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I can not properly express my gratitude and happiness to J's Classic TV and YRfan23...I'm going to make a cup of tea, cuddle up under a blanket on this cool fall day, and cue up this vintage YR... life is good... 

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The mention of Matt in the episode has me thinking of a few things. The original Victor backstory as written by Bill Bell had Albert abandoning a pregnant Cora and young Victor, and Cora was left poor and unable to take care of Victor thus she placed him in the orphanage on a Christmas night and later that night Matt was born. Later Albert returned to Cora and then passed away (we saw Cora visiting Albert's grave and the headstone had death year 1962; it was rewritten in 2003 that Albert faked his death). When Nikki found Cora, there was a mention by Cora that Matt left years earlier. When Matt arrived in 1985, was there any mention by Matt of being raised by Cora and Albert? Also with Matt's story arc in 1985-1987 I wonder if he was brought on to be a Jack replacement in the Jack/Nikki/Victor/Ashley quad in case Terry Lester left for primetime.

Edited by kalbir
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Five minutes in, and Danny's already "fragmented" Traci -- "There's a part of you that still loves Tim Sullivan!", and Jill has already launched into the famous "making INROADS with my husband" spiel.  (We used to call Dina Mergeron "Ole Inroad Dina".)  I swear, they wrote this dialogue in their sleep 

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Kinda felt that way…. Matt was a bad boy when he debuted, right around when TL quit in summer ‘85. But then TL agreed to come back a couple months later, making Matt redundant. Matt morphed into a generic Dudley do right and around summer ‘86, after Jack went to jail and broke up with Nikki, the show half-heartedly added Matt back into the quad, but that soon faded. I’m really surprised Matt lasted as long as Sept ‘87

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It was another solid fun episode overall (minus Danny and Lauren’s singing…haha) even from the few scenes I’ve seen of Danny and LIllibets Patty, I can definitely notice the more natural chemistry he had with her compared to Andrea Evans.

The Victor/Cora scenes really got to me. It’s nice to see a vulnerable Victor in denial about his mothers illness, and thinking she’s gonna live longer then expected. I liked the seeds being planted for Matt’s arrival, although I wonder if they could have just brought him on now while the Cora story was going on?

man, after that kiss Dina laid on John, I don’t blame Jill for being insecure. John didn’t seem like he totally rejected it either.

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Poor Andrea Evans... having to sit through that loooong song... gazing into Danny's eyes, and then looking down, and then back up again... and repeat 

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 That song "Never gonna let you go" is another Sergio Mendes song, just like "Alibis" - maybe Sergio is a YR fan

There's clipped Vault scenes from perhaps the following ep, when a dejected Traci informed Danny that she is actually not getting back with Tim. Ouch that had to be a tough thing for Danny to tell Patty.

I was annoyed with Nikki for not honoring Cora's wish to be moved to a hospital... but I have to remember that Nikki is still pretty immature at this point despite being a newly-married glamorous socialite.

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Everything Danny did in that episode was fairly dumb.  Traci tells him, "I'm going to visit Serial Cheater Tim and see if there's a 2% chance he still wants me!", and Danny immediately goes running to Faux Patty and gets her hopes up that she can become Mrs. Rock On, without even waiting to see how it went with Tim, while Lauren serves as Head Cheerleader with another "sizzling" cover from her Sergio Mendes repertoire.  

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I started the 1986 episodes and have worked myself up to episode 3396. (July 1986) 

I can’t believe they got Susan Seaforth Hayes from Days and didn’t really used her properly from January until July. That’s quiet a disgrace tbh.

But at least the other storys are great 

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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I like to to think that this was a mature Nikki believing that Cora really would be more comfortable at home and seeing through Cora just trying to not be any trouble.


I guess now we have more context for why Traci cried in the other recent episode!


It was interesting how she recognized that Tim was following the same playbook with that girl that he did with Traci... exactly like Brad with Lisa and then Traci.

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