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Thanks for sharing that 1996 episode btw! That Ryan and Cole fight opening was hilarious! Can't believe that jerk Ryan overreacted that way about Cole and Nina while all the while he was enjoying stolen kisses from Victoria. 


IIRC @YRfan23 and @DRW50 Hope came back to Genoa City after Cliff died and largely enjoyed Victor's companionship but didn't want to get close to him again in spite that fact she still love him. She later on developed feelings for Kurt Costner and the two dated after Kurt and Ashley broke up. All the while she remained close with Victor and had even made the decision to finally tell the young Victor Jr/Adam that Victor was his father but when she learned that Victor had married Diane without telling her first she decided against as she felt it was a major betrayal to their friendship. She decided to go back to Kansas and ask to Kurt to join her which he agreed too and I believe Kurt and Hope made their final appearance on the August 22, 1997 episode leaving town together. 


I don't know if it was Coleman's choice to leave or not but it would have been nice if better storylines had been developed for Hope to stick around town and at least Coleman would been spared from GL the following year(Coleman if I recall right said she was lied when she straight out asked if her Terri character was going be an Annie recast). 


John and Jill at this point I don't think were married but just living together or just still married for the sake of raising Billy together. Jill was sleeping around with John Silva and connecting with Keith Dennison at the same time and almost skipped Christmas with the Abbotts to go on a ski trip with John Silva but decided to stay with Billy at the last moment. After Christmas I believed Jill moved out of the Abbott mansion permanently and by February was dating Keith and meeting Tricia and Megan for the first time during a lousy dinner.  In the same token it was March or so that John Abbott took off with Billy to NYC to live with Traci and stayed there for most of '97. 


The show was in a very transitional, tired period after the explosive summer of '96 ended and it wouldn't be until May that the show regained momentum. I think the biggest story to occur was probably the traumatic birth of Noah even that was dragged out over a LONG period of time. 




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The first half of 97 is a drag but by the time Heather returns Y&R slowly begins to sort itself out.


But it doesn't really begin to build serious momentum again until Sarah shoots Josh & Nikki.


That literally sets nearly everything that happens (to varying degrees) for the next 6 or 7 years into motion.

Edited by DeeeDee
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BTW here's the weekly recap of Y&R for December 16th-20th 1996 that appeared in Candace Havens' Soap Talk: 



Danny moved in with Phyllis. Nina arrived at Cole's house, where she saw him in bed with Victoria. Ashley wanted to help Kurt. He didn't want her help. Neil put his foot down about Dru's modeling endeavors. Nina and Ryan slept together, but Nina regretted it. Victor asked Kurt to stay at Victor's place and keep an eye on Hope and Victor Jr. while Victor was out of town. Nina was fired. Victor told Jack that there was no way Jack would acquire the new business, but Jack refused to give up. Ryan got a big break in his career that required him to leave Genoa City, but Nina didn't want to go with him.




Edited by soapfan770
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I wonder if Coleman was contract or recurring then....it's interesting how she remained on the show that long after, and only came back for minor cameos before they killed her off in 2008 with the intro of adult Adam in the Form of Chris Engen...and  how odd that only 3-4 years ago they actually brought back the Kurt character as the doctor who treated Nikki for her MS, yet they never bought up any of his past connections to any of the characters....Like they were going for the Jack McClane situation on B&B now...

It's strange and kind of sad how this was probably the last year Jill lived in that Abbott house, and then was pushed into the  Keith/Tricia/Megan stuff....Didn't they also try to set John and Katherine up towards the end of 1996/1997? It was indeed a very strange time period, and I can see why Alden becoming full time HW Mid 1998 really set things into shape...


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Yes, as Jeanne Cooper joked about at the time. (having no story) I remember reading about his intro and how he was shown swinging an axe, and so forth, making viewers wonder if he was dangerous. It did seem like he was more for Katherine's story early on. I don't know if that was always just planned for the intro and he was always supposed to be for Ashley (or Ashley and Hope). I didn't get the impression when watching sporadically at that time that they had any great idea where to take him. 


Does anyone have the episode from around this point where Cole and Ryan smash up Nina's living room? (I would have thought this was it but I guess there was another one) Someone asked me for it. 


I remember watching vaguely during this period but I was so disappointed at the time by where they'd taken Nina and Victoria that it was difficult to bother. 


I do remember that unintentionally hilarious story where Ashley went walking in the woods in the middle of the night and got the [!@#$%^&*] beat out of her, leading to various scenes of John saying, essentially, "What kind of a world is it where you can't go walking in the woods?" Genoa City must have been a very, very safe place if women had been wandering around the woods in the middle of the night for years up to that point. 

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I think if Keith Dennison had been a played by much better actor the Dennison's probably would have stuck around longer. That and if Tricia had remained a Phyllis or Leanna Love type of crazy as opposed to Veronica Landers type of crazy.


Kurt lived at the Chancellor mansion too lol. 



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I thought so. I also thought we'd be seeing Scotty too. Maybe we will. Both should be on the canvas. How Kevin has lasted all these years when it should have been Scotty. And I hope they keep using Beth Maitland and she's not just trotted out for holidays.


Beth Maitland and Tricia Cast (and Tonya Lee Williams) would be one of my very first calls to beg to come back if I were in charge of the show.


Wow, fantastic quality!

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