army of babies with no fathers, to Sam and her prison boyfriend she sneaks into prison for sex, Georgie getting married at 16, Lulu pregnant at 16, no one ever goes to college, no one ever graduates High School. No one ever has a vocabulary that implies they perhaps even read a book once in their lives except Ethan. The Prince is a shlock, the local goombah mob boss has more hair product than the cast of Jersey Shore, and periodically someone shows up wearing a gold chain Tony Manero would love.

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Everyone on the show has money to burn -- if the show actually had people struggling then it would be more dramatic, but instead money goes around so much the closest you get to a poverty story is Liz losing her kids trust fund through a bad investment (was that story dropped?).

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and these are just the kids that lived. She's had miscarriages with different fathers than the ones she has now

well we did have a couple of years of Lucky and Liz being poor and struggling to make ends meet with no insurance. GH really beat it over the head that those two had money issues and werent upper class like the rest of the citizens

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I don't recall Mona Kane being upper class. She was a single mother working as a secretary. Joe Martin was a doctor. I think the thing with Joe Martin was he spoke as if he had a full command of English and he had manners. In contrast, you look at what goes on on GH today where Jason walks around with 5,000 in his pocket at any given time ready to bribe and show it to anyone who will be impressed, grunting a word here and there. Next to him is his GED dropout girlfriend whose only career appears to have been marrying husbands for their money. Their friend Carly is another drop out who has no skills beside marrying money, and she walks around like Victoria Gotti with a neon sign that says "I have money!", and of course Joe Martin is going to look like he went to Eton and Oxford in comparison.

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I agree with most of that, except Carly has an education doesn't she? Wasn't she a phsycial therapist when she came to town? That's at least some sort of education right there.

Also, it's a shame. Maxie/Brook/Georgie/Lulu...They were all in HS, going to college. But they seemingly made Maxie a dropout. Brook is a dropout. Georgie, the one with REAL aspirations, was unneccessarily slaughtered. And the only one who ever made it to college is Dillon, but he's gone.

There really isn't ONE young generation character who went to college. I mean Liz did, technically, though it was kind of a blink and you miss it soap opera school, where she was just one day a nurse.

But all of the 20-somethings are uneducated dropouts who just happened to (unrealistically) land these fabulous jobs.

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