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Y&R: Old Articles

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I really like the letters from Miss Alden to Bill Bell, and from Bill Bell to Miss Alden (especially his kind but somewhat patronizing use of "honey" to address her, and offering her a position as his "girl Friday" provided of course she can take shorthand, lol.)

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I love this stuff @allmc2008 Thank you so much for sharing. 

I am surprised she loved working with Jack Smith. I still blame him for ruining the show (for me anyway)

Some things I would love to know

Has she ever talked about what happened with Brenda D?

Did Bill Bell consider her a co-HW as far back as the 70's or was that just what she was unofficially? Did they even have official titles for the writers in-house? 

Was Terry Lester right in saying Sally Sussman was largely responsible for the Abbott storyline push in the 80's?


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Oh, I know.  Seems very southern.  (We're all "honey" down here.)  I saw an outline posted here a while back that he'd written for Miss Alden's predecessor (Kay Lennard) in which he instructed her, "Honey, let's focus on the Brooks family today."  

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On German Free-TV only the full years 1986-1987 were shown. It then moved to Pay-TV for the following 1988-1989 episodes. On another Pay TV channel the Y&R then returned with episodes starting September 1995 until Fall 1997. Most of these episodes were never re-broadcast. The episodes in the Vault are from a (rare) rerun cycle.

Y&R made a surprise comeback to broadcast television in conjunction with B&B with Sheila's 2005 return. It was cancelled after 100 episodes, though.


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