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You're very welcome :) Hard to believe these episodes are a decade old. I hardly remember anything since then nowadays.

Merry Christmas to you too :) I'm glad I found that channel actually, they post a lot of Brenda Dickson clips on there. Speaking of that, I have to thank you again for all the effort, it's great being able to see anything Y&R-related before 1987. I'm glad to finally be able to see some more of Deborah Adair as Jill.

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Yeah that channel mostly provides scenes with Brenda Dickson as Jill, as well as Sheila clips from Y&R/B&B....I hope most of them are still on there as some could have been deleted....

I'm glad I was able to share those montages of scenes from the early/mid 80's It's really cool to see all of that stuff, but I just wish there were more consecutive full episodes around from that time, instead of just the edits we get, though they are better then nothing...haha

in regards to Victor in that one clip, if they decided to tell one more evil clone story with Victor this time, I will probably buy it if that would explain the reason he's so unsufferable now.....that's just not Victor we are watching now, compared to 1984...


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A lot of the Sheila clips seem to come and go. I'm guessing they privatise them every now and again just to be safe. I thought those dungeon clips had been deleted.


haha One day maybe. I'm not holding my breath though. Even if they had a 'Best of' release, I can just see them pulling the same trick they did with B&B and releasing nothing below like 2006.


I have to admit, seeing EB giving EB hell somehow seems more tolerable than that Marco crap. I have to give CP credit, I didn't think anybody could make me hate a doppelgänger storyline more than LML did with Sheila, but he pulled it off.

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Yeah, I luckily went back and now saved some clips I thought were gone, that you had saved like the full lab fight scenes and the Y&R 1995 Sheila and Lauren scenes before the Jacuzzi fight........

I know someone out there has those full episodes......LOL I mean we did wait forever it seemed just to even get early 90's episodes on here, so I'm sure one day we will hit the jackpot and get earlier dates too, at least I hope..

you have to remember that in 2003 when they had Victor dream of meeting his father before George Kennedy played him, it was Braeden playing Victor's father which is the closest to a Braeden giving Braeden hell scene that we had.....I'm sure if they ever did the clone thing it would be more fun watching the REAL Victor give the false Victor hell,especially if they had the real Victor speak for the audience in a sense and blast the clone for all the "non-Victor" things he's done the last few years...haha 


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The jacuzzi did actually end up resurfacing on YT recently, but the exchanges between Lauren and Sheila both before and after the fight have been cut out completely. I went looking for HT's final scene as Victoria just before, that's gone unfortunately. And I'm still waiting for the clip where Sheila nearly drowns Stephanie in the pool to resurface too.


I would buy an EB double just to see what hell Victor could be put through. It'd be the best kind of karma too for the guy that's unleashed three doubles on GC in the last six years.

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This is a crazy set of clips! Thank you so much for posting these! Some things for me that sprung to mind when watching (and also some questions that popped up):

  • All the stuff with Eve Howard! I had no idea Julia Newman was involved in this as well! Quick few questions... What was going on with Victor's supposed "death" in those clips? Was he faking it for some reason? I loved that confrontation between Nikki and Eve - that was pure soap.
  • Lorie Brooks and Vanessa Prentiss! And the courtroom scenes! So full on! Poor Lucas though :( Was Lance still on at this stage?
  • On a related note, a farewell scene between Stuart and Leslie. Was this Leslie's final farewell from Y&R?
  • The scenes with Jill and little Phillip - you could see the seeds being sown already for all the late 80s stuff with him, Cricket and Nina. Sounds like Phillip already hated his mother a great deal even as a young kid. It was implied that Jill had had a few boyfriends prior to that - was that actually the case? As an aside, very bizarre seeing Deborah Adair playing Jill here - quite understated, very human in fact (compared to what we would later see in the compilation with Brenda Dickson).
  • Still on Jill for a moment - what was the story behind her and Stuart Brooks?? And also really fascinating to compare 70s Brenda with 80s Brenda in those clips?
  • All the scenes with Dina, particularly against Brenda Jill. But the stuff that really stood out for me here was Dina and Ashley. Geez, Ashley HATED her mother with a passion, particularly that hospital room scene (I'm guessing Tracy was in the bed? What was the story there?)
  • I also had no idea that Danny Romalotti was even on back in those days - and in storyline with Patti Williams?? I must admit I had a big WTF moment when I saw that clip with Michael Damian and Andrea Evans.
  • I gather it was Andrea's Patti that shot Jack. But it looked like it was a different Patti that married Jack in the first place (and was that Danny looking on wistfully in the crowd during the wedding ceremony)?
  • Speaking of wedding ceremonies, lovely to see snippets of Victor/Nikki #1. Side question: had Ashley become involved with the storyline by that stage?
  • Nikki cradling Victoria after she fell down the stairs - so sad! And with Jack coming to the rescue afterwards!
  • And lastly, Jill's car accident and Jack coming to her rescue - was that the lead up to THE hook-up scene with the Lindsay Wells photo and ensuing Katherine blackmail?

Once again, a mega thank you for all these clips! Amazing to watch :)

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Thanks! yeah these scenes were posted a year ago and I think had to be reposted because of copyright stuff, the second clip is from April 8, 1992 cause I just got the episode with those scenes....I got April 7 92  too, where Sheila gets the birthmark removed, but none of those scenes are posted....I will eventually get to posting those 2 shows! :)

The dates range from March 17-April 15, 92 I think....They are basically the entire build up scenes to the lab fight and farmhouse.

Your welcome! :) I was happy to see these clips included with my new dvds, I still have one more to post which is mostly more scenes of 1983-1984 involving more of the early parts of the Jack/Jill affair story....which was great to see as a while the 1985-1986 stuff dealing from Jill and John's divorce and the build up and aftermath of Jill getting shot was posted.

It's funny cause of the Eve/Julia,Victor,Nikki scenes are already on youtube (I think posted from that same montage) but this is the most of Deborah Adair Jill I have scene.....I didn't even know they had brought a young Phillip back so he could meet his mother's new husband.....In the next set of clips is a scene where BD Jill calls a slightly older Phillip wanting him to come home for Christmas but he refuses....It was a sad scene yet understanding as you could see Jill clearly did not want her own son around during that time...

I do believe that was Leslie's final scene which was a surprise to see! I think I read that she was the last Brooks sister to leave the show that time, though Stuart still stuck around a little after the show's 10th anniversary....

I always have that same thought about Danny, that I can't believe he was on that many years.....

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Yep it was Tammy Taylor from around Apr 1980 - Jul 1980 (approx) then Lilibet Stern Dec 1980 - Jun 1983 then Andrea Evans from around Jun 1983 - Nov 1984. Not sure the exact switch from Tammy to Lilibet, may have been less of a gap, but in synopsis Patty isn't mentioned for a few months, though she may have appeared.

Edited by will81
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I remember reading that during the Stu/Jill marriage in 1979, Jill decided they would have Greg and Nikki's wedding the Brooks home so she could rub her marriage to Stu in her mother Liz's face. Stu & Liz were in love, but Jill seduced him and faked pregnancy to trap him into marriage so she would have financial security.

I wish the complete Greg & Nikki wedding episode would surface. I have seen clips of it and the reception where everyone is drinking champagne. I wonder what everyone thought when Nikki walked down the stairs in that white wedding gown that Chris loaned her ? I bet they could hardly keep a straight face. Nikki wore white again for her Victor's 1984 nuptials.....LOL

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Deborah Adair was great as Jill.She was abridge between the more naive Jill of Brenda (even when  Brenda's Jill was seducing/tricking Stu into marriage,you got a sense of her desperation and had some sympathy for her) and Brenda's later return as uber bitch.

It was interesting when Deborah returned for a week or so during one of Brenda's  ' illnesses' and had to play Jill's divorce from John,She immediately brought more depth to the character.

I think Bill Bell was happy with Deborah and when Brenda came back something about her take on the role had him write the character to suit her performance.

As soon as Jess took over Jill began to change again.

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Did Deborah leave on her own or did they fire her in favor of Brenda returning? She seemed to play more of a "mature" Jill compared to Brenda and even some of Jess, though I liked from what I saw in the clips they still kept some of  the spunk Brenda (and later Jess) kept with her. I loved watching that scene of her rubbing it in Katherine's face that she was now a rich woman and wasn't intimidated by her anymore.....that seemed to really declare what the remainder of the Jill/Kay feud would be about in years to come...


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All the Abbott kids took Dina's absence really hard but Dina's abandonment was particularly tough on Ashley because when Dina left Ashley was JUST old enough to really miss her AND because it nearly destroyed John.


Brenda's second run had had a lot of problems.


She was NOT happy about Jill's divorce from John nor was she thrilled about being part of an ensemble (both of which affected her on screen performance).


Those two issues coupled with Y&R wanting Jill to be their version of Alexis Carrington effectively killed Jill as a character until Jess arrived.

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